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Den Shelley

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Everything posted by Den Shelley

  1. Igor I did not create an EXE file I was just compiling tha slide show from pics on the network drive and using preview button.I am pleased to think that I may have been some help to another lost sole Many thanks and regards Den
  2. Hello All - here I am again. I have solved MY problem of jerky transitions. I say 'my' problem because I seem to have created it. The temptation was to hide my shame and not return to the forum but I feel I owe it to all you helpful people to explain and apologise if I have wasted your valuable time. I rather doubt whether I have turned up something new. To put the record straight - I am 72 years old with my own hair and teeth and I thought with all my faculties. It now appears I am a bit short in the lateral thinking department and also in seeing the blindingly obvious dept. This is it :- I purchased PTE Version 4.48 and produced a few slide shows which I was very pleased with. Wanting to expand furtherI downloaded Beta 12 and then later Beta 15. With both versions I opened, from a remote hard disc, a project that I had started in PTE 4.48 and encountered the bad jerky transitions which I had not experienced previously. I tried various suggestions from the forum to no avail. Beleive it or not it did not occur to me to try starting a new project in the new program. I have now started a new project in Beta 15 and it is running perfectly. I now plan to learn the mysteries of panning and zooming watch this space). I wrongly assumed that a 4.48 project would run OK. I suppose I had no reason to think otherwise. There you are. At least all this helps to keep the old grey matter workng (or not). Sorry for all the trouble. Regards to all - Den
  3. Many thanks for your latest advice. I am not at this stage using any pan or zoom - just simple fades. I have read the various replies and suggestions and have decided to start afresh from the beginning with a completely new slide show ans see how I get on. If I still experience a probliem I shal come back to the forum. In the meantime many thanks to all involved. You are certainly a very friendly and helpful bunch. Regards Den Shelley
  4. Hi Thanks for your latest I have downloaded and run the 'flowers' demo and this seems to run quite smoothly. I have not tried the other one yet as I am not on broadband at this moment and it is quite a lengthy download. To elaborate on the problem the jerkiness of the transitions is most noticable in simple fades which is what I tend to use most of the time. These were perfectly smooth in 4.48 and are very noticably jerky in Beta 15. Perhaps I should uninstall the Beta 15 and download it again as a new installation. Best regards Den
  5. Hi to all Many thanks for your various suggestions I will follow these through and go back to the drawing board to try to find the answer.What I would like to know is whether there is anything substancially different in version 5 over version 4.48 which could provoke the problem. As I have said before version 4.48 runs perfectly on both computers. Perhaps I should also confirm that all pictures are resized to 1024 x 768 pixel jpeg @ 72 ppi. I appreciate all of your help and will report back further in due course. Regards to all - Den
  6. Hi Tom Many thanks for your reply to my problem also thanks to Peter and David. I have 2 computers :- my desktop machine is Windows XP, processor - Athlon 64 3000, Graphics card is Radeon 9200 with 128 MB Ram Computer has 1GB DDR Ram. My laptop is also Windows XP with Intel Core 2 Duo T5600 1.83 GHz processor, 256 Mb Nvidia GeForce Go 7300 graphics card, system Ram 2 Gb DDR. I have tried turning Hardware acceleration of - this makes no difference on either machine. Iget identical results on both computers. I do'nt think I have a systems problem. If you can come up with any ideas I would be grateful. In the meantime I am going back to using 4.48 which gives me good results. I would like to be able to play around with the zoom and pan facility though. Thanks to all for your suggestions. Den Shelley
  7. I am a new user and new member.I purchased PTE 4.48 and produced 4 small slide shows which Iwas very pleased with. I then down loaded beta 12 for the extra facilities and found that all the transitions were very jerky - not smooth fades etc as I had got with 4.48. I have just downloaded beta 15 and to my dismay the transitions are still very jerky. Can someone please help. Is it me or the program?. If I go back to 4.48 it performs as smoothly as ever.
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