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Everything posted by boxig

  1. You use them when you are creating your SWF (flash) file. "FlashMe" enable you to integrate your flash with the show so it will look like is is a part of the show. If you need only simple effects and don't want to spend much money, used "Swish version 1.5".
  2. If your show has no special links but only "next" and "previous" then you can use "RestorePTE" utility to create images of all your slides and then put each image on a page. Then add the music as background by adding meta tag using this java script line: There is also a script for "Time display" for each page but I forgot it so maybe another member will supply it, or you can add the next/previous buttons. I think you can use this neta tag (the 3 is 3 seconds and you can change name of page and time): If you want to create pages only with the images used in the show then use "PteImagesManager" utility. This will create a simple page with images one below the other. You can create a page with all inages or only images used as main image or only images used as objects. I will try to add this feature to one of the utilities so it will make all the work. I hope this helps to your needs.
  3. Astro, Thank you for finding a bug in this utility. I fixed it and uploaded a new version. You will not see this message again. Granot
  4. Added new features: Make HTML page from all your images, only background images, or only object images. I uploaded the utility to my site. Name: Pte Images Manager Since there were no vulenteers to check it, I hope it will work fine for you. Any suggestions and feedback are welcomed. Granot
  5. Hi all, I finished Beta version of new utility and looking for some volunteers to find my bugs and give some feedback. The purpose of the utility is to help manage images used in projects without the need to open your shows. This program will show BMP and JPG images (not GIF) used in any pte project if the files were not renamed, deleted or removed from there original path. You can see images as thumbs or full size, get image width and height dimensions, copy to clipboard path of the image file and copy the image file itself to any folder you want. The program will detect missing files which were relocaed and allow you to search them, view and copy them back to any folder you choose. There are two sections with similar windows. The first one is for images used as background images, the second for images used as objects on slides. When on full size display, you can click on image to open it. Click on opened image to close it. Browse - Select a folder to search for pte files (include subfolders). Template Folder - will open only if was installed in default path. Search - After selecting a file from the list - will look for images. Next - Search for next image. Double-click on pte file to open it in "PicturesToExe" program. One-click to send full path of pte file to clipboard. Size of zip 740 kb. Please leave your email for sending. Thank you Granot
  6. Do you mean you want to get a "Web site" like from all slides ? There are many reasons why it's better to resize images with graphic program and then use the resized image.
  7. Hi Bubba, Sorry I missed your post. Marco is much more experienced in configuring and using "FlashMe". It is better to use "FlashMe" than my old flash utilities since you have more control how it looks and acts. Anyway, tell me what exactly you want to do and which utility to use. Granot
  8. gufosenior Please give some more information what you are doing and when it happens so members who know can try and help. If no one will know you can write to support. have good luck
  9. .... and if the exe is a pte show, better you split it and send small files. You can use the free "Gsplit"
  10. Hi Igor, To prevent future difficulties and since there are many tips going on now about the new AVI feature all topics concerning should be in new category. I also suggest all members who succeed, or find any useful information "how to" should post their success including info about theit Hardware, Operating System, which third party program they used and info about kind of pte show. Current topics better be moved to this category.
  11. Ron, "Raglan Castle" is for my taste, I like antique places wherever they are. The place look a litle isolated with very nice surrounding views. Next show add some info about the place and if it's for sale And for antiques lovers like me, some closeup photos. I'll be waiting for your next show. Granot
  12. Hi all, First I want to thank Marco for his excellent Demo which every PTE member should see. Till I saw his demo I never realized what amazing effect you can create by adding this small utility to your PTE show. The name of the utility is "FlashMe" and you can download it from my site under "Utilities for PicturesToExe". The zip includes a three pages Help file named "FlashMeReadme.exe" which you should read before using the utility. Just a moment...don't go away, although the Help is very long, it is very easy to use "FlashMe". This is due to a "Configuration Tool" where you go through 10 simple steps, and the tool will create your configuration file, which will instruct "FlashMe" how to display your Flash on your slides. The tool is called "FlashMeConfigure.exe" and many thanks to AL for his great help in refining this tool. After unzip the file, you can run "FlashMe.exe" and it will run a small flash file. For advanced users, you can edit the configuration file (Flash.txt) with Notepad if you don't want to use the "Configuration Tool". And last word: This utility is great for adding some text effect to boring still titles and which are very easy to create and integrate with the show. However, more complicated image effects require more knowledge in flash creating. I worked many days and nights to make this utility and I hope to get some feedback from you. Enjoy Granot
  13. Andreas Try this: Run the demo as usual. After introduction when the menu appear, Esc all. Is there a problem ? If no problem, start the demo again and this time choose one from the menu, run it, and when return to menu Esc all and check the problem. This way we can find where the problem starts. Also, try to use another simple show. Thanks Granot
