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Everything posted by sbmongoose

  1. Jeez you are patronizing aren't you. As electronic engineers maybe you are familiar with sound forge. It is a good audio editor. However what has that got to do with my post? It's is nice that you look down from your ivory tower at as all average forum members. And you don't need to import any codecs into the Media Player Classic Home Theatre, they are already registered filters by installing the Codec pack. It just has better compatability with Vista. Fine if you think that it is "beyond the scope of most Forum Members". Simon
  2. The Media Player Classic has not been updated ofr a long time. Casimir666 has updated it for better compatability with Vista, and fixed some bugs. it's available from Sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=170561 And I haven't looked at this particular Codec pack, but some of the ones floating around the internet sometimes include commercial Codec's when they should not be distributed exept by buying them. This hopefully isn't the case here, but just a word of caution. /edit. Looking at the list of codecs you've posted it seems all open source and freeware I think. The usual suspect is Codec packs including DivX Pro which isn't there. /end of edit Simon
  3. Thanks Barry and Carol, I have Paint Shop Pro X which is very good, but I do miss being able to use some of the colour modes and edit chanels directly from when I used Photoshop (5 I think it was) at University. Best of luck with the move. Simon
  4. Rats, too late by a couple of minutes. Unless it was me? (Waiting hopefully) Simon
  5. I would be very interested in the Photoshop 6 if possible. If it is still available, how do you prefer payment? Simon
  6. Wow, thats quite something. I can't find any mention of this on the Apple website. Could you post a link to this please? I knew that Apple had made their Safari web browser available for the PC, but Windows emulation on an iMac is very neat. Simon
  7. Oh, I agree it's great value. I just couldn't find informations saying how it was going to work either way. Thanks guys Simon
  8. If I upgrade to a deluxe license before version 5 is released do I get all upgrades for product life still, or is it a 2 year thing now like for people who purchase after 5 is released? Or has everything changed, and will there be a charge for people in two years time for newer versions of Pics2EXE, or just the Deluxe part? Or is it something else? The information on the web site is contradictory to the information on this forum. Actually the information on the website is contradictory to other information on the wesite. When you go to purchase it talks about Personal, Business and Advanced licences. When you purchase though it lists Personal, Business and Deluxe, oh and the upgrade to Deluxe. Help please, it's very confusing for people who are just joining as old posts are no longer on the forum. Thanks for any information. Simon
  9. Thanks everyone for your help. The key has arrived and I'm enjoying having a play. Loooking forward to producing something good with it (that may take me some time). Simon
  10. I thought it might have been a problem at the server that issues/generates the key. But, who knows. I'm sure WNSoft will issue a key when the weekend is over (and I'm back at work). Simon
  11. Yep, Its the attached file reg.txt I've emailed support but not had a reply yet (the email addresses I've gone for are orders@wnsoft.com and support@wnsoft.com. Thanks for your help though Lin Simon
  12. The contents of the key file are <html><head><title>Server Application Error</title></head> <body><h1>Server Application Error</h1>The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.</body></html> So there isn't anything usable for me there. Simon
  13. Hi all, I've just bought Pics 2 EXE a few days ago and the key I have been sent is a garble of HTML. I've E-mailed asking for it to be re-sent, but no answer as of yet. I have read here that they close down at weekends, so I'm not fretting just yet, but it would have been good to have it this weekend as I had a few days off work. My next question is what's all this about a Delux version? I thought (from the FAQ) if I bought Pics 2 EXE now I would get future versions of it? When I bought it there was an option of a Delux version, but no information on it? Should I have gone for that? How is it different? Will I get that version as I bought 4.48 now? Help, the forum only seems to go back a short time, so I can't see earlier posts that might explain all this. Thanks for any information Simon
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