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Thanks Lin. I will download this program and try. Granot
Lin, I checked Vegas Movie Studio 6. Since they don't say the reverse can be saved I guess that is only to view. I will try do look for other way to do this, maybe I will extract the images and make the video with PTE. Granot
Thanks Lin but this is not how to. Mirror is simply to mirror the move (left becomes right) but no reverse. I didn't find nothig in the Help file about reversing video so I geuss that is not possible. Anyway, still hopping. Thanks Granot
Someone ? Anybody ? I geuss I'm too stupid to figure it myself How the .... I reverse a mpeg file ? boxig
Thanks Ken. It looks like "Blade" is the best for what I need but still can't figure how to do it. I hope someone is familiar with this program to guide me. boxig
Lin Have downloaded the program but can't find how to reverse the movie. Can you give some instructions ? Thank you boxig
Lin, Many thanks. It looks the one I need. boxig
Hi, Any recommended program which can reverse a video and save it ? What I mean is simply to watch the move from end to start. Thank you boxig
thedom Now that you remind me I remember I worked a lot on this utility with SteveF and JPD, and there were many changes, but as you said both were satisfied at the end. I am sorry to say that is all I remember (a bit senile I guess). The best is to ask both members to send you the version they have and even ask them "how to" because I do not have the project to check how the utility works. I know it sounds strange but you can't fight memory. Sorry I can't help more in this point. Granot
thedom From your and Ken's description I see now that you have version 1. I can send you version 2, maybe it will fit you better. Where do you want me to send it ? Granot
That's more then true. Sorry, I really don't remember and when I tried to look for the project I could not find it (which means that I can not make any changes unless I write the whole utility again). These days I am very busy to finish the new version of my Thai dictionary but when it will be done I will try to find the project in my CDs archive. thedom, Then I suspect the version on my web site is 1 and not 2. Sorry for that. Ken, Do you mean version 2 was not released ? Maybe I did it with changes it for a certain forum member by request and forgot to upload. to my site Granot
Not in % .... see the readme file these lines: Basically what you ask is possible to add to new version but unfortunately I am too busy now to finish a project in due time. When I will finish my project I will add those features. Thank you for your comments about the utility. boxig
There is "HideShowTaskBar" by Marcovelo (forum member) and "TaskBarUtility" by me. See which one will fit your needs best (if you need). That will be nice to hear some feedback about ShowVideoPTE - Version 2.0
Try to use "ShowVideoPTE - Version 2.0". If you want the show to continue when video ends, then simply add the time of the video to the transition time. You can find the utility here.
Very very interesting demo. I like it. This is pure example how you can use PTE for creative project. I can see the many possibilities to enhance this demo, for example, if you have a slide show of a national park you can add a map tour and show images long the trail. Very creative idea. Granot
Igor, Oh, I didn't think of it too (old age). What about the problem I wrote above ? You said nothing (?). I hope you remember the "current slide number" written to a text file. Thanks Granot
Great feature (I didn't look there). I used it and uploaded new zip. Is there any difference between zipping through PTE or with another zip program ? Thank Granot
Sorry Ken. I uploaded new zip, changed the path in the pte file and included the missing image. Granot
Igor, I noticed that once you select an image you can't move it with mouse if it is covered by another image. This force me to bring to front each image I want to work on. If I am right, then can this be fixed so the mouse will not catch the upper image but the one selected ? Here is my first demo, only pte file + images and sound. I wonder why members keep posting only exe which can teach us nothing about the way it was done, and still call it a demo. Sorry guys but all your exe demos are useless and contribute nothing (no mean to offend). PTE and all files Download By the way, I did this on my 800x600 screen (in case images are not right positioned). Thank you Granot
Lin, I understand what you say and your suggestion seems good. I simply suggested to use on demos images that you don't mind being stolen. After all, we are talking about demos and not a real show. Since the only purpose of demo is to help members using PTE-5, I find it useless if pte file and images are not supplied. I hope to see a lot of demos, but please remember all, members want to learn from demos and not to enjoy them and break the head "how the hell he did it..."
Come on guys...you can include in the zip your original exe, include the PTE file, and then replace the images with any other images nobody want to steal. Simply take other 4-5 images (as many as you use), with the same size, name them as your original images, then put them in instead. No need to make any change to the pte file. Granot
Thank you Ken. I am sure your pte file will guide me and other members. (By the way, didn't you get my message about your Jukebox - which I enjoy very much but it covers all my screen and I can not listen and work in the same time because no way to minimize it).
All members are welcome to post their demos made with PTE 5. Please attach your pte file and images to your zip. There is not much use in exe alone if other members can't see how you did it, so everybody can learn from the pte file. If there is some information you think is important, attach a "Readme" file too. Thank you Granot
Ken, That is a great demo. I have to admit I could not understand Igors demos (sorry Igor) but once I open yours I got the trick. By the way, I have few questions: Is it possible to make an endless 360 degree panorama ? Why it stops after one time displaying of the slide even I checked the "Repeat till Esc" ? How we make your demo to be in custom mode window and not full screen ? Thank you Granot
Fixed a bug which show error message on start. Improved speed of uploading list of shows. Granot