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Everything posted by boxig
Now yes. When you click on "Save" button it will ask you if you want on same folder as last time. If you say "No" so it will let you browse. Also some other small improvements. Uploaded already. Thank you fred for good suggestions. Granot
"Passwords Creator' If you are distributing applications which are password protected and need to create a different password to each user - this is what you need. Enter user name and email and the program will create a unique password only for this user. You don't have to remember or keep records. Each time you enter same user with same email, you will get his own password. Password is copied to your clipboard. You can make a check to be sure you entered the right name and email (unless you repeat the same mistake on your check). Program is not case sensitive. Download from my site. Enjoy Granot
Before I go to sleep... 1) Program window will stay in place you move it and will not move after copy 2) Next time you open program it will remember location on screen and go there 3) Fixed bug - graphic program open only once (Uploaded) Good night Granot
Hi Fred and thank you for feedback. Most of your suggestions can be done and I find them logic. This will need extra "Save" button without browsing. Right. What the program actually do is displaying the image on screen and then "Print Screen", which means, if the image is bigger than screen I can do it only if resize the image, and I don't think this is what you want. I think I can do that. Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain ?I will post on this topic when I'll add your ideas and upload new version. Thanks again Granot
Quick Copy - Paste your graphic image or Copy image file. "Play with it a bit and you may find it usefull" Browse for jpg or bmp image file. or Drag and Drop jpg or bmp image file. Image will be displayed full size on screen (up to screen size). Click on image to send it to clipboard. Your graphic program will auto-open for you to paste the image. (to set your default graphic program press Alt+S) Click "Save" to save a copy of the file in folder you choose. H - Help. O - Browse and Open file. S - Browse for folder to save image. Alt+S - Set your default graphic program. Granot
Fixed a small bug in new version - exit "x" didn't work. Now ok. Thanks to Mark (maderemark) for sharp eye. Also added second version (due to marks suggestion) to run Full Screen. As mark suggests: "to launch Type Writer on the same slide that has the menu of shows the person could view. Type Writer could give them instructions on how to launch those shows or give an overview about what is on each show." Granot
Hi Bill, Don't worry Swish is great program and 1.52 is very easy once you check some demos and learn the trick. There are many demos on their site. Anyway, send me your swi file, write what you want to do, and I'll send it back after I fix it with explanation. Put anything you want to send in a folder, Zip the folder and send. Granot
Mr. E You can check "FlashVideoExe" utility which can do some things but not sure if can do what you want. It can Add Flash and/or Video before show. Check H E R E. Look under "Utilities for "PicturesToExe" and other slideshows programs users." Granot
"PTE Tool" - Utility for "PicturesToExe" - Bete version The "Readme" file (included in the download): With "PTE Tool" you can: Easily create a basic pte project to be modified later. Search for lost images of a pte project (JPG,JPEG,GIF,BMP). Run slideshow of all images from any folder (JPG,BMP). Display a sample of all fonts available in your Fonts folder. View Flash movie (swf) and get total frames number. View all videos in a folder one after the other (AVI,MPEG,MPG,WMV,ASF). Save list of your images (of any PTE project file) with theire full paths. Find and open any EXE file (Compiled Presentations). Find and open any PTE project. General search engine (magnifying glass icon). How to use Double-Click on file to open file, one click to copy path to clipboard. Buttons: Names: Arrange files in dropped order. Display full path / only name. Rewrite: Rewrite list of files sorted by name. Save as: Browse and Save current list as new text file. Clear: Clear all files from the list. Empty the list. Create PTE project file: Create "PicturesToExe" project file calle "File.pte", and run it. Pte,Exe: Browse for folder to Search for PTE and EXE files. Flash: View Flash movie (swf) and get file total frames number. Video: Select a folder and run all video files in a chain. Fonts: View all fonts available in your Fonts folder. Slideshow: Browse for folder and see slideshow of all images inside. Slide: Run slideshow of all images from images list. Check pte: Check for lost images files in pte