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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Alan I don't know "Innosetup installer" but from its name I suspect it will install your shows on user's HD, but user will have to uninstall the shows. If your shows are about 20-30 MB each that is 8 fold, which is a big space on user's HD. The point is to install and uninstall each show when show is close. Since you didn't try "MultiCD" - I suggest you check it. It maybe the utility you need. From the "Readme" file: Granot
  2. Alan Did you checked "MultiShowPlayer" ? This utility enables you to include any number of shows on your CD and each show will be installed, run from Hard Drive, and uninstalled when done. As for installing fonts, there is a utility (not mine) called "Font Installer" which you can use but notice that installed fonts are not uninstalled when done. Also be careful with copyright of fonts. Granot
  3. Bart Bad times are not forever. Be strong. Granot
  4. This tool is finished and reloaded as version 1.0. Added - on first page you can "Check" if all dropped files are exe or not. The tool will remove from your list those files which are not exe. MultiShow Tool MultiShow Player Granot
  5. Great !!! Now uploaded new version which creates also the "autorun.inf" file. I hope this is the end and no more bugs. Please let me know, and thank you again, Robert and Ron. Granot
  6. Dear friends, I decided to stop taking my medicine and now I feel much better. I'm on my way to the hospital to check waht's going on with those crazy pills. Ron, thank you for reminding me about the inf file. I forgot all about it. I will add it. You said that now you could work the all steps while Robert said step 3 still doesn't work. Are you both sure ? Robert, maybe you tried an old version ? Anyway when back from hospital I will check it again, add the INF file and upload. Will let you know here. Thank you for your great help Granot
  7. Thank you all for your concern. I must get out of bed few times a day. The "Step 3" problem was fixed (was same bug as in "Step 2") and uploaded the fixed version. Ron, did the problem you described happend again ? Thank you all Granot
  8. Uploaded Beta version 005 - "continue" button problem was fixed. Ron, you wrote "I can double click a show name and it plays fine but the next in line does not play" but it works ok here. Robert, did you have this problem ? Thank you Granot
  9. Ron and Robert Thank you both. There is probably a bug which I missed after handling the latest problem. I am very very very sick now with 39 fever, but I will check it, it maybe something which can be fixed in my condition. Thanks Granot
  10. I uploaded new version of the Tool. Please notice that this is NOT the utility but a Tool to use with. Download here: MultiShow Tool Granot
  11. Guido and other, Sure everyone can sare my "Skeleton" and "Orchestra". You all have to notice that those two were done in old PTE version when the synchronization and other things were not as good as now. Barbara, i will send you "Orchestra" when I'm back. Fred and everyone interested (men only): Sitting to long on your computer can make you damage in the... I was just back from hospital with big pains and doctor said my computer is the reason. Keep it in mind. Granot
  12. "personal symphony" I was new to PTE and thought that people who are not professional photographers, like me, should use PTE in a some creative way. "Dancing Skeketon" and "Orchestra" (Symphony ?) are what I was thinking about. I guess now with the new PTE versions many things can be done and not only slideshows. This can be a lot of fun if members will do a funny presentation about themselves. Granot
  13. I like the idea. Why you don't come all and join me on my vacation here in Thailand ?
  14. Robert Uploaded version 3 with new features on the "Report" page. Now the report will include all your exe shows names and full path, and file size and Total size of all shows, and the free space you have on all drivers. If you have empty CD on the CD-Rom writer it will show no numbers. I also hope I fixed the problem you mentioned in your email. Pleae members, need some feedback. Don't let Robert work alone. Granot
  15. Robert I uploaded Beta version 2 (look on the blue title bar) with some hidden bugs fixed. Thank you Granot
  16. added view full report of files and content and option to save report Granot
  17. what ?! ... ... I didn't finish it yet... Ok, ... it's almost finished. Thank you Robert. This tool will create for you everything you need for burning your CD and using "MultiShow Player". Notice: this is Beta version with simple gray interface (where are you Ken ?). It maybe that some Help buttons are not updated but it is very easy to use. Please let me know of any bug, suggestion or just write your feedback. I really need you to test it and tell me any problem before I publish it as version 1. Download here: MultiShow Tool Granot
  18. Thanks to Michel who noticed that after you click on "Display CD playlist" button you can not use the "Display all shows on CD" again. This was my wrong assumption that user will choose from predefined lists of shows, which will include also a list of all shows among the lists. So I fixed it now on version and "Display all shows on CD" will work all time. The French version was uploaded too (which will be announced soon by Michel for download from his web site.) Also to let you know of the soon coming of "MultiShow Tool". This separate application will generate all files you need to use "MultiShow". Drag all your shows (exe files) and drop them in the main window. Arrange your shows in the order you want. Then continue and create your TXT, ORD and INI files. Than the tool will create for you a folder called "BurnMyFiles" with all the files you need for"MultiShow" utility, including a copy of the utility itself. In this folder it will create also a folder called "Shows" as needed, with all your shows copied in it. It will use the files you have just created. "BurnMyFiles" folder will be created in the folder where the Tool is. To make your CD, just burn the content of this folder as it is (the content not the folder). You can run "MultiShow" directly from the tool to test your project. I hope ken will contribute by making a nice graphice Granot
