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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Got one confirmation from Guido who checked the new file that it works fine. I'm waiting for few more checkings before changing the current file to the new one. You can download Here. Granot
  2. Hi all, I made a new file for "PanoRunner" which, I hope, will work same on all computers. Since I have only one machine, members who can check it on 2 or more machines are welcomed to post their results. Does the panorama moves on same speed on all machines ? The new file is Here. Thanks Granot
  3. Andreas, thanks ! How I didn't think of this simple way Granot
  4. Guido, Thanks for your checking. There is nothing I can do at this stage, but I think members can ask the end user some info about their machine and then configure "cfg.txt" - faster computer, bigger number for speed (actually the speed is numbers of steps so bigger number means more steps or slower move). I believe there is a way to solve this problem but I didn't found it yet. Andreas, Yes, I thought of this way but all my tries failed, so had to use the steps insted of time. But I didn't give up hope yet. I hope users who want to change the speed and will check the Help, will go to "cfg.txt" and change the speed number. This is the easiest solution till I'll find a better one. Thank you both for your comments Granot
  5. Marianne, Glad you find the problem and you like the improved version. As for the help, it is actually the legal bla bla bla. I think all (not only PTE members) who want to use the free version should allow me have a little credit. As for those who want to use it commercially they get another version to fit their needs. Granot
  6. Andrew, Marianne, Andreas To start the pano-tool automatically use "Run external application" on customized sllide. Let the slide enough time till pano exit before you move to next slide. New: To run panorama before show and show open automatically - now posible. See "cfg.txt" for all details. To see more than one Panorama during the show... well, it can be done but then it will be a completly new program while this utility is only to show one moving panorama which you can't put into PTE. But if you need one more I can make and send you a second file which will show "pano2.jpg". Just tell me where to send to. Fade in/out is a bit difficult. Start window - I uploaded a new file with 10 x 10 blinking window for a split of a second and it's much better than before, almost unseen. Not quite understood this: "started from within PTE it leaves a line at the bottom showing background or maybe taskbar on a smaller screen." Maybe your pano image is higher than the show ? I think if your show is full screen or higher than the pano there should be no problem. Can you please send me a screen shot ? The help icon - this is a problem I can't find a solution for. Some utilities don't have buttons where I can add a "Readme/License" note. Usually people distribute to friends only the necessary files and the program circulate without the legal notice and any help instructions. This becomes more common in CD distributions since the person who gets the CD actually can copy the utility from the CD and use it for his CD, with no any legal or help notes. The best I can do is replacing the button with a small text which will carry name of the business/person (after small donation) and will be visible at the corner and will not be clickable. Granot
  7. PanoRunner Moving panorama to use with "Run external application" on any slide. You can use any image size, you can configure size of window (width), start delay time (after how long time image start to move from right to left), exit delay time (how long time to exit after movement stop), and the speed of moving panorama. All configurations are done on "cfg.txt" file. You have to rename your image to be "Pano.jpg" and include it with "cfg.txt" and "PanoRunner.exe" in the root of the CD. I did this one in a hurry so if you find a bug, please let me know. I made some tests and it worked fine. Please your comments. Thanks Granot
  8. Done ! I have to make some tests and write the Readme file. Features: Any size Panorama image (regular jpg). Can configure start time delay, exit time delay and speed of movement. Coming soon....... Granot
  9. Marianne As you said, one way is to use only PTE but you will have to cut the image to many smaller images. Another way is to use a java script and to open HTML which can be done also with one of my HTML utilities. Flash is also a way to display panorama. Yet another way is to make a new utility. Yes, unless I will find a way how the utility will calculate the time needed for each image size and exit by itself. I will sit on it and let you know. Granot
  10. Thanks Igor. That will be very helpful to most of us. Since your new versions are poping-up like mushroos, I'm sure will see it this year. And please don't forget the ability to embed in the exe what we are using now as "Run external file". ...and thanks for great "PicturesToExe". Granot
  11. QuickThumbs version 2.0 Here it is as I promised (for jpg only): 1) Add text to top left corner (copyright etc.). 2) Batch thumbs making, keep ratio enable. 3) Batch rename. This program is freeware. Program No. 104. Also: TrayPaster - version 2.0 Unlimited lines to keep on system tray icon. click on the icon and all list appears. click on a line and it goes to clipboard. This program is freeware. Program No. 62. you are welcome to make a small donation to help me keep my website. Thank you Granot
  12. Done ! Granot
