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eh eh Robert, I'm sure I've already done something like this. Display all shows on the CD and let user install the one he likes. (But I don't remember which one). Anyway, it is good idea to make a completely new version. So please tell me all features you want (other members too) and hope I can do it. Granot
Fixed 2 bugs: 1. Name of shortcut on desktop now visible. 2. No more install Saver by mistake click on frame. Uploaded fixed version. Granot
Hi Ed, first, not all users have Acrobat reader to read your pdf file. So, unless you instruct your user where to download it, or supply it on the CD, which some users may not like (to install a program just to read how much they have to pay ), it will better, in my opinion, to make it on HTML page or, make another exe slide with your prices. Anyway, I think PTE has no problem in opening pdf file by using "Run application". Granot
PteExe - Freeware Basically I made it to search my exe files when upgraded my OS and needed this tool. So I added short script to make it useful for whoever need it. This small program will search for all pte and exe files in the folder you choose (browse) and display buttons for each file to open by click. It is limited to 30 files. Download: Last file under "Utilities for "PicturesToExe" and other slideshows programs users" on My Webpage. Granot
Ralvis Thank for the info and.. as Bob said, I too had problem with my scanner and I can't use it now with XP. So I guess members who want to upgrade to XP should take into account the possibility of extra expenses - buying new scanner.
Hi Panuty I can recommend you the great tutorial for PTE done by AL, Download here.. Granot
Maureen Swish v. 1.52 : Download Page only $ 20 and very very easy to use, not like Swish 2 which is a bit complicated. As for background loop on web page use this: when "sounds" is the folder and "music.mid" is the sound file. I saw your page with music and it played fine. Granot
Bill, Well... I made this sample just to be sure what you need. This is a Flash movie and you can make a small sample of your show, about 10 big images or 20-30 if they are smaller (in kb). You can add any action you like, stop, play, download your show, send you email etc. I used "Swish" program. You can get the light version for only $20. If you don't want to bother too much, just send me your images and I'll make it for you. Granot
Bill, Is this what you want ? Granot
Hi all, New much better (and completely free) version of "CD_Installer". Here is from the Readme file: 1) Run Presentation from CD. 2) Run Screen Saver from CD. 3) Install Presentation. 4) Install Screen Saver. 5) Create a Shortcut to Presentation on Desktop using the icon of your presentation. How to do it: ============ Make a new temporary folder call it "ToBurn". Put inside this new folder the "autorun.inf" file (included in the zip), your "Readme.txt" file (write it by yourself), your screen saver (".scr") file (only one file !), your presentation (".exe") file (only one file !), and "CD_Installer.exe" file (this program). It will look like this: ToBurn (folder) - autorun.inf (file) YourShow.exe (file) YourScreenSaver.scr (file) Readme.txt (file) CD_Installer.exe (file) Burn to your Cd all the content of "ToBurn" folder. Do not burn the whole folder, only the files inside it ! Operating Systems to install Screen Saver are Win95/98/Me/XP/2K. When user will insert the CD, the "autorun.inf" will autorun "CD_Installer.exe" and the program will open. See program page here.
Check my "CD_Installer" on My Webpage under "Free Autorun Programs for CD Distribution". I uploaded a new version which is completely free. See my topic or go to program page here. Granot
Welcome Paul, Try to change your file name to be Paul_Peck_Portfolio.exe or PaulPeckPortfolio.exe You can check the free "Autorun.inf Maker" under "Free Autorun Programs for CD Distribution" on My Webpage. It has a good Help file about "Autorun" and some extra functions to add to your autorun. Good Luk Granot
Well, a bit out of topic but I know many members use win98 or XP. I just upgraded and I have to say I'm very disappointed. Maybe because I have pentum 3 and I have the feeling that XP is better used with pentum 4 only. I am still thinking 98 is the best but I destroyed it when upgraded Internet Explorer 5 to 6, and reinstalling 98 didn't worked. So before you upgrading, here is my advice: If you are satisfied with 98 - don't upgrade ! ... and dont upgrade to Internet Explorer 6 if you use win98 !!!
I'm really confused Can someone tell me what we are talking about here ? File/Template/Create template from this show This (at least on my computer) creates a new folder and copy all files into it. It can't be more easy and simple.
Al What happened to "making templates" ?????? Just make a template and all images, icons and sounds used in the show, including the project, will be copied to a new folder having the name of your show.
