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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Hi Igor, Can you add in "Customize Navigation Bar" one more available button which will "Run external file" with ability to change Caption of button (im Messages Tab). We can use it to run a second show or utility. Also to remind you my old request to enable compile external files so we can "Run internal file". Thanks Granot
  2. Al, What I mean is a simple txt file to be opened by a button using "run external file" on each slide to open its relative txt. Or you can use my "Mini window utility" which is only 200 x 100 and has a text with scroll so you can put all your text in one file and user can open it or close it. If you need any modification to fit your needs better, let me know. Granot
  3. Hey, what is going on here ? I wrote my full impression and appreciation for this wonderful work few days ago ... and it disappeared (????) from the topic. Wrote something about this being a real diamond and a MUST for all users. Who erase my reply ? Or maybe I wrote it by mistake in another topic ? Al, may I a small suggestion that can help people with a bit of hearing problems like me ? - I saw the Doc but can you add a simple TXT file to each slide so we can open it if we want to read what you are saying ? Thank you for your marvelous work Granot
  4. Bill, I checked it, nice small program. Thanks. I like small programs that make one task.
  5. ImageToSlide Here is the Read me file from the zip (program No. 128). This Free small and simple program can help you a lot in your work with images, especially if you need to put them somewhere, like a page or a slide of album you make. How to use it: ============= Drag and drop a bmp or jpg file from explorer to the small square at the top of program window. The image will be displayed on right side of the program. Use the 3 sets of + and 3 sets of - to play with image size. You can keep ratio, change only width or only height. The image will change size and X an Y will be displayed. You can move the image on screen by holding on red area and drag. You can move window also by using 4 arrows of your keyboard. When you like the results, click on Save and select a folder to save the image. Name of saved image will be the date and time of saving. But that's not all. The main feature is to save the image and everything beneath it. To do this click on Save All and the whole screen will be saved, with your image, after was resized and relocated. Please your comments Granot
  6. Bill, This is interesting and I'll check the link. You wrote "MMB utility software can support screen size changes" - Can you please guide me on this ? I probably missed this feature. As a rule, I never make any changes to user's computer, nor write in registry. The only thing I sometimes do is create a text file. Another thing, you wrote: "changing the screen size to fit the slideshow". I don't know much about screens but won't it be useless if we make a windowed show ? What I mean is, if you make one show only and want the user to see it as it is, so why not make it windowed without need to change his screen ? Granot
  7. "Screen Resolution Utility" - Beta Version Download Here Hi, This is for "PicturesToExe" members to try and send me feedback so I can improve the final version as to your needs. You can test it in a folder or a CD. This Free utility will check your user screen size. Your 2 words configuration are done in "ScreenData.txt" file (which must be included): First line you write: autorun (or any other word) Second line you write name of default show. How it works: If you write 'autorun' (without the ') then the utility will check the screen size and will look for the file to run. If user's screen is 800x600 it will look for a show called "800.exe" and will run it. If user's screen is 1024x768 it will look for a show called "1024.exe" and will run it. If user's screen is 1280x1024 it will look for a show called "1280.exe" and will run it. If user's screen is any other size it will look for the file name as you wrote it on second line in "ScreenData.txt" and will run it (default show). If you did not write 'autorun' (without the ') then the utility will open a window with three buttons for user to choose which show he wants to run. If one the the shows do not exist, he will be noticed by a message. Important: You should rename your shows as for the screen they are made for: 800.exe 1024.exe 1280.exe The default show (on line 2 of "ScreenData.txt") can be any of these shows. I hope to get your feedback to finish this one. If someone want to make a nice interface for the window with the three button, you are very welcomed to send me your image, which can include also three nice buttons with all the text. Thanks Granot
  8. Please see my "Screen Resolution Utility" topic. Granot
  9. Thank to alan for finding a bug added by mistake with some new features. When image is smaller than frame you could see some numbers on right side between image and frame, on the saved image. Now fixed - new version uploaded. Thanks Alan Granot
  10. Bill and Robert, see this: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/AllExe.jpg Image 1 First put my shows to folder "a" when Zpaint.exe is extra zzz file. As you can see "All_Exe" is not sorted. Image 2 Then I copy all files to folder "b". Now files are sorted except Zpaint.exe. Image 3 So I delete this extra file and everything is OK. ain't that so easy ?
