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I enjoyed it very much even I sometimes felt like vertigo. Definitely worth downloading (...and watching ) But please all members, you are forgetting each of us is in another corner of the world and we'll like to know a bit about the places we never saw and probably never go there. One short paragraph about the place on show will be enough. Granot
Guru, That was very interesting information. I always learn something new when visiting here. Thank you Granot
It's always nice to visit a place with such nice people.
Hi Fred, Yes, if file is missing nothing happens. I assume maker will check all buttons before distributing so there is no need for any message. As for logo and title, notice again that you can change background image. That means you can make your image carying your title and logo if you want. Again I assume maker will put a normal size logo to fit the window (oops..i can't remember if the logo will be resized or keep its original size but I'm sure I made something logical). If logo can not be created so drag it out. As for contact information, what about email link which you can add to any small button image like small envelop ? Or do you mean something else ? Changing font size is a very good idea. I think I will make few of the text objects to be smaller. AMWfullscreen.exe will be added to "have a black full screen background that the menu sets on top of" - (see my reply to robert). Fred, I didn't understand your No. 5. Can you please send me email with more details ? No 6 is very important if I understand what you mean. You are right, there is a big problem here and I will check it. Also your last suggestion about asking user if he wants the button is good one. Thank you Fred, you gave me a lot of work now (no 6 !!!). Granot
Robert, You were right about the email. I run test on custom button and you made on default button. Since on default buttons The program check first if file exist before trying to run it, and it didn't find the mailto file, it didn't work. I will fix it so all buttons can run email. Thanks, that was a good big bug. Fred, I fixed the "Text" bug already. Email bug not fixed yet but will be done soon (see my answer to Robert). The 5 multi-colored buttons are for you to click and replace with your buttons. The one colored buttons are the default. I didn't understand your last paragraph about the buttons. Can you send me please the file with another try to explain what is wrong ? When I will fix the email bug I'll upload new file. Thank you both for helping Granot Fred, Thank you for the screenshot. Yes, when you open a project the 5 custom buttons appear again. The reason is that if you want to add buttons so you can do it. If not, just drag then out of window. By the way, did one of you try to change background ? I uploaded new file (AMW.exe) and email bug is fixed too. Now you can put your email (with mailto:) on custom or default buttons and program will check for file exist only on files. Thank you again both and hope you'l find some more things needed to be fixed. Granot
Hi, Yes, there is a bug but happily not my mistake. I can easily solve this but since it will require many more script lines I'm waiting for some external help, maybe I can do it in a shorter way. As for email - I found no problem and it works fine here. I suspect the "com" is the problem. Please try to put another email and see if it works. I didn't recieve your file, please try to send again, maybe zip it first. Well, if those are all the problems I'm glad since all can be solved. Please let me know if you find more. I will be waiting for your email test . New fixed version Uploaded. Thank you Granot
Hi Robert First, thanks for your help. I appreciate that. Ignore "AMW Full Screen" since it is planed so I added it to the "Readme" not to forget. As for calling another utility I think should be no problem since you can call any file you want. Regarding link on Text and not on button, I had a problem with it since the text comes over button so if user click on the Text, and the link is on the button, the link will not work. This is a point I noticed too but if I'll put the links on both button and text, this may cause problems if you move your text to another button by mistake or just by not noticing. As for email problem, I will check it. Can you please send me the project.txt file with the email problem ? This is the main problem: Do you mean all text links displayed "Text" but they still had their links and the links worked ?I will run a full check (waiting for your file) and hope to solve those problems. Thank you a lot for your help Granot
Windows "Search" ??? - Ha, Ha , Ha... Will it tell you also if the search is a main image, an object image, a comment, on what pte file and which slide number ? Remember that search is done only in pte files and not in all your files and you get a text file with detailed results. Too much drinking ?