Azmi, Thanks for the feedback. Your show gave birth to my topic about PB and PTE. Please make a new setup as described in the article and then compare with old setup just to let us know how it works. In your show I can steal your flash file (and I did ) but I will not be able to do it in the new setup. By the way, why all signs in the streets are in English ? Is it the official language ? Thanks Granot
"PTE" and "Paquet Builder" - Protect your files Many members are using PB program to make a Setup for their PTE show. It is very useful especially when you have some external files used by your PTE show (like running HTML or TXT, running another show, video, Flash, or using a utility) and you want to make a single exe file which includes all your files, but you don't want users to be able to have access to those files, including your show. Your files can be stolen if user knows where to search = Windows Temp folder (in my win98: "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Media"). Another reason to use PB is to present a single exe file to your user, which looks much more professional then having many files. Yet another reason is that when user close your show, files are not auto-delete from the temp folder and stay there for no reason. Follow these steps when compiling your show and other files to one exe by using "Paquet Builder Standard Package": 1) Put all files in a new folder including your show. 2) In "General / Manage Files to Compress" add all your files. 3) In "General / Set Destination Folder" check the: "Do not prompt end user for destination folder". 4) In "Functionality / Manage Custom Actions" select "Before File Extraction" and add the custom action: "Execute a Program". 5) In Action properties window use: "dwNormal" in Display line. %ARCPATH%\FlashVideoExe.exe in Filename line. (see remark below) Leave empty the Parameters line. Select TRUE in WaitUntilEnd line. 6) Add a second custom action: "Exit Package". Remark: I wrote "FlashVideoExe.exe" to show you example when you are using a utility which runs before the show. If no such utility is used, write the name of "YourShow.exe" instead. The End ! Granot
Hi to all my friends, One month without computer ... great vacation ! 1. Uploaded new "RestorePTE" (Guido, did you get my email ?) 2. To help you find your video files I made "VideoChain" utility. Here is the Readme: This program will run all video files one after the other from folder. Works with: *.avi,*.mpeg,*.mpg,*.wmv,*.asf Use "Space" key to change FullScreen/Original Size. Just put "VideoChain.exe" in the folder where your video files are. 3. Time to change your "Notepad" to "Nodepad". Here is the Readme: What it has that Notepad don't have ? Append text to the second window and call the whole text when done. Drag and drop text file (txt) to black area. Change fonts type, style, color. Change background color. Use two scroll bars or one of them the way you like. Search for TXT file and auto display if found (don't write extension). Opens: txt,inf,ini Saves: txt Search: txt 4. Can someone give some feedback about "FlashVideoExe" utility ? Enjoy Granot
Tomsphotos One way is to make a one slide show with links to all other shows. Another way is to use one free utility from "Free Autorun Programs for CD Distribution" section on My Webpage Granot
Hi Stu, Thanks. It was over a year (and a very bad one). Going to Thailand for one month (anyone here is from this beautiful country ?) Will stay in Chiang Mai with friends and try to visit this forum if I can. And pardon if I will not answer emails of those writting me. All have fun too, Granot
Now you can: Run Flash Full Screen before Show. or Run Video Full Screen before show. or Run Flash Full Screen, then Run Video Full Screen then Run Show. or Run Show only (well... you don't need this feature, but it's there). No feedback ???? Fred, It is almost what you asked. I don't think anyone will run video before flash but if there will be a demand I'll see for it. As for multi files, can be done too but I think the most usefull will be to run one flash or one video before show. Granot
Marianne , So... we can say, I solved the problem knowing nothing about the subject ........
Marianne, This is not my strong side but why don'y you use programs like PowerBar which can change screen resolution in one click ? (I hope I understood what you want to do). Feature: Quick resolution change
Huummm.. ..... it gets four Cow Rating From Tucows while PTE gets only five. But it's double the price !
JiminLA .avi .mpeg .mpg .wmv .asf No .mov first version already uploaded to my site (He, I'm quick. Don't want to miss my flight) Fred Since there are so many combinations.... anyway, if you'll need something specific, I'll be here (I hope) after vacation. All Here is from the "Readme" file: Name of file: FlashVideoExe.exe For: PicturesToExe and other similar programs users. Use: On CD or on Hard Drive. Purpose: Add Flash and/or Video before show. Sound: Yes. Screen: Flash and Video will run Full Screen. Video Files: *.avi,*.mpeg,*.mpg,*.wmv,*.asf Made by: Granot Price: Donation. Date: January 2004 Version: 1.0 How it works ============ When open, the program will look for a Flash file called "Flash.swf" in the same location as the program, and run it Full Screen. When the flash will reach its last frame, the program will look for all MPEG, MPG, WMV, ASF and AVI files in the folder and sort them by name. Then, after the Flash ends, it will run Full Screen the first file on the list. When the video will end, it will run the application file called "Show.exe". If there is no video file, it will run the application file called "Show.exe". To make it short, if you have a mix types of video files on your CD, rename the file you want to run after the flash so it will be first on the list. Flash and video files can include sound. The zip includes "autorun.inf" to make your life easy. I included a Flash file so if you want to test it just add your video file to the folder and run "FlashVideoExe.exe". What you need to have on your CD ================================ "FlashVideoExe.exe" "autorun.inf" "Flash.swf" "Show.exe" Any video file of *.avi,*.mpeg,*.mpg,*.wmv,*.asf Have fun