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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Al, It is very important for each program forum to have someone like you who can answer questions in so many fields and help new members who sometimes feel lost. I'm visiting the forum daily and many times I've learnt new things from your and others replies. And all the rest was said above by other members. Thank you Al Granot
  2. Joe, Did you write to support@wnsoft.com to ask your key ? First fix the registration issue and we will all help you make it work.
  3. Hi scapel Please give more details. Usually it happens when you move your files from original folder, but in your case you say you can not create a project, which means you didn't yet arrived to the stage when you can move your files. It is not clear what you are trying to do. Or did you erase the path from "Show Image" box and leave only the file name ?
  4. hi barbara Since you are the first to ask, here is my remark to all members: Please add some info about the places. I've seen some beautiful places in many shows, like this one, but few members give any info. Sometimes I don't even know which country the photos were taken (I'm not that clever to know all places), or where in the country. If shows are mostly architecture or people (like this show), please few notes. This can be easily done in attaching a text file or a second show which can be run from main show. I'm sure many members don't know exactely where is Uzbekistan but have a vague idea it is somewhere in USSR (?) or near (!?), who are the inhabitants, how many differrent groups there are, and so on. I know we make only visual presentations but I'm sure some users would like to know more, especially if they like what they see. The same goes for National Parks or nature presentations, Festivals, and so on. A map of the place added somewhere is good idea in my opinion. And as for Uzbekistan show, it was really good to see places on the news from another point of view. It looks like a serene place with more past than future. Granot
  5. Hi Joe, I assume you are talking about "FlashMeStay.exe" (the Quicky utility added in FlashMe4). Here is one solution: Add to your Welcome flash few one-colored frames (try first to add 10). It works like this: when first flash reaches the few last frames it stops and run the show. That means that if your last 10 frames will be black, you will see black screen and show will open over it. If your show uses the "Show first transition effect from desktop" with "Circle/From center" effect, then the effect will start from the black screen, which is actually one of the last frames of your Welcome flash. This trick is good also at another point, when show ends and Credits flash starts. If you add to your show a black slide with unchecked image at the end, and your Credits flash is on black background, then both backgrounds will merge. I said "Black" but it depends on your flashes backgrounds. Please check the demo inside the zip of "FlashMe4". I made a new file which suppose to solve this problem and if you write me I will send you for testing it with your files (write to my email below with "FlashMe" in the email subject). Please let me know. Granot
  6. Hi Ron, You mean at the Credits Flash ? Here is a trick: Duplicate your last slide and uncheck the image. As long as your background of the slide is same color as the background of your flash, they will merge. Granot
  7. O' La La, ... I think its at least few years there and I didn't see it. Or may be I become old and senile ? I wanted so many times to ask members about specific picture but some shows are so long I can't see them again just to find the slide. I wish all will put a mini small number at the corner.
  8. Thanks Guru.
  9. A very touchy presentation and very well executed. Granot
  10. Great cat and great cat's photography. I'm sure he had a good life in good home. Granot
  11. Excellent work, Ron , and good demonstration how to use "FlashMe3". Now, with "FlashMe4" it is twice as easy. You need only one file: "FlashMeStay.exe", no configuration file, just name your two swf files as "Welcome.swf", and "Credits.swf' , put all in one folder, and done ! and thanks again for your help. Granot
  12. And I am VERY ANGRY with them !!!!! Some of my users also don't get my keys and even not my emails with keys. Write to PTE "Support" and you'll get it in another way. And I'm still VERY ANGRY with aol VERY VERY ANGRY VERY VERY VERY VERY ANGRY Granot
  13. In New version I added: Use "B" to increase size of movie on run time. Use "S" to decrease size of movie on run time. Use "R" to see movies in random order. Use up and down arrows for jumping "Next/Previous" of 10 movies.
  14. I agree with Ken, "IrfanView" is the best for most jobs.
  15. You are welcome Guru. Robert, quicky may applys to the show but it only means "Quick" ( don't know how the Y got there ) Yes there is a connection between "AutorunMenuWindow" and "FlashMe4" - both were created by same person Will I find some testers here or get complains from users ?
