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Everything posted by boxig

  1. What's new in version User can install one screen saver to user's system. If user will click on the mini screen icon (new on this version) he will be asked if he wants to install your screen saver. If yes, then your screen saver, which you will put in "Shows" folder, will be installed and the "Windows Display Proprties" window will open, to enable user for more action. The screen saver will be installed as "aPteScreenSaver.scr" and you can tell user, if you want, that he can remove the screen saver by deleting this file (he can make a search for "aPteScreenSaver.scr" and delete it). On Win XP you can find it here: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aPteScreenSaver.scr You must write the name of your screen saver file without extension on line 7 on "cfg.ini" file. If you don't want to use this option just don't include a screen saver. Please check how it works for big Screen Savers and small and let me know. Closing time is near, please more feedback. Haddock, This is possible but whyat about messages that appears ? We will have to talk about this after version 2.0 will be finished and all dimentions will be final. Please remember to remind me. And, this probably will be in Ken's hands, who is responsible to the graphics. FarleyBen, sorry, you are right. Here is again the download link: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/MultiShowPlayer.zip Granot
  2. What's new in version * When you have one show it will work the same as few shows. * User can decide if he wants to install or not presentations. * You can add your URL so user can visit your web site. More details: Now end user can make the decision to install your shows to hard drive or not. If you (creator of PTE) configure the utility to instal, a message will tell this to the user and he can cancel installation. If you configure the utility not to install, another message will ask user if, neverthless, he wants to install. In other words, you set the default (install or not) but user can change it. MultiShow will work with one show the same way as with few shows and window will be visible. You add your full web site address on line 6 of "cfg.ini" file. If you have not web site erase this line to be empty. See the small icon under the CD image. Remember - Write in your "about" all you think your user needs to know. Robert - I tried to use a presentaion which repaet itself and I could close it with ESC. Please can you check how it works now ? Roger - watching is good but checking and sending feedback is better Barbara - is that means you are the best person to be my tester for all my utilities ? Please dear members, more feedback before final version is closed. Granot
  3. Great idea ! This will be added to next version. Great idea again ! Some of your useful suggestions will be added to next version. The other I have to see firdt how I do it and then they will added too to next version. I don't know too. Maybe some DVD experts can give us the answer ???? ... that means (I guess) that the "autorun.inf" don't work on DVD. Yes. Here is some explanation. When there is only one show then you actually don't need any button on the "MultiShow. So the MultiShow is hidden and it runs the only one show after installing it. BUT....if you have only one show, why you don't use my "TempCD" utility which install and run and uninstall one show ????? Yes, I have to add this notice to the "Readme". I'll explain: The utility waits till the show is finished and then close itself. If your show was created never to end, then the utility never closed. I don't know why you could not ESC from the show (?) but all this have to be remembered as written in the "Readme": Not if everything worked as it should. When show is closed, utility demoves the show from HD and then exit. Since you use XP, look at this folder: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp You can leave this folder open and try a windowed show so you can see when it is installed and removed. Why ? That was great headache and hope to get some more of the kind. You have been great help Robert. Please continue by checking next version and sending more headache if you can. I will leave now the exotic beach forget I'm on vacation and go to work on your suggestions Granot
  4. Robert, I am thinking to myself, sould I go to your place with a gun or just mail you the poison. The first paragraph of updated "readme" says: So I know there are some people (like me) who are lazy to read the "Readme", and some just don't know to read. I guess you are from the lazy group I know it is difficult to follow all the changes I made in such a short time but every dear member should understand that this small utility was started by a members request (ken) and other members followed by adding functionlity demands, so things had to be added. Anyway, you are lucky I'm on vacation in beautiful Thailand and I must be stupid spending my time with my PC instead of enjoying on a tropical island... You should notice that actually the utility is done and finished. Last version is and now ken is working on some new skins. If there will be changes, it will probably be only of appearance. This is the time to send your last requests for more options and changes, reporting bugs and so on. but the most important is to let me know it works with no problem as it should. So please, whoever tried (only version, let me know how it works so I can made final arrangments to release version 2.0. Thank you all Granot
  5. Right. It seems like there will be no more changes unless someone will find a bug or will add a request I can supply. Still waiting for more feedback. Granot
