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  1. I did what you said guys..thank you. I am using 5.03 and I still am having the same results Now what?
  2. I have put together a slide show of wedding pictures for a client. When I created the DVD and played it back, the quality was so poor, I cannot give it to my Bride and Groom. I clicked on Video and then used Burn DVD-Video Disk, using Roxio. I then tried to redo it by first creating a AVI file and tried to burn it again with Roxio and then after reading some forum items I downloaded Ulead and it said I was missing some driver. Whatever! What went wrong? Something in the compression? The pictures are not crisp and the colors of so very off. The music crackles as well. (This is with the Roxio burn) Being a newbie at PTE, I need advise and quickly, as I am on a deadline. Thanks Annette
  3. Thanks so much Ken. I figured out what my problem was. Simple fix once I made my files smaller..their layer hid the layer with the tool bar..DUH..can u tell I am a newbie?? Thanks!
  4. Two fold problem. I am not sure what version I was working on 4.7 or 4.8. At any rate, when I go into Program Options -> Advance->click on Navigation Bar. I then set it, by removing the print option and checking do not print option. I hit OK. That should be it, right? Well when I run the Preview and/or Create the show then play it, there is NO navigation bar. What is the answer to this. ALSO...I downloaded the .5beta version. It overwrote my old version. I am not sure I wanted it to do that. Sooo??? please email your responses. thanks Annette
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