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Everything posted by sti65

  1. Hi Lin, Dave G Thank you both for your input. Lin I downloaded your example but the some images are missing. Dave G, I will have a go at your suggestion, Thanks again for your help. Charlie
  2. Hi Colin I enjoyed your slideshow very much and the music went well, I will keep this one. Charlie.
  3. Hi Dave G Thanks for your comment, but how would you do it? Charlie
  4. Hi all Another attempt at a wire frame. I would like Lin, Dave G,and Tom, to come up with another brain teaser. Charlie rings05_Aug14-2012_17-19-11.zip
  5. Hi All I put my wire frame in the wrong place sorry about that I hope this one is correct. Charlie Square_Jul27-2012_16-22-34.zip
  6. Hi all My attempt at a wire frame. My thanks to Lin and Dave gee for there help. Charlie Project13_Jul25-2012_22-05-53.zip
  7. Hi Lin ad Dave I got the hang of the wire frame but what I have just seen it is way above my head. Charlie
  8. Hi all Lin thanks for your help. To cut a long story short I uninstalled P2E and then reinstalled it,then went through the same procedure and it worked fine . Charlie
  9. Hi Lin I have come to the conclusion that I am as thick as two short blanks have a look at the zip file Charlie Lin's zip.zip
  10. Hi Lin Thank you for the interest. I eventually replied to Tom after many goes. In my project I put in the circle then I hold down the shift key then I click on what I call the border and drag it to make an ellipse I then reposition it right click on the blue circle and cut then in the blank space I right click and add frame. then I right click on the frame and paste BUT there it seems to go wrong it not only pastes the ellipse but also the what I called the border. Charlie
  11. Hi Tom Thank you for your test zip. I went into it and deleted the blue and red circles and used the green and went through the paste process and it worked fine. I already saved your blue circle and used it in my own project going through the paste process as you can see it did not work. Charlie tom's zip.zip Project3 zip.zip
  12. Hi All I down loaded Lin's tutorial the wire frame I watched it several times and then I had go myself as you can see by my screen shot I must be doing something wrong can you please help Charlie
  13. Hi Lin another one to keep Charlie
  14. Hi Lin I enjoyed God's Dog and it's a keep for me Charlie
  15. Hi Lin The only word I could think of is EXCELLENT well done Charlie
  16. Hi Paul You convinced me Charlie
  17. sti65


    Hi Patrick Very enjoyable Charlie
  18. Excellent Lin well done Charlie
  19. Davy It gave me the creeps.Well done Charlie
  20. Barry 1440x900 Charlie
  21. Hi. The arrow buttons to the right of "clear list " are missing in PTE 5.1. Charlie
  22. Would it be possible to turn off hardware acceleration in "customize slide" Charlie.
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