  6. What's new in version * Simplified few things by using "cfg.ini" file. * Some buttons captions were renamed. * Window size was enlarged. * Nicer interface (by Ken) * Sorry, Abulity to change skins was canceled for now. But you still can add your Logo image. Barbara, Am I to understand that "finally got the shows" means ONE show ??? Still on the version you have (don't upload yet new version if you want to keep your skin or dowmload to another folder if you want to check it) Try this, Put all your shows inside the "Shows" folder while on your HD. Run the utility as it is. Click "Run all Shows". Is it working ??? Sorry that you will have to give up your skin couse new version does not have this feature.) If you download version than put it separatly from the version you have. Then copy your "Shows" folder with all shows inside and put it in the new version folder. Run and you should get list of all your shows. Then try to run all shows. Let me know the results. I am on vacation so I have plenty of time. Granot Due to some serious threats on my life, I re-activated the ability to change skin. So from now on you can make your own skins, but will still have to use my buttons. I uploaded new version and inside you can find some skin samples. Read the "Readme" file for instructions. Please make your skins in the right dimentions. Granot
  7. Will play: Video Files: .avi, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv, .asf at least until someone tell me it doesn't
  8. Barbara, Not to me. It should work on your HD. You must make it first work on your HD so you will be sure you made all the right way. Only then Burn the CD. If you'll make all your tests on CDs than next year you will have no money to pay the taxes Or maybe I didn't understand you... you know,.. the tropic sun of Thailand. Alan. I made a test version with full screen bacground. But I'm still thinking how to make that PTE creator can choose between custom window size or full sceen. This probably be done when final version 2.0 will be ready. Granot
  9. version - Major Update * New interface made by Ken (nickles).Thank you very much Ken. * Ability to change skins. In the utility folder you will find a new folder called "Skins". In this folder there are for now three skins called: Skin01.jpg Skin02.jpg Skin03.jpg I made them in a hurry from Ken's original just as samples. This folder is for your use only so do not include it on your CD. If you want to use the default skin - do nothing. If you want to use another skin, copy one of the images to the utility folder and rename it to be: "Skin.jpg". Include this image on the root of your CD. I hope more skins will come and maybe.... you will be able to use your own skins (but i can't promise). Important notice: I had to make some majot changing in the way things work in order to use the new skin. I could only made few tests so if you find something wrong, please let me know. Pay attention to those little changes in using some buttons. Many thanks again to Ken for his skin. Barbara, How can I guess what you are doing wrong if I don't know what you are doing ? Did you included "Shows" folder with all shows inside ? Did you made the ini file as should ? Did you made the ord files as should ? Did you pay your taxes as should ? Please give me more information as for what happening when you run the utility or click on buttons. I am sure we can solve this. Granot
  10. David, Thanks for your king works. I think the utility is ready. Till now nobody complained about any problem, just few small improvments which were asked. Ken is working now on new interfaces, but this is just for the appearance. I was thinking to add a "Install Screen Saver" on users system, but I'm not sure this is the utility to add this button. Linda, ... and now it's time to check some of my over 100 utilities here. Alan, Huuummmm... That's interestins suggestion. I was testing it with very small shows (2 slides) just to save time so didn't have this problem. But I think, since this is a major change, I have to see first how to do it the best way, and what other members are thinking about it. What I mean is, should I show the logo or blank color, and which color ?????? and... can I do it at all (I have a feeling that not but who knows). Ok, I'm thinking.... a color is not good since everyone likes anothe color. so it must be the logo. But then, what about the background arround the logo ?...Huummm... too tired now (midnight) I'll think about it tomorrow. Ken, Your graphic is beautiful ! Thank you for allowing me to use your skins. I just sent you an email but it came back. I hope you'll get the second. I will send you email again tomorrow after checking how to do it. Thank you all Granot
  11. Jim, If you use "MultiShow" for only one show user have to do nothing. Show is automatically copied to HD, run from HD, and removed. Why not try it ? Or try my "TempCD" (new version from today) which you will find here. But if you will insist, tell me exactly what you need and I'll try to make a utility for that. Granot
  12. Linda, this for you: version "Stop" will "Stop Loop" too. Tool Tip for Loop/Stop Loop now more clear. Will show "Loop" if not looped or "Stop Loop" if looped. Using the utility to run from HD when only one show If there is only one presentation in "Shows" folder then by default the utility will copy the show to user's HD, run from HD and uninstall when done. You can display Logo image or not. Granot
  13. Linda, It is. But maybe not enough. I'll make it better. You are right. I missed that one. I will fix it. You are right again ! Granot
