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Everything posted by aviejacobs

  1. xp pro service pack 2 avg
  2. I don't have the screen in front of me now but it is a 22" widescreen - it is running at native res What are PZR effects?
  3. I did give you accurate info Here is the reason for the post: I usually produce slide shows which are about 120-150 slides I usually provide enough music so that each slide has about 3.5 - 4 seconds including the time for the effect This is my first slide show that had 285 slides. I didn't want to make the show close to a half hour to prevent boredom so I ended up with your 1.5 second caluclation This is my first show with version 5.6 although I have been using the product since version 3.75 or thereabouts Since my slide shows are given to other people who rarely are up to date on computer technology, my question was - am I doing something wrong - perhaps have a setting wrong - or have I come up to the limitations of the hardware. Your response seems to tell me that I have hit the hardware limit. I have no problem upgrading my computer but that will just cause me to produce more slide shows that will not work properly on other people's machines One more question then - are there specific effects that are cpu intensive that if I refrain from using them will alllow it to run on these less powerful machines? Thank you again for all your help Avie
  4. Images are 1000x667 cpu = celeron 2.8Ghz (about 2 years old) ram= 1G graphic card - on board graphic card os = xp pro xp2 drivers are up to date Which screen settings in PTE do you want?
  5. Here is my problem - I produced a slide show of about 285 slides - each is about 100k in size. I have 3 music files totaling about 13-14 minutes When I create the exe using full screen mode - it runs with the transitions very slow When I create it using windowing mode -it runs perfectly. Any explanations/solutions? Avie
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