  14. Hi Andreas Do you mean the new Demo posted on http://beechbrook.com/pte/ ?
  15. http://www.webattack.com/ Here you can find most of the programs under "Freeware"
  16. PTE Room I made this small tool for myself but you may find it useful, especially if you keep your files in Template folder in the default path of PTE. The menu includes: "Shows" - Will display all exe files located in: "C:\Program Files\PicturesToExe\Templates" (and sub folders) Click on any name and the show will run. By using "Browse" button you can find exe files in any other folder. "Projects" - Will display all pte files located in: "C:\Program Files\PicturesToExe\Templates" (and sub folders) Click on any name and the project will open. By using "Browse" button you can find pte files in any other folder. "Members" - Keep any info about pte forum members. "Tips" - Write all tips about using PTE. "Links" - Keep related links. Enjoy Granot
  17. Ron I'm curious. Why you insist on Photoshop ? There are many Free programs, like "IconArt" and "IrfanView" with which you can make your icon in two clicks.
  18. How to make your icons with the free IrfanView. Open your image with IrfanView. Change the size to 32x32 pixels. In "Image" menu and choose "Decrease the color depth" to 16 colors (or 256 color). Save the image as ico file but add 32 to the name so you can distinguish later between the icons. Go through the same steps for 48 pixels saving the ico file, add 48 to the name.
  19. here is another way which should work. Open pte file with text editor, look for your slide number and write in first three lines this: (example for slide no. 2) [slide2] ShowPic=0 Picture= save the file.
  20. Is that mean we can send now our representetive to the UN ? I must say that even years ago PTE was the best program of its kind in the market and its improvement seems will never stop. By the way, where is Guido ?
  21. Richard Try to use "TempCD" utility. It will temporarily copy your show from CD to HD and run it from HD, then it will delete it from HD. This way you avoid all problems caused when running show from CD. I have uploaded a new version (version 2.0) today so if you decide to try it you will be the first. In that case let me know how it works.
  22. Thanks AL Sent you all files + Demo show using the utility. will be waiting to read your feedback.
  23. Hi all, Marco and me are working on a new Flash utility which will give us many new effects to add to show. We have some problems we can't solve yet and we are trying to find where or what is the source to the problem. Since we both are not Flash experts, we need your help. What the utility can do: By using "Run External Application" you can open a Flesh file on any position on any screen size and manipulate it. You can decide how many loops you want it to play, what direction you want it to scroll, exit time or slide out of screen, and resize your original flash. Marco did an amazing demo when utility was still on very early stage and with a bit of imagination you will be able to create great effects integrating with your show. How you can help: The utility has a very simple "configuration tool" with which you create your configuration file (txt file). There are 10 steps and endless combinations to configure what you want your flash to do. It will be very helpful if some of you will "play" with this beta version, find bugs, suggest ideas and give overall feedback. If you are ready to help, please write here your email and I will send you 2 files (400 kb and 700 kb). Thanks Granot
  24. GĂ©rard Since we can run some utilities to enhance the show, and some are running hidden from users view, we want to close them or cancel the change they make when show is finish. Usually for win98 there is no problem but newer operating systems act different. So I think it can help members who are making pte related utilities to know they have this option in case they want to run a file when show is closed. here is theoretic example: If you run another exe (not a pte) in a windowed show, it will probably show your mouse corsur even if it was hidden in the show. To prevent this we can run another utility but we want to bring back the mouse corsur when show finish. Being working with Marco on this issue while trying to improve the flash utility, he had some problems, which gave me the idea that having this optional feature can only help. This is the main reason but I'm sure there can be some other uses.
  25. Hi Igor, We have "Run application after last slide" but what if user close show by using "Esc" ? Can you add new option: "Run application when show is closed" ? Thanks Granot
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