  14. Check this link on this forum, maybe it can help Run show from HD ...and it is very very cheap.
  15. What's new in versions ============================ Added: If there is only one presentation in "Shows" folder it will be always temporarily installed on user's HD, run from HD and removed when show is closed. What's new in versions =========================== Added: An option feature which will temporarily install each presentation at a time on user's HD, run from HD and removed when show is closed. Please, I need some feedback how these new features work. Got out of new ideas. Do you have any ? Granot
  16. . Robert, I own you this and didn't forget (as I always) Install Presentations to HD and Uninstall when close ! Please remember this feature was not tested yet so whoever want to check it... will be welcome. Download version and read at the end of the updated "readme" file how to do it. This is optional feature so you don't have to use it, it's up to you. Ken, What you mean by "The MultiShow generated "OrdList.ini" was o.k." ? and... did you got my email request ? Thank you all Granot
  17. Ken, Yes, I made a few changes in version and same goes for "ordList.ini". It sould work without the "Shows\" - (I wonder how you make it work with "Shows\") I think, just to be safe, cut the "Shows\" from the files. It is easy way to make lists using the utility and then open the lists and erase the path before the file names. I believe that after few trials anyone can master this utility and can make the best of it. I'm waiting to hear your and others comments after full test. Thank you all Granot
  18. MultiShow Player Version Download: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/MultiShowPlayer.zip Thanks to all "PicturesToExe" forum members who helped me in creating this tool and to Ken who was the initiator of it. This utility is for presentations (exe) creators to use as distribution tool on a CD or for their own use on Hard Drive It allows creator to include on CD as many presentations as he wants. User can run all presentation or selected presentation, one at a time or one after the other, in a sequence, only by one click. All show can be seen in a loop or once only. User can sort presentations in the order he wants and save his sorted list, which he can reload any time. Any list saved will include only selected shows. To select more than one show use the "Ctlr" key. User can choose to view shows from predefined lists if supplied by creator. When click on "Select a list of shows" all predefined lists will be displayed. When click on a list name all shows on that list will be displayed. A Click on any show name on the list will display a text about the show, if supplied by creator. Click on small blue icon to loop the shows. Important: Viewing few presentations one after the other automatically is possible only if those presentation auto exit when show is finished, or if user close the presentation. It is not possible if presentation repeats itself after last slide or is not closed by user. How to use on CD ================ On your CD include a folder called "Shows" with all your presentations inside. Include the supplied "autorun.inf" file and the utility "MultiShow.exe" in the root of your CD. How to use on HD ================ In the utility folder create a folder called "Shows" and put all your presentations inside. Display a general "About" - optional ============================= Add to the root of CD a file called "about.txt" with all you want to write about yourself, your work, or whatever. When user will click on the "About" (on small CD image) your text will be displayed. Display text about each show - optional =============================== You can display a long text telling about each show. This text will be displayed when user select a show from a list. To attach a text to a show, just write a simple TXT file and name it the same as your show file, changing the EXE extension to TXT. Then put all txt files together with your shows in "Shows" folder. Predefined lists of shows - optional ============================ You can give your user some ready made lists of shows. This is useful if your shows are of mixed topics, and you want to make a group from each topic. Lists of shows are simple text files with ORD extension. You can make them by using Notepad and then rename the extension from TXT to ORD. All predefined lists should be put in the program folder or in the root of CD. To make a list, write the names of your shows files, without extension, each name on a line, in the order you want them to be displayed. Then create a new file with Notepad and write all names of your ORD files in the order you want them to be displayed, each on a line, without extension, and rename this file to be "ordList.ini". This file should be in the program folder or in the root of CD. Logo image on welcome page - optional ============================== You can start the utility by displaying your logo image in two different ways: 1. Display the image for 3 seconds and then utility runs. 2. Display the image and let user click on a button you will put on the image to start utility. This second option is good if you put some longer text on image. For option 1 add an image called "Logo.jpg" to the root of CD. Image size should be 550 x 405 pixels. For option 2 rename your image to be called "Logo1.jpg". Check before distributing ================== It is very recommended to check all features on a CD before burning more CDs. There are some other features I consider to add like installing shows temporarily on user's HD (remove when done) and maybe other feature which you may think of. I will be waiting for your feedback for this last version. If you tried a previous version, please notice that there are some changes, especially in the making of the ORD and INI files. and now back to my vacation... Granot
