Hello - I am a photographer and I use PTE to create slideshows on CD that I sell to my customers. I have gotten audio complaints from several customers, though none of them could articulate what the problem is exactly. When I create the slideshow on my hard drive, it sounds fine. When I burn it to CD, it sounds fine when I replay it. However, I did recently take the CD I created to my husband's computer, and when I inserted it, the slideshow began (I am using the autorun file) fine but the music started twice (I am only using one mp3 file), a few seconds apart, and BOTH sets of the same song were playing on top of each other. When I escaped out of the slideshow, and doubleclicked on the slideshow exe, it sounded fine. Could the autorun feature be screwing me up? Also, just as an aside, I can't seem to create a slideshow directly to CD. It always requires me to save to my hard drive first and then copy over. Is this correct? Thank you!