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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Thanks to great help from Fred, now "CDmenu" is bug free and much better. Program Page Here Thank you again Granot
  2. Hi All Before going on vacation I want to make a nice free utility for you. Here are the options, tell me what you like most: Full screen Flash, Show. Video (Avi, Mpeg), Show. Full screen Flash, Video (Avi, Mpeg), Show. Video (Avi, Mpeg), Full screen Flash, Show. Neither of the above All Thanks Granot
  3. Thanks Fred, I got it. I will answer by email. Granot
  4. ralvis Works ok on win 98 !!! Files on Temp are not deleted. You can either tell user to delete them or delete them when exit. Granot
  5. Hi dpd, You can try my "Dark Table" (see this topic) which also creates a text file with all your images (full path) as you arranged them. I still didn't get any feedback about this program so I don't know much about its usefulness. If members will like it I can add some more features like calling all images from your pte file, then after you re-arrange them, inserting them back to your pte file. Usually when there is no feedback I assume members didn't find the specific program useful so I stop enhance it. Granot
  6. Hi All, Just finised a new program and will very appreciate to get some feedback. You can see program page Here. Important: You have to create your configuration files by using "CDMenuTool.exe" first. "CDMenu.exe" will not work unless it knows what to do. "CDMenu.exe" only displays what you create with "CDMenuTool.exe" . Many Thanks, Granot
  7. Sopa Dark Table - version 1.0 For all photographers members and PTE users, I hope this tool will be of some use in arranging your images before making your show. This version works with up to 200 bmp or jpg images. You can use the free "DivideFolder" utility to divide a big folder with many images to small folders. The more images to be uploaded the slower the program will work. Try to use folder containing only the images you need. How to move images: Example: If you want to move image 9 to be before image 6 click on image 9 and then on image 6. Buttons: Browse/Open: There are two buttons to browse and select a folder. One will search for all images including in the sub-folders, and the other without sub-folders. You will be asked to choose a title for your page. The program will display up to 200 images as thumbs of 100x75 pixels. A list of all files and their path, in the order you arranged them, will be saved as "List.txt" in the program folder. This "List.txt" file is overwritten each time you make a change but you can save it as a TXT file under another name during your work (see "View" button). Files are sorted by names. The thumbs of all images will be displayed in same order in program window. Files are limited to 200. View: This will open "List.txt" file and Send its content to Clipboard. Since this file is overwritten each time a change is made, you can use the clipboard to past the List to a new text file. Open HTML: Will open HTML page which will include up to 200 Thumbs of images found in your selected folders as you arranged them. Batch Rename: There are two ways to rename your files. The first one will overwrite your original files, and rename all files with name you choose as prefix, adding ascending numbers as suffix. The second way will create a second copy of your files, using their original names and adding the word "_Copy" at the end. Since the program can rename even "read only" files, you can use it to rename files copied from a CD, which are "read only". More features: When you reopen the program your last working project will be opened and images will be auto displayed as thumbs in last defined order. Download: My Webpage Look under: Utilities for "PicturesToExe" Please report any bug. Many thanks to Marco for his great help during many days of creating this program. Granot
  8. Joy, Try to use "FlashMe" utility for PTE. See Here.
  9. Thanks Bart. This is a good ebook for rainy day.
  10. Fromatoz You can try "FlashMe" utility. Download Ron's show using flash welcome screen or the excellent demo of Marcovelo showing what you can do with "FlashMe". The demo is HERE.
  11. Thanks Igor, that's great ! Don't forget to add it to Project Options window. Granot
  12. 1) Accumulated "Remember slide number" to a text file. 2) Run embbeded or external app. with/out argument. 3) Nav Bar as small icon with Hide/Show on mouseover.
  13. ... and if you lose your images after doing this, use "RestorePTE" utility to get back your lost images
  14. Sorry Robert, look for "Autorun Board Utility - v 2.0" and let me know if any problem. Granot
  15. Autorun Utility "PTEautorun.exe" - New Version ================================= Nice window display up to seven shows. User can install any show to his selected folder. Display your "Readme" You Email link. Browse CD option. Just put the shows in "Shows" folder and write few lines in "data.txt" file. Granot
  16. MyHtml - New Version ================ Display web pages (not in a browser) form your show in resizeable window. This was my first ever done utility and now I remade it. You can use it as stand alone program to launch HTML file with all it's content including links to other pages or on the web. All you have to do is run "MyHtml.exe" , include all your files in same location as the utility, and call your first page "myhtml.html". Included in the zip are a sample "myhtml.html" , "FunnyFace.gif" and "Title.txt" for optional window caption. "PicturesToExe" users ================ Use "Run application" action to launch the utility on any slide. What's new ========== 1. Window can be resized by user to any size by dragging. 2. You can write your caption (title text on the blue bar). Write your caption on one first line of "Title.txt" and include it. If you don't want any caption - don't include the file with all others. for CD: put all files with your show.exe. Granot
  17. Ron, Easy way to do it is to put all your files in a new folder and then try it. If it works fine, so just burn all the files from the folder (not the folder with the files but only what is inside the folder).
  18. Hi all, Due to some requests from members who get lost in my PTE utilities page, I have made a comfortable Index. The Index include about 60 Free utilities and autorun programs for PTE users and total of 130 Free useful programs and 7 Shareware. In the index you can read about each utility. After extracting the zip (no need to extract to a folder because it has its own folder) run "Granot.exe". Hope it will be useful. Any question or problem please write in this topic. Download Utilities Cataloque here Granot
  19. I assume you have no problem when burning exe done with older version after installing the new version. Also try a show without sounds made with new version. These will give more indications as to the problem.
  20. YES ! Thank you.
  21. Hi Igor Question: My "RestorePTE" can't restore sounds in new versions. Where (if at all) sound files are extracted ? Request: "Run application when exit" - since "Run aplication after last slide" will not work if user exit in the middle of show. Thank you Granot
  22. Robert and all, Sorry, while adding "Restore sounds" I was working with old version of PTE and the below will work only on old files made with old versions. I noticed now that the new pte version does not extract sound files to TEMP. Anyway, it will still work on shows made with old versions and you can restore all sounds with "RestorePTE". Notice that the restored pte file will not include the sounds but you will find the files in the folder, so just add them by yourself. Files to be restored are: mid, wav, mp3, ogg Granot
  23. Yes, I can do it both for the restored pte and for the html pages. But since I think html pages are more for the member's use, he probably don't need the sound. And if he does, he can add it by using frames. As for the restored pte, I didn't do it yet since pte extract the sound not to a fixed folder and not with a fixed name. Also member can use WAV or MID or whatever, so it is just a matter of a lot of scripting to detect the temp folder and the temp name of sound file which can be any type. I will try to add this during this week.
  24. Hi all, The new version of "RestorePTE" utility now can make a "web site" like from your show. The main purpose of this utility is to restore your images from exe show. Now it can create html pages, each with a slide screenshot, and auto display it with 3 seconds between each page. Also added a "Browse" button to call your exe show before restoring or before making html pages. Please your comments and suggestions. Granot
  25. Uploaded new version of "RestorePTE". New feature: make auto-linked html pages from your slides. See more details in "Auto-linked html pages from slides" topic.
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