  11. Robert, I found the simple solution and works on HD I don't know what will happen when run from CD 1) Copy all the file you want to a temporary folder. 2) Add a bonus exe file which you don't want to include with name start with zzz so it will be last one. 3) Close and open the folder, now all files in order (as AL said). 3.1) Make a new folder. Cut all files from the first folder to the second. 4) Add "All_Exe" and run it. You should see all files in order. 5) Close "All_Exe" 6) Delete the bonus file. 7) Run "All_Exe" again. 3.1 - was added after few tests. If you take files from many folders then while in first temp file they will be re-arranged. When copy to second temp folder they are beeing inserted in order. I made few more tests and it is more simple then the above: All you have to do is first put all files in Temp1 folder. Then (Close/Open folder) cut and put in Temp2. Then (Close/Open folder) cut and put in Temp3 if still needed. (in this way skip the bonus file) Let me know if it works on yours. Al, You are missing nothing and you are right, but somewhere, someone, inside the machine is still remembering the order of inseting the files to the folder. Someone in this forum will pop-up sooner or later and explain us exactly how it works so we can find a way to solve this, unless my way above will do the job.
  12. I like comments like this Give me something to do It seems like Explorer (or whatever) remembers the order of files put in a folder and the program will list the files by this order. Whatever change you will make in the folder, the initial order will be remembered Here is the simple way to overcome this: 1) Make a new folder. 2) Copy your shows and paste to this new folder one by one in the order you want them to appear on the program list. 3) Add the "All_Exe.exe" and "autorun.inf" to the folder. 4) Make a test (run the utility). 5) Burn CD. Any change you want to do later, like adding new files, will force you to run all the above steps again in a new fresh folder. Any Donation done on this page will be fine. Thanks for your feedback, I added this instructions to the Readme. Hope this will work now. Please let me know, Granot
  13. Marianne, Why not ? Download This speed of central processor unit (CPU) in MHz detector What's left now is someone to tell us how we can use all this data in making the shows Granot
  14. Hi, I was thinking of a small utility and like to hear if you think it can be helpful or not (in other words, should I spend my time ?). The utility will detect user's screen size and will run a show designed for that specific screen. That means you will have to make a set from your show, one for 800x600, one for 1024x768, and one for 1280x1024. Your autorun will run the utility which will choose which of your shows to run according to user's screen. Here are the sizes I know of but are they all really in use ? 800x600 960x720 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1280x1024 For which of those sizes should I make it, or should I make for all ? You can try This Small Tool to see how it works: Thanks Granot
  15. AL A really Great diamond ! I was very very impressed ! Wonderful tutorial for PicturesToExe ! We all members are lucky to have this one. A MUST to every PTE user. Now you will have to update it every week... ...or ask Igor not to make new versions so often Granot
  16. I don't know how many you guys clicked "Alt + N" while "All_Exe" is running but I added some new features to this secret section Granot
  17. No comments Never mind, I did it anyway "ShowFlash" will enable you to open a flash movie over your show. You can scroll it from it's start position out of screen. All configurations are done on "Flash.txt" file. Important Notice: Do not change lines order on "Flash.txt" file ! The only changes you can make is on first 6 lines. Do not erase or change any other line. If you mistakenly do this, the utility will pop-up a message and let you restore the original "Flash.txt" file. It is recommended to test your project from a folder before making CD. ...maybe Ill get some feedback now, who knows
  18. It's like a chicken - sit on it and it will hatch
  19. Phill Check this page and download "Autorun.inf maker" from here to learn and make autorun. Good Luck
  20. clair, Since the standard "autorun.inf" can open only one file we use this utility through which you can choose which exe to open. The "autorun.inf" in the zip will open the utility only. When the utility will run you will see the list of all exe files on your CD (do not use folders on CD !). Then you choose a file from the list and the utility will run it. I hope that's more clear. Granot
  21. I uploaded "FrameToImage" version 2.0 New in this version: 1) You can save final image to a folder you choose by browsing. 2) A backup image will be saved in a special sub-folder in the program folder. The name of the image will be the date it was created, example: 20031021105752.jpg This file was made in 21 October 2003 at 10:57:52 AM. Remember to delete those backup files if you don't need them or keep them for a while. Granot
  22. Thank you guys for blowing my ego mhwarner, thank you for your comment, I will sit on it today. when done, I will post here. Granot
  23. Thanks Robert, your comment was on place, so I added a message on opening telling user to click only once and wait. I uploaded the modified file. On my computer files are opened only once, unless you jump from one show to another, which you probably won't do now that a message telling you to wait. Thanks Granot
  24. claire, Put the "autorun.inf" which is included in the zip in the root of the CD together with the utility "All_Exe.exe" and your shows. Before you make a CD try in a folder: Put your shows (exe's) in a new folder, add the utility, then run the utility. If something not clear - ask again. Granot
  25. Hi all, I know all of us are waiting for animation feature which probably will come one day. Till that day will come, I thought maybe you'll be interested in something similar. Many of us use Swish (I recommend version 1.5 for simple animations, it is cheaper and much easier to use than version 2.0) with which you can make beautiful things. So, I can make a small utility which will open your flash on your show and even scroll it from place to place, with full control as to speed, direction of scrolling and start position on screen of any size. If you know my "Scroll Image" utility, it works the same way but with flash movie. If you are interested, let me know, and I'll do it. Granot
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