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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Hi Tom You did just right. Of course anything can be done but I believe all PTE users are honest people. We also have to remember that real malicious files can enter our PC in so many different ways that it is almost imposible to be 100% protected. As one who is very careless and got infected too many times, I always backup my stuff and load to my "Data Traveler" pen all important changes I make every day. And there is another point: We know who stands behind any PTE show uploaded, and I don't believe any outsider will dare to do anything thinking he will not be found. Today there are very strict laws all over the world and no one will risk himself just to make some damage to few dozens members who will download his infected show. Granot
  2. What ! ? are you all drunk ? World War III is not coming !!!! The chance to win a lotary is bigger than to get some malicious file from PTE show. Hey, remember "members pictires site" ? I suggest we add members pingerprints to the pictures (will be easy for the F.B.I.) and by the way, I heard in China two Virus authors were executed Wait a minute.... I hear some noice coming out from my PC... ..I wonder if the show I just downloadeddddd....ddd. .. Help !... Help !!!... Help.. Hel.. He..
  3. Can't think of any reason for this unless something wrong with the exe. Please try to compile again the show three times, one original, one with different and short exe name and one with a small change in the show (like no welcome window or no music). Then try to drop those three new shows one at a time. If still problem please send me screenshot of the error message. I hate problems, but how boring life could be without them (Quoted from "Stupid Cow" sayings - download from my site) Granot
  4. Hi Fred, That's why I was asking. It doesn't work. I changed both to "none" and still the left/right arrows change slides. I noticed this when I tried to use arrows with my new volume utility to increase/decrease volume. Granot
  5. Sorry, I knew it maybe not so clear. Let's start again. Suppose you want to make a show for children with all images of the abc... total of 26 characters, and when you click on one, you can hear the sound file, how it is pronounce. First you make MAIN show with one slide. On this slide you put all the 26 images of the alphabet. Then you make a Second show (Sounds.exe) with 26 slides. You use no effects and don't allow slide to go to next after x seconds. This show can be in the size of 50 x 50 pixels. On each slide you put a leter image in that size: On slide 1 image of "A", on slide 2 image of "B" etc. You customize all slides and on each slide you use a background music: On slide 1 the sound of "A" and on slide 2 the sound of "B" etc. Back to MAIN show. Under the image of "A" you use in "Action" >>> >>>"Run application or open file" ...and you write: Sounds.exe 1 On the image of "B" you write: Sounds.exe 2 On the image of "C" you write: Sounds.exe 3 Notice there is a space between "Sounds.exe" and "3" This is only the basics. Now you can modify it as you like, for example, if you use on "Sounds.exe" image object you can add an "Exit" action and use windowed mode without border, and so on. I'm greatfull to Igor who added this feature in this last version and I'm sure many members can find a good use for it. And I hope (Igor, are you there ?) that I will see my other requests in the future Ron, this gave me idea for new PTE utility. Granot
  6. Viewing a show on a web page is not simple but can be done. There are many problems and I don't recommend this for big files. The best way is probably using Streaming Video. To read all about it go to: this page. My utilities are mostly related to CD autoplay, for example: if you want to distribute your video on a CD and you want it to be autoplay on insert CD without the need to open user's default video player (like Windows Media Player), or if you want to imediately run your video on full screen when CD is inserted. Granot
  7. Here is another way: Main show: one slide with all alphabet images. Second show: 26 slides, no effects, don't allow slide to change. On each page put sound of the letter. Back to main show: each letter click will run the second show with different parameter to open in different page. Example: When click on the image of "C" on main show you will run this command: "Run external application" >>> SecondShow.exe 3 when the sound of "C" is on the slide number 3 of second show. Hope I was clear. Granot
  8. Hi, While working on my new Volume Control utility "Volume3" I noticed that the Up/Down arrows on my keyboard moves the slides to next/prev. Is this the way it's supposed to be or can I disable this ? Thank you Granot
  9. If you want that user will be able to change volume while he is running your show then you can try one of my two utilities: VolumeSlider - old utility with some limitations. Volume3 - New utility (I suggest you try this one first) You can find both On My Webpage. The new one was never tested by members so any feedback will be appreciated. Granot
