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Everything posted by boxig
Thanks Igor. Me too like Marco don't understand what you mean. I hope you mean to enter slideshow on a specific page from another application. If yes, then you are great. And if no... can you explain what you mean ? And the most important (did you forget ?) to be able to embed external application the same way we embed images and sounds, and extract them when we use "Run external app". Thank you Granot
I added "Pen Drive" feature to my old "AutorunMaker". Now you can create advanced "autorun.inf" for your CD or Simple "autorun.inf" special for using on "Pen Drive" (XP only). Download Version 6.0 from My Webpage. Granot
You can retrieve screenshots of all slides in the exe using "RestorePTE" utility. Then edit the images as you like or use the screenshots. you can find the utility here.
Thank you Dave. By the way, I was searching the help file and could not find it. Granot
My guess is that you use XP and your settings are to open and show files on CD and your aurorun is disabled (only a wild guess). This can be changed but I could not find where. We need a XP expert here and I'm sure there are few in this forum.
Robert, Sure you are right, but keep this in mind, the more exercise you make, the better your sex performance... and this is what the doctors say !
Igor wrote (see page one): So I guess all I was planing to do will be included in next versions. Granot
"VideoChain" Version 3.0 - Freeware Features: ======= * Change speed. * Full Screen option. * Mute option. * Loop option. * Display dimensions, time, frames. * Resize to any size on runtime by arrows ("Chain View" window). * Play all video files in selected folder in sequence. * Hot keys for Loop, Full Screen and Resize. Granot
Hi Sam, Where I can find this editor ? I use XP pro but in "Microsoft Office Tools" I have only "Microsoft Office Language Settings" and "Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar". What is "Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar" ? It want to install something but it doesn't give details. Granot
Search in page for "HideShowTaskBar".
"Easy CD Ripper" converter supports CD to MP3,WMA,VQF,WAV. Convert CD on one click. Easy CD Ripper makes direct digital copies from audio CDs and saves them as MP3, WMA, VQF, and WAV Easily.... etc....etc... Easy CD Ripper Granot
Ok, it was easy. I added "Multi images check" button. Browse for images folder after you select your color and images will start to appear on your color. Click "Enter" to move to next image. (there are 6 button at total). Granot
"ChooseColor" - version 2.0 -Freeware Added some features to the new version and now you can easily choose color by moving slides or by browsing. You can get color numbers in RGB or HEX to clipboard. You can see how it looks in full screen mode and you can check your image (or all images) how they look on the selected backgroung color. Also this utility is a RGB to HEX converter. No installation needed, just run the exe which is inside the zip. I'm working now on "Multi images check" button where you can browse for folder and you will see a kind of slideshow of all jpg and bmp in the folder with your selected color as background. Granot
Try this: LP Ripper Program and read this: Learn how to convert LP to CD or audio cassette tapes to CD! Granot
You maybe interested to check also my "SpeakButton" utility Version 2.0. This utility will play unlimited wav files one after the other with the time interval you want between them. You can run it from a slide and user can close it if he likes. By a careful configuration of time, you can actually add multi wav files (your voice ?) to play at the time you want during show, which means, you can add narration to any slide you want, or add a sound, even at the middle of slide. I never got any feedback about this utility so I can't add no more details. Granot
Den, "HideTaskBar utility for PicturesToExe" made by marcovelo. From the Readme file: Granot
If you have Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) you can configure your autorun.inf to run from PenDrive. [autorun] OPEN=YourShow.exe ICON=YourShow,0 action=YourShow.exe and your show will appear on top (and be selected) of the window which opens when you insert the PenDrive. If you check the "Alwayes do the selested action" then your show will autorun from PenDrive (at least that what is supposed to be, but the last part did not worked for me, that is, to run the show, and I have to click "OK" to run it).
Great Idea !!! Now I can relax and hope Igor will do my work. Anyway, if I will decide to continue working on it, I will post here. Fred, I'm back, working on my speaking English-Thai dictionary. Thank you all Granot
Den If you use version 2.0 the taskbar is hidden when ScrollImage is active and but it appears again when scroll finish. As far as I remember it did not appeared again when I made it. I suspect some changes in PTE new versions are the reason but I don't know for sure. If someone used this utility and remebers...please let me know. Maureen OK, I will try to make this utility tomorrow. I never usued transiton points so my knowledge is zero, but I hope I will be lucky. I will post here the url to download and check the first version. Granot
Igor If I run utility while show is running then taskbar appears. So I let utility hide it and show on exit - and it shows while show still on. If I only hide it, when show ends the taskbar remains hidden. I though if pte can check on exit and show taskbar if is hidden. Thanks Granot
Igor, how about "Show TaskBar" when show exit ? This will solve a problem with some of my utilities which are hidding the taskbar and it appears after utility exit. Thanks Granot
Den I sent you PM. As for the TaskBar - I could not find a solution for this unless PTE hide/show TaskBar. I must show it at the end or user will be without TaskBar after view the show. Maybe Igor will add a "Show TaskBar" feature when show exit (I think now the show in full mode just covers the TaskBar). Granot
denwell Do you mean that all transition points will stay as they where before removing a slide ? This probably means the "unused" time will be added to previous or next slide ? Can you explain more the idea ? My original thouth was to lock all points and change only one (or few) without removing any slide. Granot
I am curious to know if anyone ever needed to do one of these: 1. Change one or few or all transition points. 2. Increase or decrease time between points. 3. Move all points forward or backward without changing time between points. I'm asking because if these actions are needed I can make a small utility which can make it in seconds. Just let me know. Thank you Granot
Igor, I was sure this one old request will not be forgotten. and... ...the ability to embed the external file, which you said, should not be difficult to add. Thank you (and thank you Marco for remembering this ancient request) Granot