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  1. no worries, glad it served the intended purpose! your alias and interests also brought a smile to my face, thinking of when notation [w]as a tool of thought... cheers, pedro
  2. hi APLman! just make sure you don't write your document so it must be interpreted right to left -- please! ;-) cheers, pedro
  3. greetings! when all image files are in one single folder, i just copy the pte file to a new file with a different filename (just in case), and have a go with my favorite text editor, exercising search-and-replace. simple and works... cheers, pedro
  4. thank you lin, for your assistance, as usual. i've just spent some time there, and what i found is pretty much what i remembered. pages flipping nicely, but only one page visible at a time (presumably using the existing curling of page effects). or two pages at a time, but with stiff flipping, and templates with lots of bits and pieces, and that would require a lot of work, to adapt to different formats, and more than a few pages. (and a lot of some very fancy pseudo-3d stuff, nice but not what i'm after). maybe i need to look deeper in thedom's place, but i don't think i'll find what i mean: a realistic book effect, with a "book spine" in the center of the screen, and pages that curl when we flip the "book" back and forth. showing the next (or previous) page in the back of the curling page would come automatically, without having to load the same image in several places of several slides. i think maybe we need a new transition effect... cheers, pedro
  5. greetings! i'm not sure i should ask this here or post as a request for the future... let me try here, maybe it can be done already. what i'm after is a "realistic" book effect, like that of many flash slide shows made with other tools. i think that something along the lines of using the current "curling of page" effects would be fine, but with the option of a "book spine" in the center of the screen. can this be done now, in a way that's simpler to understand and modify than existing templates -- and if so, how? if not, maybe this should be a nice addition, as a new effect, for a future version... cheers, pedro
  6. Yachtsman1: hit and run? classy...
  7. it's taken me this long to get to this show, but i'm glad i did. i liked it a lot. in fact, i don't know how higher resolution images would look, but i very much doubt they would improve the sequence. i think that all that obvious pixelization actually helps the mood. i can't believe i'm saying this, for i'm a high resolution freak, but there you are. congrats! cheers, pedro
  8. i think that long pans, like long zooms, are not for everyone. and like (most) everything else, they may be abused. they may also be put to good use. lin's mesa verde show comes to mind immediately. my own show ( http://webpages.fc.ul.pt/~pjns/Temp/memorial.zip ) also comes to my mind -- boring? you decide; but both effects serve the intended purpose well. cheers, pedro
  9. Yachtsman1, obviously, i didn't take enough time/care to explain my meaning. if you read the thread carefully, you'll notice that both lin and i couldn't not see the link he was kind enough to include twice. then, both of us could see it, even in the older message. i suspect that the reasons for this have to do with something in the server (if it were just me, it could be something on my machine, even though i haven't changed anything in the meantime, in fact, i haven't even rebooted; as it happened to both of us, it can't be anything on my side). as such, it is not interesting for me to pursue, or worth bothering lin about -- especially since the link is now visible, and so i could follow it. is it clear now? cheers, pedro
  10. lin, i can see it now! don't know why it didn't show before (i assure you it didn't!) and i'm not really sure i care. again, thank you for bearing with me and helping with this. cheers, pedro
  11. as you might have noticed, it's still not showing up. oh well... thanx for trying to help anyway! cheers, pedro
  12. lin, thanx for your reply! i don't mean to be a nag, but i can't find "the link below"... well, that sounds like "a conventional 360 pano" to me, just not a 360x180 pano... ok, i get it. i was hoping pte would smoothly cross the 360 line, automagically restarting at the left end. but that would be way too boring for some, so it may be best to just pan left to right and stop there... cheers, pedro
  13. you picked my curiosity, would you kindly give a link to jpd's show? i can't seem to find it... i have no trouble making 360 panos, but don't know how to make smooth 360+ transitions in pte, perhaps jpd's show would help? cheers, and tia, pedro
  14. thank you all for your feedback -- all comments taken onboard! please allow me to be especially glad for lin's comment, as his zooms provided some of the inspiration. i also see the moire-like interference patterns that come and go, but wasn't sure whether it just just on my machine. glad to know it will be virtually eliminated by recompiling with a new version, but i'll wait for the next "proper" version. the black bands are due to the different aspect ratios of the monitors, not much that can be done about it, i think. the show was prepared for a 1.6 monitor (such as a 1280x800), which it should fill. cheers, pedro
  15. greetings! i've been meaning to do this for a while, and finally did it. a very long zoom of a special place. it's about 7mb, runs for 4 minutes, and can be found at http://webpages.fc.ul.pt/~pjns/Temp/memorial.zip . it runs ok in my computer, but i would very much welcome your input, especially if critical (technical as well as artistic). cheers, pedro
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