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About Kalain

  • Birthday 08/28/1966

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    Aubenas - France

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  1. Hi, Finally the problem comes from windows defender. This happens if PTE application is not an approved app in Win Defender database. After adding this in Defender everything is ok.
  2. This occurs also with valid images. Here is a sample project. Project1_Dec7-2021_18-28-09.zip
  3. Here is screen copy to illustrate problem found.
  4. Hi, Looks like a bug in 10.5.6 (maybe was here in previous versions) On a slide show with missing file, in timeline if you double click on missing file thumbnail and change "transition effect duration" and validate by 'ok'. Now, even 'Cancel' button do not close properties window. The only way to close is to clic on 'show next or previous slide' buttons, then 'Cancel' button will be effective.
  5. When you browse files with arrows keys (up, down, left, right) from keyboard, it's much more easier to do this with 'Ins' key rather than to move your hand to mouse and drag and drag and drop. Well, If I follow your point of view I wonder why PTE dev team added some useless shortcuts like Ctrl+A, Ctrl+D, Ctrl+F, Alt + F ? Do not worry about overload, PTE dev team knows how to manage it and how to priorise requested features. I do not know at all softwares you mentionned but I can mention some others softwares (in others domains) which have an insert or add shorcut. (F9 or 'Ins')
  6. Hi, Add a blank slide, Double clic on it and in background section select 'solid' and change it's color to green (for example) Now, with 'Style and theme' button, select 'Style' and 'Album' and 'Apply', now you should have a grey page with '1' displayed in center !!! where my green color has gone...
  7. Hi, When file list is displayed with details, it looks like an windows explorer from early 80's !! there is no possibilities to sort column by cliking on it column name : File name, Size, Date name. Ok, there is short cuts (Ctrl+Fx) but clicking on column name seems more intuitive !
  8. Hi, I'm a bit surprised that's not possible to insert current selected file(s) into timeline with a shortcut like 'Insert' button !!
  9. Ok, I got it, try this : - Open PTE, - choose Desktop in letter drive list - select a folder, (I guess there is at least one folder in your desktop) Then Select : Slide / Insert blank slide Then nothing is added in timeline ! PS : I have several others bugs like this but I need some time to check before to report.
  10. Hi, In PTE 10.0.13, I have tried to add a caption in Basic Album theme but wasn't able to remove the first letter. Even after deleting it in caption field, first letter is still display in transition !
  11. Hi, On my computer desk, i have only shortcuts but these are not displayed when selecting 'Desktop' in letters drive list in a project !!! would be nice to display shortcuts under a folder.
  12. Hi, In PTE 10.0.13, after opening, if you select in Slide menu 'insert a blank slide' nothing happens. you have first to select time line and then select 'Insert a blank slide' in slide menu or Ctrl+S. from my point of view, if a menu is available (not greyed), it means it's available and should work when you use it ?
  13. Hi, In latest version (9.0.21), looks like MP4 file with H265 codec are not useable with PTE. In thumbnails windows, thumbnail is blank and can't be used in timeline. Regards
  14. IMPORTANT If you have a key similar to this one AzErtyuihjvbgf;:mlopkj0çkji%xw<thisisnotavalidkeysorryforthis!:4(,.Ts3éZqWcV; You have to copy your licence key with [PTE] with KEY END line, like this : [PTE] AzErtyuihjvbgf;:mlopkj0çkji%xw<thisisnotavalidkeysorryforthis!:4(,.Ts3éZqWcV; ------ KEY END --------------------------------------------------- Here is a remind of your txt file licence key : How to install the Standard or Deluxe license key: 1. Download and install the latest version of PicturesToExe Deluxe from http://www.wnsoft.com 2. Run PicturesToExe. 3. The program will ask for the license key. Click "Load a Key" button. 4. Copy the license key above (including both the KEY BEGIN and the KEY END lines) and paste into the window of PicturesToExe. 5. Click "Activate" button. Hope this will help. I had to admit this was a tricky thing before to succeed. Regards Alain
  15. Works well with Media Player Classic Home Cinema but not with QuickTime (as suggested in PTE Creating HD video windows). If this can help to understand the problem and may be fix a PTE problem, Here is how it behaves with QuickTime. when HD video is played, there is a black screen. (time cursor is running) when I pause video, an fixed image is displayed. (where video has been stopped.) if I start (keep going) video, time cursor is running but not video, just same previous fixed image. if I pause again, a fixed image is again displayed (where video should have stopped) Hope this will help to solve the problem.
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