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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Thanks Michel, Now it works. don't kbow what happened. Granot
  2. PicturesToExe Screen Saver just for fun
  3. ... and you are so right. The success of a good program is not being good but the level of help it offers to its users. This include the help user gets from other users in solving his problems and help him use and enjoy the program. There are many good members here who visit the forum just in purpose to help other members, and they should be blessed. I know this may sound familiar to you, but "PicturesToExe" is great program and it has a great forum just wanted to say it again
  4. Ron, Since your question was on this topic which is about "ExeAutorun Utility" and from your question I assumed you are asking about it. I saw nobeefstu answered in your topic. If you will have more questions we'll all be happy to help. To learn more about autorun read the help file in the Free "Autorun.inf Maker" program which you can find on My Webpage. Also you can check the "Free Autorun Programs for CD Distribution" section on my page. good luck Granot
  5. Go to http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and download utility made by nobeefstu called "AutoPlayer - Play/create chain-linked Shows" Same place download "PTE 101 Tutorial" by AL. Put all your shows (exe files) in a folder called "Shows". To the CD burn the folder as it is (not the exe's which are inside but the whole folder with the exe's), the utility and the autorun.inf file. To test it on your Hard Drive: Make new folder Put inside the utility and the autorun file Put inside the "Shows" folder (which include your exe's) Run the utility
  6. ExeAutorun Utility for multi exe distribution. Put "ExeAutorun.exe" and "autorun.inf" in the root of the CD. Put all your shows (exe files) in a folder called "Shows". Finish ! When run, double-click on any show name and it will run (I hope) W A I T !!! If you want to keep a list of files you are going to put on a CD then, before burning the CD, run the program and click "Alt"+"P". Then select the first file and click on arrow down of keyboard to move through all files (not very quickly). Close the program and you will find your list called "File.txt" in the same folder. I like it. What about you ? Hope there are no bugs Granot I like all these small faces icons I'm trying to make every day a new utility so I can post a topic and put some faces
  7. Robert I added the "Print" feature to "ExeAutorun" utility. Check it and tell me what you think. I'll post new topic. Granot
  8. HideShowTaskBar This utility will hide task bar during show. Your show must be called "Show.exe" and located in the root of CD together with "HideShowTaskBar.exe". Included "autorun.inf" that will open "HideShowTaskBar.exe" which will hide the task bar and run your show. When show is finish task bar will appear. Try it from a folder on your Hard Drive first. Granot
  9. Robert, Ok for the Print I was going to bed when I read your print request, so I couldn't sleep till I find how to do it. Now I know. I think I will add this feature to the regular version. I will make probably hot key and then you will select the first file, then go down with arrow one by one, and..... you will find a text file in the folder with all files, each in a line, with full path to current location. I think this is better than only file name (and shorter to do ) Good night Granot
  10. Glad for good news. And what about embed other exe files as they are ? Granot
  11. Robert, Check also my new "ExeAutorun" utility (use the "Find" on my page to find it) it is similar but smaller file (all shows must be in "Shows" folder). As for "print"..... hummm.... I think it is possible but it is really a long time work. I will check it tomorrow and if can do it I will add it only on your versin (don't think anyone else will need this feature). Thank you for reminding me about the Readme....forgot. Thanks Granot
  12. Marco Didn't receive. Please zip it and send again. On subject of email write: PTE boxig@zahav.net.il Thanks Granot
  13. Now you can find two versions on my site: 1) GifExeOnShow Run Animation GIF on slideshow. (position x,y of your show) Example: x=0 and y=0 anumation will be at top-left corner of show. 2) GifExe Run Animation GIF on screen. (position x,y of users screen) Example: x=0 and y=0 anumation will be at top-left corner of screen. Enjoy Granot
  14. Igor ? Are you there ? Granot
  15. Ok ... Ok .... OK ....... Uploaded new version. Now if you move your arrows nothing happens. But to select a file you will have to Double-Click on file name. I think this solve the two problems above. What do you think ? Is this better ? If you think the old way (one click) is better, now I know how to it , so I can change it back, or should I leave it double-click ? I didn't changed yet instructions as to Double-Click instead of just select. Granot
  16. Yes, I know. But you forget that on this version that include the "install" you don't have the first small window. When user insert CD he will get the big window with the install button. So I thought user first want to see the show. He can see it all or close show before end, and now install it if he likes. Since user should select a show to install or to run, and we don't know what he wants to do first (maybe see show ?). But if I miss something here, please open my eyes. Yes. I can add a warning not to do this or disable the arrows (disable is not good since maybe show uses arrows). But, again, why user will do this ? Anyway, I will see if I can do something about this. I want this to be a perfect tool so any comment and suggestion is very wanted, so don't stop sending them Granot
  17. Merlin Thank you for your kind words Sound logical and I think this should work if links are done as they should. Yes. and No. I am using my own ideas from previous utilities I made, so once I know how to do it, the doing is very quick. Feedback and suggestions are very helpful since sometimes I get a great idea from you (like hiding the task bar which was Marcos request) which I didn't think of before. So I'm always waiting for members to check and play with my utilities, find bugs (as many did find) and give me new ideas as to how to improve existing utilities or for new utilities. Thanks Granot
  18. "All_Exe" - version 2.0 Now I hope everything will work as it should. Just put all your exe's in one folder (which later will be the CD) add "All_Exe.exe" utility and run it. You will see all your shows as a list, select any show, and it will run. (good to give meaninful names to your exe files). This basic version is Free To see what else this utility can do, click "Alt" + "N" for a guided tour. This part is not free, but we can't expect to get everything free Please your feedback Granot
  19. Done ! See this topic. Granot
  20. Ron and Robert Good morning (05.30). First thing to do in the morning is going out with my dog. Second thing to do is make a new version of "All_Exe" and upload it to my site. Robert, I solved (I hope) the "sort" bug and it seems to work fine now. If you see v.2.0 near the program name - that will be the new one. I will be waiting for feedback on the new version. Thanks Granot
  21. Jim There is help on "gif.txt" file. X and Y are the top-left corner of the animation on screen. Example (from the file): 150 = the gif will be 150 pixels from the left side of screen 50= the gif will be 50 pixels from the top side of screen yes = animation will disappear in a zoom out effect. This is only first version and I will add some improvements according to members feedback. One is to let utility check user's screen size and show the animation gif in the same spot on all screens relative to size. Any specipic question ask me. Granot
  22. Robert I think I found how to fix the file order. I made few tests and it works fine. But since it's night, I'll ceck it again on fresh in the morning. Granot
  23. "Buttonize" Buttonize your image (very good for small images). The program works with Hot Keys only. B = to browse for bmp or jpg image. S = to save the image in the program folder. H = for help. Esc = to exit. After you select an image it will appear buttonized. Every 4 seconds the button style will change. there are only 3 styles. Granot
  24. Mike Yes, Photoshop can save in bmp, jpg or gif (and other) but best save in jpg. See if looks better as bmp and size not big it will be ok too. There are many FREE programs on the net that create simple buttons. Tell your "autorun.inf" to open your "menu.exe". I guess that's what you are doing ? One page show with buttons from where to open other shows ? As for more details about "autorun.inf" you can read in the help file of the free "Autorun.inf Maker" program on this pgae Hope this will help for start.
  25. "GifExe" - FREE This utility will enable you to open an Animation (GIF file format) over your show. Comments are welcomed. Download: Go to My Webpage and use "Find in page" to search for: GifExe Granot
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