project. Search: Search for the missing file after check pte. Copy: Select from list found missing files to copy to another folder. Search Engine: General search engine (magnifying glass icon). Delete: Delete an image from the list and from the pte project. Exit: Close the program. You can Drag and Drop images files from Explorer to the white window. Files dropped will be auto arranged sorted by names. A list of names will be displayed on left side. A small thumbnail of image dropped will be displayed on right side and the original image dimensions will be displayed. Click on "Create PTE project file" button and the program will create a file called "File.pte" in a sub-folder called PTE. All your images will be copied to this folder and all you have to do is configure other paraneters like effects, sounds etc. Notice that although all images are copied to "PTE" sub-folder the pte project created uses the original paths of images. More info and features: On selecting a file from the list a small thumbnail of image selected will be displayed on right side with the original image dimensions. Full path of image is sent to your clipboard. Double-Click on file name to open file in default program. The files on the list displayed are sorted automatic by name so it easy for you to find an image. But the list from which your pte project will be created keeps the order of dropped files. You can see this list in the program folder as "File.txt". The list will include the full path of each file. The files you drop are added to list, so order of files on list is the order files were dropped. If you want to display your files in the order they were dropped, click on "Names" button. If you want to re-sort your files by name, Click on "Rewrite". This will also create a text file in the program folder called "File2.txt" which will have a list of all files and paths sorted by names. The "Delete" button will erase the selected file from list and project. The "Clear" button will clear the window from all files. "Save as" button will open a dialog box for you to save the current list of files with their full paths under any name you want in any folder. This program is dedicated to my beloved dogs Tony and Boxi. Click on Thumbnail to see 8 pictures of my Dog Tony. Please your feedback, bug reports, suggestions etc. Granot
TypeWriter version 2.0 - Utility for PTE Here is the "Readme" file: The zip include three files: TypeWriter.exe TyWrEdit.exe TypeWriterReadme.txt This utility will open a window and disply scrolling text. You can use it as a stand alone application or to run it from other applications like slideshows. The first file is the utility, the second is a tool to create your configuration file called"configure.txt" and needed by the utility. The third is this Readme file. Open "TyWrEdit.exe" and go step by step to determind the size/color/name of font and the text, scrolling speed and Exit time. Your configuration file called "configure.txt" will be automatically created in the utility folder. This file will be used by the utility to read your configuration data. Run "TypeWriter.exe" and your text will be typed in a window. If you want to change some of the parameters, just open "TyWrEdit.exe" again and make a new configuration file. If you want to distribute this TypeWriter window, all you have to do is include only two files: "TypeWriter.exe" and "configure.txt" in same folder. Enjoy Granot
Done ! Please see my topic "Type Writer" utility - New version" Granot
Ok, OK .... I'm working now on new version to suit you. Almost finished. Every thing much simple now including speed. I will see what I can do with your last suggestion. If more ideas comes, please let me know before I finish. That will be today. Am I invited to the wedding ????
As everything is, but I think there will be no big difference. Why not check the time needed to type and Pause the slide for that time ? There is a small "x" on top right side of window. This utility is mainly for introduction on first slide when user have to click a button to start show, or: after show finish to show credits, same as in a movie. Good idea. I will have to find the time. Granot
cc, All bout "Nodepad" is in this topic. Robert, You can go to "Folder Options" / "File types" and look for pte file. Then add new action: "Open with Nodepad" and browse to Nodepad.exe. As for Last Slide issue, do you mean that it works as I said but the only problem is letting user know that left arrow will go to last slide ? - This was a long time request to Igor to let us be able to choose buttons of navigation bar. The gray NB not always fits the show (graphically) and I think this will be a great improvement to let us customize the buttons. Now that I'm single and you are paying ...do you have more daughters ? (just joking)..
