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Everything posted by Flashjan54

  1. Can someone tell me why PTE5 has discarded the 'transition to desktop' effect at the end of the slideshow? On version 4 it was a very useful and versatile effect. Now, the only way to end a show is abruptly with the final frame of the slideshow cutting straight to the desktop - no fade or other transition can be used. It looks terrible. Alternatively, I can leave the last photo hanging there.... not a very satisfying way to end a show. What made you take out such a useful function? And when are you going to put it back in again?????!!!!!!
  2. Sometimes there is a minor delay in getting the registration key to each new customer or a problem with their email not accepting these keys. I don't believe you will hear any Excuses from the support team at WnSoft, only results. Their customer service is OUTSTANDING and hopefully you'll stick around long enough to see how good this team really is. Regards, Fred Hi Fred I'm used to minor delays and I don't want to hear any excuses from anyone - but I sure the hell would like to hear SOMETHING from the PTE support team!!! I bought PTE over ten days ago. The attached file (reg.txt) had the following content: <html><head><title>Server Application Error</title></head> <body><h1>Server Application Error</h1>The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.</body></html> Clearly this is not a reg key. I don't really know what it's supposed to mean and I shouldn't have to even think about it. I have since written four emails to support@wnsoft.com without any answer. I also posted a message on this forum three days ago which doesn't appear anywhere I can see. To be honest, I'm getting rather bored with this whole event and, if it was simple, I would have cancelled my order days ago and bought a competitor's software instead. This is your final chance, guys! Either you start treating me as a valuable customer or I will start treating you as a bunch of amateurs. Judging by other postings on this forum, quite a few people are having problems with the registration process. I suggest you start taking us all more seriously!! So, would someone from the support team please contact me NOW and explain what to do. Regards, Flash
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