  10. Den, What is wrong in using separate exe files to run one from the other ?
  11. Yes Ken, it is called "RestorePte" And it is on this page.
  12. DEN This is good news. I will try to find time and see if I can make what you suggested but I have a feeling I can't. Is it not possible to add the rest of the music after generating the combined PTE file with my utility ? Granot
  13. I have an old utility which can generate a combined PTE file. Look on My Webpage for "CombinePTE" utility. And if you do, please write your feedback so we all know if it still works with new PTE version. Granot
  14. Try to find where is the problem by making mini shows and run them. Make a 3 slides show without sound and effects, no startup window, no navigation bar, etc. If this slide will work, then add one thing at a time and see when the problem starts. Try also to use the XP restore points. Also maybe you have a virus run the free AVG.
  15. Manfred, Thanks for finding the bug (I have small screen so didn't see it). All fixed, new version uploaded. Now you can use "H" hot key to Show/Hide a small window where you can write width and height of frame and image. I did it quickly so let me know if any problem. Granot
  16. Hummmmmm.... sorry again My memory is very bad. Believe it or not, for 12 years I'm trying to remember my sweetheart's birtday.. and can't ! (but I'm lucky, she's still there) Granot
  17. Sorry. Can't. But can make same for your PTE avi (or any video) if someone needs.
  18. These two programs are the idea of Ronniebootwest who helped me a lot in another big project. They are very small (you can miss them on your desktop ) and can be at the corner while working with PTE to open sound or image without the need to run your default program. RonPlayer.exe - Open and play mp3, wav, ogg, mid. RonViewer.exe - Open and view jpg, bmp. You can find them under "Desktop Utilities" on My Webpage, in one zip file called "RonPlayerViewer" No installation, No help file, No support, No guaranty, No money - it is Free. Granot
  19. Sorry for double posting.
  20. Manfred Uploaded already, see my reply above with explanation. Granot
  21. Manfred I didn't uploaded the new version before But now I uploaded version 3.0. Now you can change the hieght of the frame (changing the ratio between height and width) I also added ability to move the image by press and drag. Arrow Up - Increase size of frame and image. Arrow Down - Decrease size of frame and image. Arrow Right - Increase image size. Arrow Left - Decrease image size. Ctrl+Arrow Up - Increase frame height. Ctrl+Arrow Down - Decrease frame height. Move image by hold and drag the image. R - Restore image to original size. I hope all will work as should. If any problem let me know. Granot
  22. Barry No, it will not work with MAC. There is no full tutorial because the options are too many and "how to do" things are mostly based on scripts developed by users to fit their needs. The help is very basic though it is a big file. But there is a collection of some beginerd tutorials on members web sites and few dozens demos. You can create what you need but as you already saw it requires a lot of time to learn all the tricks. I can help in case you need. If you give me some more details maybe I can start a project for you. Granot
  23. Manfred I simply use MMB (MultiMedia Builder) for lazy people. If you are a programmer I believe you can do anything with it the way you need. (I'm just playing to spend my time). If you have the time, try it. Granot
  24. I added the ability to change only the height of the frame or the image and ability to move the image inside the frame iusing the mouse. If you (or anyone) want to test this beta version I can send you. New features: Alt+Arrow Up/Down - to change frame height. Ctrl+Arrow Up/Down - to change image height. Press mouse on image and drag to move the image place. Granot
  25. Manfred Thank you for using my program. I will check it ans see if I can add this feature so it will be possible to change only one direction. If can make i will post here and upload new version. By the way, my screen is only 800 x 600, does it work ok on your bigger screen ? Granot
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