Roy, I don't know too much about Flash but if you can make a tranparent flash then you can use "Run external file" in PTE. Another way is to use one of my flash utilities. In this case you can not show a tranparent flash but if, for example, you want to type white text on black slide, than make the flash background black. Also on my site you will find a utility called "TypeWriter' - try it and maybe you like it. It is a box where you can display a very long text in typewrite effect. All my utilities have a "Readme" file for instructions how to use with PTE. Granot
What ! I think you can And you didn't send any feedback about "CD Installer" !!! Ok, here is a little trick how to do it, but Igor must confirm it will not cause any problem when running show. Open pte file with Notepad (or better use my "Nodepad" - download from my site) and find the line start with: "opt_cpbutton... First slide. Change the "First Slide" to "Last Slide" but you must include more buttons because if you put only this button it will not work. Try to play with other buttons and see results. OH'... I forgot. Don't tell anyone about this Granot
Thank Guido for this useful information. I think you (as our sound expert) sould write a special chapter about all those sound related problems and Igor should add it to the Help file. It is pity many of your advices are getting lost or forgotten in the forum, thus we can always go to the help file in case of sound problem. Granot
Hi Fiskar Just an idea: Use PhotoShop to make new image (your show size) with two layers, one your gradient image and one your image. Granot
Thanks Guido for your email. Glad to hear that everything is ok now and program works fine. Thanks Granot
"Add Dropped" - Utility for "PictureToExe" Drag images files from Explorer to the white window. Files dropped will be auto arranged sorted by names. A list of names will be displayed on left side. A small thumbnail of image dropped will be displayed on right side with the original image dimensions. Click on "Create PTE project file" button and the program will create a file called "File.pte" in a sub-folder called PTE. All your images will be there and all you have to do is configure other paraneters like effects, sounds etc. More info and features: On selecting a file from the list a small thumbnail of image selected will be displayed on right side with the original image dimensions. Full path of image is sent to your clipboard. Double-Click on file name to open file in default program. The files on the list displayed are sorted automatic by name so it easy for you to find the an image. But the list from which your pte project will be created keeps the order of dropped files. You can see this list in the program folder as "File.txt". The list will include the full path of each file. The files you drop are added to list, so order of files on list is the order files were dropped. If you want to display your files in the order they were dropped, click on "Arrange" button. If you want to re-sort your files by name, Click on "Rewrite". This will also create a text file in the program folder called "File2.txt" which will have a list of all files and paths sorted by names. The "Delete" button will erase the selected file from list and project. The "Clear" button will clear the window from all files. "Save as" button will open a dialog box for you to save the current list of files with their full paths under any name you want in any folder. Click on Thumbnail to see 9 pictures of my Dog Tony. Please, I need some feedback Granot
Alan I didn't make it yet when this posted but now it's done and it's called "AddDropped". I will upload and post a new topic with all details Granot
Every time you open it asks you if you want to make it your default brwoser so just say "No". No problem that I know of, I'm using both for many years. If first time you use it it will automatically make Netscape your default, just go and open HTML file with IE and you will be asked if you want IE to be your default. Granot
Hi All, As I noticed through time, many members don't have a web site. The main reason is not knowing how to write web pages (HTML,HTM). I also noticed that since 98% of internet users are usin "Internet Explorer" browser, few are those who ever tried to use another browser. This is why many don't know that "Netscape" has a "Web page creator" called "Composer", which is so easy to use that even a baby can make a web site. All you have to do is download Netscape 7.1 fron Netscape web site and install it. Then go to "Start", "Programs", "Netscape" and choose "Composer". In the window open make easily your web page. You don't have to know any programing at all. Than you can take your own domain which is about $ 7 USA a year and host your site for abour $ 5 a month. If you want to save the money, there are many places where you can publish your web site free. To upload your pages to your server you'll neet a FTP program or use the tool that some free places are providing. Then upload your shows and pages and anyone can download them and enjoy. Granot
Hi all, Please let me know if this utility can be useful for you. I made it for another purpose but can easily modify it for PTE. It has a small window to where you Drag and Drop the images you like, than click a button and a basic PTE project file is ready for you. By the way, read again my topic about "CD Installer" - version 3 has great enhancements. Granot
Ok. Uploaded version 3.0 which is "CD_Installer" + "All_exe" + "All_scr" in one window. Now you can put as many presentations and screen savers on your CD and when inserting, user will see the list of all. Then user select one and can run or install or make a shortcut. Also he can read your "Readme" on that window and get info about total number of shows and savers. Notice: Better to add to all your presentations the word "Show" or "P" to the file name and "Saver" or "S" to screen savers, so they will be arranged in order. I really like to get some feedback about this one. And if you use it for your business, please consider a donation Granot