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Everything posted by boxig

  1. You must be joking. I even don't remember which programs I've made. You know, when you are working on something it is fresh in your mind. If you leave it for long time, then you must spend hours to understand what and why you did whatever you did. Still enjoying my vacation in Chiang Mai, Thailand Granot
  2. Hi Ken, I am sending you by email a much better version to check. I made a new interface and added new button: "Select a list of shows". If you include in the folder a file called "ordList.ini" with the names of your lists files, something like this: weding.ord divorce.ord flowers.ord vacation.ord then if user click on the button he will see the list of ORD files. When he double-click on a list name, the auto show will start. This is optional feature. Please let me know what you think and if no bugs (i didn't find) I will upload. Thanks Granot
  3. Hi Ken, Basically, this can be done. But there is one small problem which concerns all my PTE utilities. I almost don't get feedback. Some of my utilities were incredibly enhanced after few feedback. MultiShow would have not been created unless I read your post and would have not been enhanced unless you sent me your feedback. I always assume (and this maybe wrong) that if I get no feedback people don't use or don't care for any changes to the basic release. Lack of feedback also results in not fixing bugs if there are, and this brings people not to use a utility if it does not work perfectly. As to your specific suggestion, I will look for a quick way to do it. what do you think about this: Creatore will add a list of all lists, then user will see the list of lists, click on one, and the shows on this list will run. ??? (the other way is too complicated and much time consuming) Please let me know, when you make a CD, if feature 4 works ok with no problem. Thank you Granot
  4. Hi Ken, First, thank you for all your comments and suggestions, and thank you for your donation. I uploaded a new version with some enhancments according to your very useful suggestions. I checked it as far as I can but please check especially the new feature No. 4. 1) Now you can stop at any time the runing shows. While shows are runing a "Stop" button will appear. I had to add a 4 seconds delay between shows so user have time to click on "Stop". 2) Now the "Save" button will save a list of only selected files. Notice that in order to save a list with all files you have to select them all. 3) Now the "Load" button will start from your utility folder (or CD). This is useful for next feature (4). 4) Now you can make predefined lists before distributing your CD and put all lists together with utility. On your list write only file names (YorShow.exe) without the path. Each name in a line. In this way you can include a variety of shows and include some lists like "Family.ord", "Wedding.ord", "Vacation.ord". When user loads a list, he will see only those shows on that list, in the order you wrote the list. 5) Lists will be saved as .ORD files which you can open with Notepad. This is done to prevent user from download just any TXT file. 6) Readme file was updated. Download from same link above. Question: What do you mean by "run in a transparent fashion" ? I will wait for yours and other members feedback. I hope no bugs will be found. Thank you again for your very useful comments which help to make this utility better. Granot
  5. MultiShow Version 1.0 - Final version Uploaded final version with: * Save and load list works on CD. * Add a text file for each show. Tip: If you put all your slideshows with a text file attached to each, you can use this tool to keep notes for each project and get a quick access to any of your shows or its attached text file. This way you don't have to browse for your shows. Still waiting for your comments Granot
  6. MultiShow Version 1.0 - Freeware - Beta This utility allows you to include on CD as many presentations as you want. User can run selected presentations, one at a time or one after the other in succession with one click only (use the "Ctlr" key to select more than one show). User can sort presentation in the order he wants and save his sorted list, which he can reload. (On this version this feature works only when used from Hard Drive and not from CD for members use. Please notice that utility was not tested yet and after I'll get some comments I will reload the final version with saving/loading shows order from CD and ability to add a text file attached to each show as option. This tool can help you accessing quickly to any of your slides and keeping a working note fore each.). Read the "Readme" file for more details. Please write your commenys and suggestions. Download Link: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/MultiShowPlayer.zip Granot
  7. Ken Hope you got my reply to your email. The utility is finished. It will allow you to include unlimited shows on your CD and user will be able to: 1) Run any selected show. 2) Run few selected shows one after the other. 3) Run all shows. 4) Re-arrange the shows in the order he likes and save it. 5) Load his last saved order. I will try to upload to my site as soon as I can. I will post a new topic when done. Granot
  8. Ken There is still another option... I can make a small utility which will do what you need. That means, a button for each show to run and a button to run all shows one after the other. What I need to know is how many shows you have, their file names, the order you want them to run one after the other, and your Index image. Your image can have already the buttons (as part of the image). All your shows will have to "close after last slide". and... when you need it ? Granot
  9. Hi Ken How about using "Run application after last slide" in all shows (but the last) and "Close show after last slide" so you can run show2.exe from show1.exe and show3.exe from show2.exe. But, if you want not to make this automaticaly, and have a button on your index page, then create a single show from your index page and use "Run external application" to run show1.exe which has the "Run application after last slide" command, while the regular link button will run another copy of show1.exe which does not run show2.exe. This means you will have to include two copies of each show on your CD. Check also athe utility made by nobeefstu a long time ago to run shows in a chain. Huuuumm.... I've just repaeted Roger's words... ... well, I'm getting old... Granot
  10. scooley ...and if you have some free time to check my "MultiCapture"... I will be glad to get your feedback Free program from My Webpage Granot
  11. Dave You can start with my two programs: "RestorePTE" "MultiCapture" The first is for PTE members who want to steal not only your pictures but all your show as well The second is for not professional thiefs who need only your pictures Granot
  12. "Autorun.inf Maker" - Free program Will generate advanced "autorun.inf" file for CD. For full details Click Here ! Granot
  13. Hi Barbara As I understand you want to capture screen and make a video. I am now on vacation in Thailand so I don't have all details with me but I think I have a Free Multi-Capture program which will capture screen every x milliseconds, then you can use PTE to make your video. I will try to search for it (maybe is on my site too) and let you know if I'll find it. Granot Barbara, I've checked: The program is called "MultiCapture" and you can download from my web site. In case you use it, please let me know what you think of it and how can be improved.
