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photo girl

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  1. i've got a show that is almost 200mb. where is the best place to post online?
  2. tag line vanished this morning. burning new disc now and THRILLED!
  3. beautiful synchronization and audio quality...WHY IS THE TRIAL TAG LINE STILL ON SCREEN. AAAARRRGGGHHHHHH
  4. found the well-hidden key...loaded it and the screen still displays..."this video created with a trial version". good god...is there any real support from this company or is it all on the forum shoulders???
  5. seemingly solved the synch problem and ready to burn with my fancy upgraded software...which i've paid the 20 bux for burning capabilities and it tells me i'm using a trial version and that i need a key. what am i missing here?
  6. okay crew...resizing the pics is definitely helping...now i just have to adjust transition times and i think that will do it. but i gotta tell ya...none of this happened with the old version. my ORIGINAL problem...was that when i converted to AVI...i lost all sync. i'm just trying to get back to square one at this point. but you folks are an awesome support system. you haven't heard the last of me. thank you.
  7. it's the same way i've always used the music...so i'm thinking it's something else. it hangs up where the images get large. i'll try that. and hey...since i have help...how do you post one of these slideshows online. i would love for friends out of state to access them. ??? you guys rock
  8. i am not a tech kinda girl but i will do my best here. it seems that the images range from around1276x961 all the way to 8428x4008. is this the problem? with the old version...it ran fine on my laptop until i converted to avi file and then it got completely out of sinc. what next guys. you're all i got!!!
  9. did not work. exactly the same. images are displayed for 4 seconds for the first 75 images and then go to 2 seconds. only fade in/out transition. 2 images before customized change...it begins to chop and skip. losing my mind here. should i try disabling hardware accel? seems counter to what i'm trying to accomplish.
  10. i'll give it a try. THANK YOU AL
  11. have struggled with tight synchronization in previous versions. downloaded 5.0 yesterday. there are several slides that have been customized and when the show gets to that section of images appearing with less time...it SNAP rather than fade in/out and skips many. what am i not understanding here?
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