Thanks Fred. I just finished your main and most important suggestion - to keep ratio of thumbs so you can see landscape or portrait. Now program will display all thumbs in the right ratio and you still can choose size of thumbs. This took me many hours, just about 7 short lines of script but maybe a thousands tests till I got it right. I still want to make some more tests before I will upload. I will fix also the "Wrap" issue. ...and this is the point, since you can't do it with no other program, especially if your files are not all in same folder. ...and this is a good example how just by your feedback I added so many features.Thank you for willing to check my "AutorunMenuWindow" which is still Beta and thus I can't offer it for sale. I will post here again after uploading the "Ratio Thums" version. Many Thanks Granot
Hi Fred, Your feedback was very inspiring. I uploaded a new version with the following new features: 1) Select your own background color for thumbs page (a new button). 2) Select width and height of thumbs (added to setting button). 3) Right-click menu when on thumb to save original image. Now left the most difficult (at least for me) to let utility resize thumbs by ratio. This may take few hours or few days if I can make it. Any new suggestions will be very welcomed. Thanks again for your much needed help Granot
Hi Fred and thanks for your feedback. BUG !!!! Ok, I fixed it already and uploaded fixed version. There was a line I used while working on it so I limited the thumbs to 25. Forgot to take it out Yes (I thought nobody will notice, after all, I got no feedback for my last three utilities) It is planed for next version if there will be enought interest in this utility because it's a lot of scripting and I was lazy. But it will be done. What both pages ? Did someone added a second page to my utility ???? as for the background... It is planed for next version if there will be enought interest.... ...again BOTH ? I know the thumbnail page but what is the title page (or I may become a senile) ? Ho o o o ... now I see what you mean secend page. The page when you open the image in original size, yes (or maybe no...) ? This will be a little difficult since there is no page but users default browser which show the image. I am not expert in HTML so if someone knows how to do it.... It is planed for next version if there will be enought interest.... Here you got me ! I didn't think about this option but it's great idea. Of curse... if there will be enought interest.... Fred, will you check also all those changes when done ? It is very difficult to create those things with no help. Thank you a lot for all those suggestions, and letting me something to do in my boring days. Granot
PTE 2 HTML Browse for "PicturesToExe" project file (.pte) and a Thumbs html page will be created including all images in the show (main images and object images). Click on thumb and original size will be displayed. By using settings button you can choose the name of your page and the number of thumbs in a row. The program will alert you for any missing image. Please your feedback here. Volunteers needed to check beta version of my "Autorun Menu Window". Download for volunteers Granot
don, I'm not expert in this field but till someone with more knowledge will pop-up, try to make a small show with no objects at all (only main images) and see if the problem repeats.
lilguitar, The best (and only ?) tool I know which can recover your images from a compiled PTE is the free "RestorePTE". You can find it on My Webpage. Please give your feedback about this utility. Granot
mellow, I have to thank you twice Once for giving a feedback and finding a bug. Once for auto-fix that bug. Without your comments I will never know if utility works as it should or if there is something wrong need fixing. Granot
I appreciate your sacrifice but I need comment about my utilities and not about my poor mental state. So your sacrifice did not contribute a bit to my gloomy mood. What I need is the ultimate sacrifice, which means, some bored people (like me) who have nothing better to do than to check my utilities in and out. I promise to contribute all bugs found to the nearest National Park and even not to charge anyone for helping me. But I have a devious idea: Any utility which will not get a feedback for 30 days will be removed (huumm... why I didn't think of it before...). But to get a bit serious, I am desperate ! There is no one to check my "AutorunMenuWindow". So as long as you are not willing to check the free utilities I lose nothing, but no check on "AutorunMenuWindow", which is a shareware, means I can't upload it yet and I probably lost few millions till now (or maybe some innocent people will be ready to buy a Beta version full of bugs ?). I think my hangover is fading now and better do some useful things like going out to the grocery and buy some food. And before I go, "AutorunMenuWindow" is here. Granot
you wanna spend money ? Better give members 10 Cents for each reply. Here is a small tip: use the Search for any problem, you can find many free books here. And don't hesitate to ask any question. Good Luck
Welcome KHaynes PTE is very easy program but sometimes we need a little help. This forum will help you in anything you need. As you described your problem I guess you didn't compiled your presentation. If you make the exe and it works in a folder, then it will work on a CD too. You wrote "I can make the presentation" - is that means you made exe ? Did you run it before burning ? If it worked, so the problem is in the "autorun.inf" or your autorun is disabled. What you mean by "but my whole group of pics is not saving... just the info about the project..." ??? Can you give more details ? Try the button "Create slide show and run" (under "File" tab) and see if presentation runs ok. The autorun should be: [autorun] OPEN=Show.exe When Show.exe is the name of your presentation file. If your show works in a folder, your autorun.inf is correct, your autorun function on your computer is enable, and still you have problem, so maybe something wrong with the CD itself.