  14. I've made a simple free utility to display any (almost) video on your show. Anyone who want to try it and write their comments here is welcomed. Download 600 kb zip file including Readme here. Name of file: ShowVideoPTE.zip Important Notice: The utility hides the mouse cursor and the task bar when video starts, and shows them again when video ends. Do not exit video before it ends by itself. If you do it by mistake, run the utility again and let video play to its end. Granot
  15. Guido is probably as always, in Italy. Didn't see him in the forum for long time. Have to visit him one day. Well, we are from the old generation, when PTE had no sound (first checked it on version 1.6). I'm going to a place called Chiang Mai in north Thailand. A great place. Have to use Internet Cafe to check mail and visit PTE forum. I wonder if there are members from Chiang Mai. Nice to see how PTE is becoming better and better every day. Igor never rests. I admire him for that. I can't imagine how PTE will look in 10 years from now and my virus... got great help from Brian (Conflow). Anyone who will be attacked, just ask Brian. he is a real GURU when virus comes in. Many thanks for him saving me. Granot
  16. How about a bit cheaper one ? - $0.00 only ! Check "Video Utility" or "FlashVideoExe" on My Webpage If you it's not exactly what you need, let me know and I'll try to make one that fits you. I was planing to make a new and much better version but this will have to wait (unless I can finish it in few days). To all my friends, I'm going out on vacation for 3 month but will continue and read the forum, as I usually do on my vacations. Granot
  17. jeanie I heard of some sites who allow people to upload files for few days. You can try and contact the creator and ask him to split the show to one MB files (using "Gsplit") and upload them for you. Just an idea.
  18. Brian, I found the list of Norton tools here: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.n...src=bar_sch_nam I found "FxBeagle.exe" but can't find the tools for "Novarg". My email is: boxig@zahav.net.il Where are those two "Special XP-Help Sites" ? I have sent you email. Thank you Granot
  19. Brian, I really appreciate all your help and hope to have no more such big problems. As for system32, I only run the anti programs and let them do their job. So if infected file was found, I hope they new what to do. As you will see, I think no file was removed unless it was not supposed to be there. I followed your insrtuctions and here is what I did: Disconnect modem, disable Firewall, restart, run "Fix Tool" and got: "The folder "C:\System Volume Information" was not scanned. W32.Swen.A@mm has not been found on your computer." On XP there is no "ScanDisk" as in win98 but on C , Properties, Tools Tab, Error Checking (this option will check volume for errors). Everything was fine. I never new about this XP tool and found it only when looking for the ScanDisk. Two things were not clear when you say: "NOW 'ACTIVATE' NORTON FOR ALL EMAILS and LEAVE IT ON" and "KEEP THE "FIREWALL" OFF" - I assume you mean during the few hours check when modem is not connected, or I misunderstood you ? After 3 hours I activated Sygate Firewall, norton and AVG and connect the modem. "Swish" is ok now and it looks like the rest too. My hesitations are only concerning those files trying to send info outside (for example: to crl.verisign.com). I'm warned by Sygate and unless I know the file I don't allow it. I hope I do things right. Brian, I'm a bit confused about the Norton. What do you mean by "Norton can not do its job properly if you have other Programs Open and Running" ??? I guess I'm a bit stupid but I can't understand what you mean. Also you say: "Fix Tools are available for all 3 thro' Google. In your case you must use Norton "Fix Tools" only." - so if I'm infected with 2 or 3 worms should i use the 3 tools ? Why "in my case" one tool is enough ? Brian, you are reminding me all the time about system files to restore and put them back but if you take a system file out, xp will let you know there is a file missing, isn't it ? I also think that when I run the "Check for errors" (scanDisk) and I got ok result, that means no file is missing. Now after I successfully confused myself, can or can't I use Norton and AVG and Sygate Firewall at same time ? Thank you again for all your great help and guideness and your patience with me. Granot
