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Everything posted by kesian

  1. Hello All, Longtime lurker here playing with the beta, and having lots of fun. Can you tell me if what I want to do is possible? Imagine shooting handheld video looking out the side of a bus going down a country road. The screen would have random jiggles and bounces as the scenery goes by -- that's the effect I'd like to produce with stills and PTE 5. The only way I can think to do that would be to insert a bunch of keyframes to jiggle the image around. I've tried this a little bit, but to be convincing, it seems it would take way too many keyframes to be practical. Adobe After Effects has something called the jiggler, explained here: http://www.creativecow.net/articles/tierne...gler/index.html Any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated. cheers, Lee Schwabe San Antonio
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