  16. ... ha, ...I see. you've seen the Demo
  17. What's new in "FlashMe4" ==================== 1) "FlashMe4.exe" is now hiding the mouse cursor. and... 2) Added "Quicky" button. What is "Quicky" ? If you want to display one Welcome flash before show and one Credits flash after show, both in full screen, you don't need to make or use any configuration file or use folders and twice the utility. Now you can do this in 10 seconds !!! All you have to do is call your welcome flash = "Welcome.swf", call Credits Flash = "Credits.swf', rename "FlashMeStay.exe" (new file) to any name you want (or leave it as it is), call your show any name you want, command your "autorun.inf" to open the utility (FlashMeStay.exe) and put all files in same folder, or in the root of your CD. That's all !!! During presentation ESC is disabled while your flash is working and if user exit your show (by ESC) he will still always see your Credits Flash. Both Flash will be displayed in full screen on any screen size. Task Bar and Mouse Cursor will be hidden. After unzip, run "FlashMe4Configure.exe", click on "Quicky" button and choose "Yes". You will see a 30 seconds Demo of Welcome flsh, short show of 3 slides, and Credits flash. After you run it once, click again on "Quicky" button and run it again. This time ESC in middle of show (not middle of flash) and see what happens. Please your comments I will use this opportunity to look for serious volunteers who can run few dozens of tests on my beta version of "Autorun Menu Window" while I'm working on it and find my bugs. If you want to see a presentation "Help" file please download this file 1.7 MB: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/AutorunM...nMenuWindow.zip Thanks all Granot
  18. Atomiton, Thanks for liking my stuff. BTW, I'm putting some CDmenu window samples made by users on CDautorunMenu Webpage with link to user's site, so you can send me some screen shot if you like. Guru, Thanks for mastering "FlashMe.". Granot
  19. You use ""FlashMe3" or previous version. The flashMe is the exe which you run from PTE show, and it runs the Flash which will be in same folder (or CD). There is full explanation on FlashMe web page. Granot
  20. I have uploaded to my site a swi file of "Star War" effect. Here is the download address, below "FlashMe3" screenshot image. Download swi file "Star War" effect. you can see the effect on line too. Granot
  21. What Guru means is use "FlashMe3.exe" and it will run your "Credits" flash after show (better full screen). Ron West has done a beutiful "Star War" effect for his credit but I don't know if he uploaded the show to Beechbrook already. If you use Swish and want a Demo project file (swi) how to make credits for after show in "Star War" effect, go to "FlashMe3" screen shot page to download. Granot
  22. Ron, You can check "GifExeOnShow" utility (download from my web site). Another way is to extract all images from your animation (if it's not transparent) and put each one on a slide with 1 misc time for each slide (or more). Granot
  23. Norbert When you last updated your sound card drivers ? Please write me your email so I can send you a test file. Also download "FlashMe2" and "FlashMe" and tell me if one or both have same problem. Granot
  24. I was asked by some members to give some more info so here it is. Notice the most functions work on pte files: TextFinderPro Search for words in text files with option to change words. Double-click on file to replace words. You can save the new file in folder and name you choose with original extension pte or other. Any File Button =========== Basically for TXT , PTE files but can do a lot of things with any other file type. Buttons from left to right: ================== 1) Browse to select a folder and the program will Load List of all TXT files (and pte files) in that folder. New List will NOT be saved unless you click on "Save". 2) Load the last saved List located in program's folder. 3) A new window will open where you can write and save a new Text File. This new file will be added automatically to the List. New List will be saved. You can use right-click menu inside the text box. 4) Browse for any file. The file will be added automatically to the List. New List will be saved. 5) Copy content of selected file to Clipboard. 6) Remove selected item from the List. New List will be saved. 7) Clear all items from List. New List will NOT be saved unless you click on "Save". 8) Save the current displayed List. You can Drag and Drop any file to window. The file dropped will be added automatically to the List. New List will be saved. When selecting a file from the list, its full path is sent to clipboard. If the file is a text file (TXT, PTE, INI, LOG, INF) you can see its content in the Text Viewer. Double click on any file on the list will open the file with the associated default program. When you select a file from the list you get file info like file size in bytes, date of creation and last modification date. Find Word Button ============ Browse for TXT or PTE file and search for word like image name, sound file or anything. Program will tell you all the exact locations of words. You can copy the lines in which the word appears to clipboard. You can use the Replace Words function to change any word. Nodepad ======= This free text editor was is included for your convenience. Append text to the second window and call the whole text when done. Drag and drop text file (txt) to black rectangle. Change fonts type, style, color. Change background color. Use two scroll bars or one of them the way you like. Search for TXT file and auto display if found (don't write extension). Opens: txt,inf,ini Saves: txt Search: txt Granot
  25. OK, this is a bit complicated. Suppose you have a show with 200 slides and you want to change, for example, all places where you used ariel fonts to another font ? Or you want to change path of images of few shows, which where moved on your computer ? Or maybe you want to change your old email or your old web site address to the new ones, on all your 50 old shows ? A lot of work, Ha ? So just to let you know, there is a new program with which you can: 1) Search for all pte files containing the word you want to change. 2) Create a new pte file with one click. Ya, you guess right. As a matter of fact, I did not make it for pte users but as a text utility which can easily and better search for words or combination of words in files like TXT, HTM, HTML, LOG, INI, INF, CGI, CSS, JS, BAS, CPP, PTE and more. Then I realized it can be of some use to you (and you can use it for any text related jobs). Now, here is the catch The program needs a registration but PTE members will get a free registration, for limited time only, and I expect to get your feedback, comment and suggestions how to make it better. The program has four windows, each with many functions, including my "Nodepad". If you write me, I will send it to you by email (500 kb zip). It is called "TextFinderPro". Hope to hear from you and get your comments. Granot
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