  13. Hi Bill, As I understood there are two options only: C:\Winnt\Font C:\Windows\Fonts If this is true so the utility works fine for those two. MMb can read and write to registry but I never use the registry in my utilities since I know people don't like when program add things to their registry. As for "autoit", I know it but don't use it. Does your script detect the folder in all OS ? I think we wait for some feedback from members how it works on different OS (members can try it on HD and no need to burn a CD) and if it will not work as it should, I will have to use the registry and your script. By the way, did you made any interesting project with mmb that you can send me to see ? Thanks Granot
  14. Simple, as you did (thanks Michel) - make a Donation to help me keep my web site By the way, thanks to Michel for making the French version with me. Granot
  15. My basic assumption is that people use drive C for windows folders. So as long as the Fonts folder is in C:\Windows or in C:\Winnt, the instalation will take place. I am trying to find the way to auto detect the fonts folder but till now couldn't find how. I could make the ytility visible and let user browse for the folder but than it has other disadvantages, as being visible and the fact that not everyone know where and how to look for it. I hope solution will come in the future. Granot
  16. Thanks you guido. So now I guess the Font Installer is ready and no need for any changes. Granot
  17. boxig


    Hi Guido, glad you still here. This should be not so difficult to make since we can embed sound files and images so why not exe ? This can make the use of many utilities very simple. An example is my new "Fonts Installer" version which is now so easy to use and much better. Before we had to make a button to run the utility but now with "Run external application" on slides the utility just run hidden and install the fonts. Granot
  18. Thanks for the info. I added this and uploaded new file. Now the program sould work for end users with WINNT too. The only case it will not work is if user don't have either "TIMES.TTF" or "ARIAL.TTF" (must have at least one of these, which I assume everyone has). Please check it and let me know. You can drag a font file from your font folder to the utility folder, then delete it from your font folder (if it was not deleted by itself) and run the utility. The font should be re-installed to your fonts folder. Members with other operating systems are welcomed to send me the path to their Fonts folder so I can add it to the utility. Thanks Granot
  19. Now with the new features of PTE it is very simple to install as many fonts you like on user's computer. This will allow you to use all kinds of fonts in your presentation. The utility make its job behind the screen, installing all font files found on your CD to C:\Windows\Fonts. I don't know if all operating systems use this path to the fonts folder, so I will appreciate information about the location of fonts folder in different OS. The utility is Freeware. Thanks Granot
  20. You can use my Font Installer utility. The Readme file was written a long time ago and since then we can run application from a slide. So all you have to do is run the utility on the first slide and the fonts will be installed on user's computer. You will have to include the font file on your CD. you can download it from My Webpage This utility is only for one font file but I can make a new utility that will install all the font files on your CD to user's computer. I will try to do it tomorrow and when it will be finished I'll post here. . . . Ok, it's done. See my post: "Fonts Installer - New version" Granot
  21. Thanks to Michel and Ken. Uploaded new files. Two utilities, one big and one small. Now can resize window - hide picture and leave only List of files (in the small) or also resize the list of files (in the big). They all should work now with UPPERCASE files. You can add a text file to each show and all text files will be displayed after the shows list. User can vew any text file in the program viewer. You can add also your voice message (or music). Granot
  22. boxig


    Hi Igor, we know you wont stop till we have version 5000 Here is again my request and one suggestion: Let us the ability to embbed the files which we use now in "Run external file" so we'll have also "Run embedded file". Since PTE becomes more and more complicated, I want to give one personal suggestion: Every time when you add a feature make a brake and write a detailed Help about this feature, and if needed, a Demo too. This way any new user will have a full complete help file and not be lost. The main disadvantage of many good programs is the help file. PTE is great program but users judge programs according their ability to understand how to use it. I know this is the boring part, but it is the most important, even more than adding new feature. Finally I must say the PTE is great program...uuups... I said that already. Granot
  23. Thank you Ken for your comment - I added a line that say: "Double-click on file to run" and re-uploaded. Granot
  24. Ron, Ken is right, try it now. It is good idea always to refresh pages (and better refresh again with "Cntrl" pressed) because some servers keep pages on their cache and you never see updated. I can still see some visitors are using cache from 3-4 years ago and they probably get 404 error all the time.
  25. Thank you guys. I think you deserve to learn from my clever sayings: "I love life very much. If it will be taken from me, I will have nothing to live for." "I don't need to prove nothing to nobody, and I can prove it to you." "If I was taller, I think I would not have been so short." "No one can take from me what I don't have. That's why I'm so happy to have nothing." And if you like it, please download my "Stupid cow". Ron, it is No. 107 on my page.
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