I want to play two slide show in sequenece, one after the other. I do have both file saved in same folder, and try to play them on computer first. Later on I'd like to run them on VCD.
I tried to burn the slide show on the CD so that I can play the slide in the DVD player as a VCD. I selected video and AVI file, then I select VCD and SVCD. Then the PTE froze during the recording. Could one anyone give me some assistance on this. Thanks! I have PTE 5.
I have three slide shows that I want to play them together. but I don't know how to make it work in PTE 5. I went to slide option/ Advanced tab/ and check the box for "run appliaction after last slide. and then use browse window to pick the slide show I want to run next (exe file). I check the ? box, but I don't understand it. Also I tried in customize the last slide by selecting "run external appliaction", but that didn't work either. Could anyone give me some help. Thanks a lot!
I am using PTE version 5. I tried to remove the fifth slide as you described, but the problem still exist. And I also removed the music, that didn't help. As for the video card., the best I can tell is Win 32, but I didn't know the mount of RAM.
I am a new user of PTE. When I creat my first PTE slide show, the transition effect I picked always get disabled starting at the fifth slide. I tried in default mode, and even pick the transition in the customize slide box for the fifth slide, but the problem still exist. The total size of the EXE is 291 MB. Could anyone help me on this issue. Thanks a lot!