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  1. Yes I think this is what happened. What I did was a system restore and took it back a couple of days and it works fine now. I then downloaded the latest version. Thanks for all your help. Brian
  2. No, I tried starting another slide show from scratch with only a couple of slides and I have the same results. As soon as I click on the animation tab, the tab disappears and the program locks up. All the other shows work fine, the demo as well. I downloaded the 5.6.3 and it is still occurring.I feel that I must have changed a setting somewhere although for the life of me I don't know where or what. Very frustrating Brian
  3. Thanks for the quick reply. I have windows xp and I have 9.0 DirectX. I have used this before and it worked fine. The demo shows work fine as does everything else when the program is open. I can play the slide show and add music but as soon as I click the animation tab it freezes up the program. I worked on the animation yeterday and it all worked fine. Shoul I try and download version 5.6.3?? Brian
  4. I started an animation yesterday and it worked fine but today when I tried to use the objects and animation tab the program freezes up and I have to alt control, delete and start over. I don';t know what to do. I have tried re-booting the computer but that doesn't work. I also installed the program again and that didn't work. I have downloaded the latest version 5.6.2. Help please Brian
  5. Thanks Andrew. That is exactly what was wrong. The music was loaded but somehow didn't appear and I didn't think to check. Does anyone know what I can do about files that won't load occasionally. In one pass thew work on another pass they don't. Brian
  6. I downloaded the new Beta 5.11 and have been having problems. 1. I can't get the timeline to play. 2. Also I have have had this problem before but is more evident now. Slide will appear on the first run through then on the next will say that they aren't available and the slide might be corrupt yet the work fine in my editing program. Can anyone offer some suggestions. Thanks Brian
  7. Is there a way to get rid of the bars on the slides on each side and have the slide full screen. Also is there a difference on the video builder we received with beta 5.8 which didn't require a key to beta 5.10 which does. Brian
  8. Thanks Al: The Proj/ops /screen was not the same. Thanks for the help. I used to live in Plantagenet east of Ottawa. My inlaws live in Wendover. Nice part of the country. Brian
  9. I'm not sure my question was answered on my previous post but what I would like to know can you view a full screen preview with the Beta version because I can't get it to work and it works fine with the original version. Brian
  10. HI everyone: I sure hope this isn't redundant. I have tried a couple of time to send this post but doesn't seem to go through. Anyway, I am a new member and just purchased and downloaded Beta copy after playing with the trial version. I have 2 questions. 1. I can't preview the slide show in full screen on the Beta version. I can go to full screen in the timeline but without audio. Works fine with the older version. 2. Can you edit the music track. I have a large gaps between music selections and want to tighten it up. Hope you can help. Thanks Brian
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