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Everything posted by Veronica2

  1. Well after all the excitement PTE does not work properly in as much when one tries to do a preview you just get blank pages animating the way a Mac does. Maybe someone with more knowledge will resolve the problem at some stage as I would and maybe others like to be able to use this great bit of software on the Mac without installing windows in full Thanks for all the help
  2. Thanks Brian I did that but will try again Veronica is my real name as is Yvonne
  3. Hi Barry I Love all your Tutorials and your latest has got me wanting to get back in to the program again and to be able to use it on the Mac and PC. I think if I can manage to register it then it I can work at it for longer (Yvonne)
  4. Brian I tried that before I read this reply but it has not registered.I am using the new type of registration which you copy into the registry I was about to try the old one which I have found on my PC It installs itself;this may not work of course. I have not heard back from tech as yet Thanks for the info I am very new to Macs but love it
  5. The only problem at the moment Ken is having found my registration I don't know how to register as Macs do not have a registry. I am not running Windows on the mac. also very new to the Mac but if I can run this and a couple of other programs without putting windows on I can give my PC the Boot so to speak I think I may have given tech support a headache Thanks for the reply
  6. I have just this moment installed PTE on my new Intel mac via a small bit of software called crossover. I do not have to run windows at all. Although I have had PTE for a year or two I have not used it for a very ling time so am looking forward to having a go on the Mac (another learning curve.) I just wanted to share this, maybe useless information with you and to see if anyone else is using the program on a Mac
  7. Thank you all for the feed back It was for a one off I belong to a photographic forum and we put the weekly entries into one PTE show its ok for the PC but there are one or two that run G5 macs,me i have a PC and An Intel so thats interesting about safari I personally do not wish to run any Microsoft on my mac. You are all a great help on hear i must say.
  8. Thank you Igor I have done this and I do have the deluxe version. Its just that I need to be able to run the finished file as a download for a Mac and not burn to a disk
  9. Thanks for the quick reply -will do some searching
  10. Hi Is there anyway or any software that will convert a completed slide show to one that can be played on a Mac. It may sound a silly question but both formats are required if possible Thanks
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