  19. Sam has notices that the display of the show is by their file name, comparing to "MultiCD" (another of my utilities) which displays the title of shows. I think one way to overcome this is to rename your exe file as the tilte of show: example: "My Garden.exe". I don't like spaces in names so you can try something like "My_Garden.exe". Remember that when select a file the text about it will appear so this is only in addition. If you try it without space between words, please let me know how it works so I can add this to "Readme" file. Thank you Granot
  20. Barry Sure. Any of my utilities/programs that you want. Can you send the CD or CDs which will include any of those ? A link on your "Links" will be appreciated. Robert Thanks. I promise not to shout. Please find more things need fixing. Severn Bore Thanks. It was not so quickly. It took me 10 days for version 2 while version 1 was ready in few hours. Haddock Thanks. Me too I think some info in the "About" will do but making a French version option is not void yet. Michel Thanks. If Ken will make the French buttons I will try to make a French version. Please remember to translate also all the inside messages. Huuummmm... this is a bit of a problem since many hidden messages will pop up only if mistake is done by creatore or user. So I will have to send you all messages. And, there are some symbols in French which I don't have (I think). And don't forget the "REadme" file. Well, I can try. Check your messages. All members Thank you all and please... how it works ? ... any bugs ? Granot
  21. Michel Thank you. By the way, I did not forget the suggestion for French version. But how can I know if there are enough members who really need the French version ? Brian I am amazing from your knowledge about all those problems (I read your XP explanation). It is good to know we have someone to solve our problems. My XP at home is fine and no more problems from the day you show me how to fix it. But be sure, if I'll ever have a problem I will come to you in a hurry. Robert I said "Final version !!!" - don't you know to read ??? Don't you have any feelings ? Do you want to destroy ALL my vacation ? Don't you have something better to do then sitting with your finger on the ESC key ??? I love you. That's what I was looking for. You have been and continue to be of great help. Fixed and uploaded as version Granot
  22. "Multi-Show Player" - version 2.0 New big 700 x 530 and beautiful window made by Ken Many inside improvements Much more friendly to your users New and big Help file easy to understand and to read in exe file Final version !!! Screen Shot here (if you use win XP don't forget to view full size 700 x 530) Please read the whole Help file before you start checking this utility. Ken made some skins but due to overall big size I did not included them in the zip. Maybe I will upload them later on to my web site. Please your comments and feedback only concerning version 2.0. Main features: * Ability to include many presentations on one CD. * Play selected presentations in a sequence. * Run few presentations in a Loop or only once. * Stop Display / Stop Loop ability. * Temporarily install and Run presentations from user's HD * Run presentations direct from CD. * Display a text file for each presentation. * Predefined groups (lists) of presentations by categories made by you. * User can select only presentations he wants to run. * User can sort any list of presentations the way he wants. * User can Save / Load his own sorted groups (lists). * Install one Screen Saver on user's system. * A direct link to your web site. * Adding your Logo image as welcome page. * Select skin (or make your own skin). * Display a general "About" (about the CD or your company). * Pouring gold coins from your show...just joking. Download: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/MultiShowPlayer.zip Granot
  23. Final and last version was uploaded. Please see new topic about "MultiShow" version 2.0 Please comment only regarding version 2.0 on the new topic. Thank you all Granot
  24. Hi all, I am presently preparing a new "MultiShow" release that includes new interface and bigger window. This release will be available shortly and I will advise you in this or new thread. I am then planning to delay any further updates (and I think non is needed) until many of you have had the opportunity to evaluate this last version. All your new inputs and suggestions will then be considered for future releases. Thank you for all the great help that you have provided me so for and please, please give me further feedback. My desire is to create a PTE slideshow player that will be very nice for your many presentations. Granot
  25. Hi Guido, Didn't see your name for a long time. I have to thank you for recommending "Audacity" in this forum many years ago (you probably don't remember...ha.. you are still older than me ) and I listen to your advice and using it all the time. Now I use it to record 2000 sentences in Thai for my English-Thai dictionary. Thank you for that recommandation Granot
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