Where did I put this image ? Last night I could not sleep. Aunt Ester is coming tomorrow and I promised here to show her some pictures I took of her many years ago. I knew I had included those pictures in some nice family photo albums I made with "PicturesToExe" but being married so many times (to different wives of course) I had so many families and twice more photo albums. How the hell I'm going to find aunt's Ester photos ? I spent few hours running my shows but no aunt Ester. It was late already and I was very sleepy. I thought to myself, how nice it could be if only I had a small program to search for me aunt's Ester photos in my over 200 shows. So I unpacked my hoe and shovel rolled back my sleeves and get to work. And here it is, my last creation, which I was too tired to name, so just call it "Where did I put this image ?" Two clicks only ! One click will open a box where you write what you are looking for. It can be image name, part of image name, part of text, ...whatever. On second click you will browse for folder or drive to make the search in. Now just sit and relax, let the slave work. If you have many files it can take few minutes. The program first will collect all your pte files. Then it will check line by line for your desired search. Each time when something is found, a message box will let you know. When search is finished, you will find a text file called "Found.txt" in program folder. (You can save the results if you want or just view them). In this file all founds will be listed like these samples: Name of file: C:\Thailand\Chiang Mai Temples.pte Path of image file: C:\Thailand Photos\Temple.jpg Line number: 644 Slide number: 40 Name of file: C:\Thailand\Chiang Mai Temples.pte Path of image file: comment1=wat chedi luang Temple Line number: 644 Slide number: 40 Name of file: C:\Thailand\Chiang Mai Temples.pte Path of image file: object3_text13=Celebration at wat chedi luang Temple Line number: 3531 Slide number: 13 As you noticed, the search will find main image, Image Object, Text Object, Comments and so on. I hope this program will make your life easier. Obviously you can see I was half drunk while making this one, so if you find any bug... just cook it Granot Where is the manager here ??? !!!! (maybe now I will get some feedback...... ... huuummm...)
Alan, I just made the utility you want and sent it to you by email. Remember that I could only make test on my computer, my resolution and my OS (xp), so actually it is a Beta version. The utility called ""AutoRes" will check user's screen and if needed will change to resolution you want (you have to follow instructions on the text file called "res.txt" and include this text file on your CD). Then the utility will run your show. When show is closed, utility will restore (...I hope ) user's resolution and exit. The utility is invissible !!! You should tell your "autorun.inf" to run the utility and not your show. In case of problem (and you should let user know) you can restore resolution by copy the utility to a new folder, run it, then in the window opened user can choose his resolution (you can try it). In other words, if the utility is alone in a folder, it can be used as a "Resolution Changer" utility. This program is provided "as is" without any warranty. Your use of this application is at your own risk. The author (me) is not liable for any damages arising from use of this application. Please let us know how it works. Granot
"TemplateTool" - Free utility for "PicturesToExe" If you have few or many slides which you want to use often on your shows you don't need to make a template for each slide. You can keep all those slides, each with its images, sounds and objects in one pte file and use this utility to get all when needed. Basically, this utility you can copy a single slide from one pte file to another and copy all images and sounds of the copied slide to a folder you select. The slide will be added as last slide to a target existing pte file (and you can move the slide later to another position) or you can create a new pte file using your selected slide as first slide. The utility do not make any changes to any of your pte files and when you add a slide to existing pte file it will create a new file called "Show.pte" (in the utility folder). It is very easy to use. Browse to select the pte file where your slide is, write the number of the slide you want to copy, browse for the pte which you want to add the slide to, and click "Go". If you make one show with all your favorite slides, adding more later if you want, and make a simple text list with names of your slides, you can easily select a slide using the "slides List" button. You can make the List with Notepad and it must be named "SlidesList.txt". Every time you add a slide to this show, don't forget to add the name of the slide to the list for your later convenience. When you select a slide from the list it's number will appear in the "Get slide number" box. Important notes: ================= The utility can not copy first slide from a show, so when you make your special show with all your favorite slides, start from slide No. 2. Do not use show from a template foler with dot it it's name or any show which contain files located in a folder with dot in its name. The utility will run a check and warn you if there are such. Please your feedback here Volunteers needed to check beta version of my "Autorun Menu Window". Download for volunteers Granot
"ImageTool" - Free Utility for "PictureToExe" This utility can make some useful things like: Make your image assembleing quick and easy. Just Drag any JPG or BMP from Explorer to the white window. A small thumbnail of image dropped will be displayed and all images will be shown in a list. Press Alt+C to Copy all images to your selected folder. Press Alt+M to Make a basic PTE project file using all images on list. Hot Keys: Alt+M = Make a basic PTE project file using all images on list. Alt+C = Copy all images to selected folder. Alt+V (or double click) = View selected image in original size. Alt+S = Save list of files with their full paths. Delete = Delete selected image. Arrow Up = Move selected image up. Arrow Down = Move selected image down. Alt+W = Visit web site. Important: Bring you focus to program before using Hot Keys. Please your feedback here. Volunteers needed to check beta version of my "Autorun Menu Window". Download for volunteers Granot
How about trying one of these: CD_Installer or Screen Saver Installer (InstallSS) Here.
Thank you Ken. And here is the "What's New"
Well, not exactly but you can resize your button, make it transparent and put an image under it. If you want another shape, like round, just make an image of a button and use it as it was a button, since all actions are same.