  20. That's what I'm afraid to do what I don't know. Anyway, I will keep this advice for last resource. Thank you for your concern. Brian, I just printed your instructions and will follow tomorrow morning on fresh. AVG found 34 exe infected files and moved them to Vault, all from "Windows" (not system32). Then I found by "Properties" on "Temporary Internet Files" that I have about 750 MB files there, even it's configured to keep up to 1 MB only and to delete files when browser exit (?). Although my windows shows hidden files I could not see them. So I made a small program and delete all those which has extension but there were still 12,000 files with no extension. Finally I run a program named "X-Cleaner" which did what I could not make in all regular ways - delete my Temporary Internet Files. The "Symantec Removal Tool" is called "FixSwen.exe" and when I run it yesterday it say in its log file: "The default value of the registry key "SOFTWARE\Classes\scrfile\shell\config\command" is set to ""%1" %*". The folder "C:\System Volume Information" was not scanned. W32.Swen.A@mm has not been found on your computer." From your say I understand I'll have to run it again following your steps. And what you mean by saying: "RUN ALL 3 "FIX TOOLS" ? which 3 tools ? Sorry for being so ignorant and thank you again for your help. Granot
  21. I give up ! In the last week I was trying to clean my computer, but it seems now that I'm getting more infected using all those programs which are supposed to protect me. I'm sure they are those who infect me. Because I didn't download anything, didn't visit any site, just security sites. I have a lot of problems now but my main problems are "Swish" which don't work as it should (fonts are mess in the swf file) and my computer is very very slow. More and more files are trying to get in and out my computer and I really don't enjoy all this. It seems reinstalling windows is the only way. I'll be glad to listen to any advice or suggestion. Thank you all Granot
  22. As far as I know you can't change your compiled exe, which means you should always keep all pte project files (which are small files). As Ron said there is a utility called "RestorePTE" but it not really restores your pte but creates a new pte file using screen shots taken while running your show and making a basic pte project from those shots. Then you can modify it and add what you want. You can find it on my web site. Granot
  23. Bian, Finally I run the tool (disabling restore points first) and it did not found nothing. From what I read I'm not sure if this means I'm clean or its effects still maybe there somewhere. "System32\Drivers\swenum.sys" is not there. but there is a similar file called: "System32\Drivers\serenum.sys" What the hell is this ???!!! As for "ntoskrnl.exe" - I will not touch it as you suggested but I blocked it with "Sygate Firewall" (?). As for "System32\DRIVERS\ndisuio.sys" - Blocked also. Thank you very much for your great help. I wonder where you got all this knowledge about bad files. All members should know that their pc is 99% infected or just carrying files which should not be there. My friend who had a very quite life (since he was using Norton) decided to make some of the checks mentioned on this topic and run some of the tools. He found 5 viruses and over 400 (mostly cookies) which he cleaned, and now he says his pc works better. Hope for clean PC to all members and thanks again to all. Granot
  24. Brian, Ok, I found the tool at: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data...moval.tool.html My question is, if the tool belongs to Symantec and Norton didn't find this worm, how can it be ? How can I check if I have it or "System32\Drivers\swenum.sys" is the worm ? I found a tool name "swentool.com" which say: "The SwenTool is the utility created by Kaspersky Labs to eliminate Swen (or also known as Gibe.E) worm infection and to restore System Registry entries modified by the worm." - I just run it (Dos window). Sould I run Symantec tool too ? And... do you know this one: "System32\ntoskrnl.exe" ? I'm really embarrassed but have no one elase to ask. By checking other forums I see many users have similar problems and conclusions are not clear. I see all these malicious files are going to be a neverending story. I hope members who read this topic will hurry to protect themselves by using some of the utilities talked about. I will wait for your guideness before continue. Thanks again Granot
  25. Brian Sorry, I gave wrong path, it is "System32\Drivers\swenum.sys" . I think it is ok. What do you think ??? BTW: another good protecting utility (no installation) is "BHODemon" with good Help file which explains about BHO (Browser Help Objects) Thanks Granot
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