  19. Linda, I think this is possible. I am still working on version which will allow you to display logo image for 3 seconds or to add a button (as part of the image) and let user start when he is ready. Also I simplify whatever I can and fixed some bugs. I will let you know when this new feature will be added. Thank you for your feedback Granot
  20. In next version Add your Logo image as a welcome page. will be uploaded as soon. Sorry all, I found a bug which may destroy your computer ... na, na ,na...just joking. Please check the "Predefined Lists" feature, and let me know if you found it. I will fix all tomorrow. Also, I erased by mistake the explanation about the ORD files and ini file from my Readme and it is missing from last version and from with the Logo option. Ken, I will read your new suggestions after fixing the bugs. Can you please send me this "Readme" file ? I need it to know what I did. This is what old age can do Granot
  21. and leave that charming Thai girl alone ? Here are some good news: * When you highlight a show the text file will be displayed automatic in a separate window below as Ken did on his grapics. * New massage fixed when user do not select file. * added new button called: "Load all shows from CD" so user can always see list of all shows in "Shows" folder. * added "about" on the CD image. If you include a simple text file called "about.txt" this will display it in the below new window. Here you write about yourself or whatever. * Utility window now bigger. * New updated "readme" file. Uploaded new version called version As you noticed, English is not my native language, so if you find some mistakes in the "readme" or you think changes should be made - please let me know. Please download continue checking and writing your feedback. In the meantime.... back to my Thai Dictionary Granot
  22. You all made me so happy ..... First of all, all your comments are very constructive and I thank you for your great help all of you. I have a feeling this utility will end to be a very useful one. Since I'm still on my vacation far away from my computer and stuff, it is difficult for me to upload files. If someone else want to test the last (uploaded yet) version, please send me email. I tried to reproduce this situation but failed. Can you and Ken try it few times more to see if there is really a bug or only one time occurance. You are right - I will fix this as you suggested. You are right again - I will move the button to another place, or better, I will use Ken's suggestion ans you can see in this page posted by ken. I can see the problem from my point of view, so I will do as you suggested. Load all shows as a default, and maybe add a button to reload all shows. Did you write the ini file as it should - only names or ord files with no path ? I can't reproduce this problem, so maybe Ken can help here. Ken, did you have any similr problem ? Can you reproduce this problem ? Robert, try this - Just double clicking on the .ord file and wait about one minute. Does it work ? I like this name, can I change utility name to this when all is done ? And one more. I am very bad in graphics and your new window image looks better than mine. Can I use it too ? What !? Did you forgot Im on vacation in beautiful Thailand ? By the way, the idea of combining few of my utilities to mage a multi feature "PTE Slideshow player" is great, including the ability to temporarily install shows and run the from Hard Drive. If you guys will continue helping i can do that when I'll get back home. you can clearly see now how good feedback can help improve any utility, and hope some more members will send their feedback. Ask your wife this: If you have 50 shows and she wants to see only those with your grandchildren. Yes, she could easily select and arrange the order of the shows, if she remembers the names of those shows, but won't it be easier to save the list and next time just to call the list ? Will she still think "she had no use for slide lists" ? Yes, this is a feature I forgot to mentain in the readme file. Sure. When I first started I was planing to allow creatore to put his Logo image. You can check my updated version of "AutoCD" utility and see how creatore can add his logo. Greate suggestion. I liked your new window and maybe I will do just that. If a show is highlighted you can read the text bellow. I can't do that becuae if you will multi select few shows to run, you can not doublr-click on all, so if you double -click only last selected will run.I will like to hear anybody's response regarding those points above. I will try to make now the most easy changes and maybe upload new version today. Please remember that I am on Thailand clock. What I'm doing on my vacation: I am working on a "Speaking English-Thai Dictionary". This program will allow users to see thousands of sentences in English, and while click on a sentence, a thai (beautiful) woman will say it in thai. The End Granot
  23. Thanks Mr Mulligan I hope we'll hear soon from Ken so I can upload the last and better version and hope you will check it also. you are invited to see all my PTE utilities at my web site here. Granot
  24. LumenLux and ContaxMan I've sent the test new version to: rcr@networld.com But in the new version you can add your own lists so one of them will be a list of all shows. Also, user can save a list of all files. Please check it and let me know. Well, I have utility which do exactly this CD_Installer. It displayes a list of all shows on the CD and user can run from CD, install, run from HD, uninstall, and more. I can combine this two utilities. It sounds good idea. But first I have to totally finish "MultiShow" and... get some feedback about "CD_Installer". CD_Intaller Home page - click here. You can also check "MultiCD" Version 2.0 which will temporarily install the presentation chosen by the user to a temp folder and will remove it when the user close the show. This will run as many shows as you like on one CD. The current version was made only about 10 days ago. As soon as Ken will test my last version I will upload and post here. Thank you both for your feedback. Granot
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