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Everything posted by lucky_frogger

  1. Hi Guys, Have just installed pte on my new laptop and having fun with the program, but I am experiencing some visual glitches when I fade from one slide to the next. It seems like sections of the slide flicker back and forth between the two slides. I originally thought it was caused because I was panning and zooming so I removed the pans/zooms and I still have the same effect. My pictures are only 1024x576 png (because I have some transparent parts). Any ideas. I was originally using proshow gold, but I like the simpler interface of pte and don't want to go back, but if I can't get this resolved soon, I'm going to have to switch. I'm running vista home premium on a core duo 1.8ghz laptop with a intel gma 950 video card. Please help and don't just chalk it up to the crappy video card. Thanks.
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