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Everything posted by boxig

  1. mannybr2003, and all members, Here is my first try to make a utility fo turning PTE to a Karaoke tool. I uploaded an unfinished beta version to get your comments as to know should I continue working on it. The zip include the utility "KaraOK.exe", "Readme.txt", and "Configure.txt". In the last one you write your song's lines and the speed of words appearing. Make a copy of my original "Configure.txt" in another name for backup, in case you make a mess with it. As for now I can't make it transparant. Things I need to know: do I have to increase or decrease font size ? Oh' forgot, use "Run external applicatin" on customized first slide and it will stay on top of your show or use it as it is (just run "KaraOK.exe"). Meantime I added a new function (and new upload): User can move the window on screen, by standing with mouse where he likes the top-left corner of the window to be and click "Alt+Space". And don't be shy to tell me it's no good (if you think so) - at least I'll know not to spend my time on it. Download HERE. - 420 kb Waiting for your comments Granot
  2. mannybr2003 Can you please explain in more details what you need ? Do you mean a slideshow with text changing while image changing ? and each image has a different display time ? For what you need the slider ? And why you need to change window size ? If you use PTE for the images wont it be easier to add only the text bellow ? You can customize each slide for the time needed and then configure the sametime to the line belongs to the slide. Sorry for being so ignorant about Karaoke. Granot
  3. mannybr2003 "Pause, Continue and Restart for long text." This is when your write "11" on line No. 7 in the confuguration text file. As for KARAOKE, I have no knowledg about this kind of stuff but I guess the idea is the same - scrolling lines. What I need is only the time between lines, how long time each line is displayed, am I right ? If this is what's needed, I can make a program that display lines for a certain time. Lines will be written on a text file with the time to display each line, and the program will read the info from that file. (??????????). Let me know if I'm on the right way and I'll try to make a demo. Granot
  4. Scrolling About Whats new: You can choose from 9 colors. You can use your own image as background (clouds as default). You can put a long scrolling text. Pause, Continue and Restart for long text. Please your comments. This utility is free, the zip includes Readme instructions. Download from My Webpage Thanks Granot
  5. Azmi, Check my new topic about the new version of "Scrolling About". Granot
  6. Azmi, Send me the colors you like and I will add them to new version. As for the scroll bar, if the text is short, there will be no scroll bar. but if it is long, I think it is needed. To all, Uploaded Setup for screeny better version. Now you can move it on screen by keyboard arrows. Shortcuts on desktop and Start/Programs/Screeny Including Uninstall Granot
  7. Since we have now "Run external file" action, you can use this one with PTE show or as stand alone utility: Thumbs Slide Will show your tumbnails in maximum 200 x 150 pixels. User can change speed, run auto slide or manually. Free. No. 72 on my page. Screeny version 2.0 Capture screen or active window and save the image. Also included BMP to JPG converter. Free. No. 73 on my page. ImageList This program will show names and thumbnails of images and will allow user to choose images, make a list, add remarks, and send the list by email. This program is a handy tool for photographers who give their photo albums to customers for choosing pictures. Donatoinware. No. 14 on my page. Comments are very welcomed, Granot
  8. Hello all, Due to some requests I made a sample with exe and pte files to show how to use some utilities. You can find it on Bill's site "beechbrook" The file "Sample.exe" includes samples of using four utilities: Scrolling Text Scrolling About Mini Window AutorunHtml You can check the "HowTo.pte" file to see how it is done. Check the customized slides. Don't make exe from the project since you don't have the images. Other 100 programs and utilities on My Webpage Enjoy Granot
  9. Thanks Igor. I thought that can be done same way as you deal with the sound files. And if there is a way user can't delete the file during show if it is extracted to TEMP, or show will close if file is deleted, that will be great. Granot
  10. Hi Igor Can you add the ability to compile the file which is used in "Run external file" in customized slide inside the final exe ? Or, in other words = "Run embedded file". The reason is that user will not be able to delete this file or to copy from CD to HD only the show. Thanks Granot
  11. Here is from the Readme file of "Secret Agent" utility: Download from my site and give it a try Granot
  12. Ron, On page 3. First select source of files, select files, then the "Next" button will appear. When you finish on second page the second "Next" will appear and will send you to page 3. By the way, if the window is too big, you can drag the frame and make it smaller. Granot
  13. Hi Harry, I am using "Batch Thumbs" which as far as I remember is free program and a very good one. You can go to the program main page and download HERE. Granot
  14. Hi all, Not very much related to pte but some may find my two new free small programs very useful in general. Both don't need any installation, just to run the exe. OneLine ======= This program will keep lines you often use, like www address, email address, greetings, signatures etc. 1. Write or Paste one line text. 2. Use the drop menu to call any line. It will go automatic to your clipboard. 3. You can delete any line with the "Remove" button. 4. You can use right-click menu inside the TextBox. 5. You can minimize the program to system Tray and restore it by click on Icon. MyPass ====== This program will keep all your user names and passwords or any other pairs of words. 1. Write Name and Password and click "Save" to add the pair to your database. 2. Use the drop menu to call any pair of Name and Password. 3. You can delete any pair of Name and Password with the "Remove" button. 4. You can copy only Name to your clipboard by using the small button under the word "Name". 5. You can copy only Password to your clipboard by using the small button under the word "Password". 6. You can copy Name and Password to your clipboard by pressing together "Alt+Enter" on your keyboard. 7. You can use right-click menu inside Name and Passwords TextBoxs. 8. You can minimize the program to system Tray and restore it by click on Icon. 9. Hold "Shift" key and press "Enter" to copy name and password to "Passwords.txt" (will be created if not exist). Name and password will be appended to existing list. This will keep a list of all pairs you want. You can edit "Passwords.txt" manually by holding "Shift+Alt" keys and press "Enter" Notice: you can't run these two programs on same time. If you do that, drop menu will not be updated on runtime. Please your comments. Download from My Webpage Thanks Granot
  15. Thank you Guido. I just uploaded a new version which I think looks better. I'll be happy to hear from you if you find any other useful utility. Granot
  16. Agree with Guido - "JPG Optimizer" is the best I know.
  17. PTE Search and Open No installation needed. Just run "PteSearchOpen.exe". This program will show all .pte files and will allow you to open any .pte file, to get its full path, and to save a list of all or some of the files. When you run the utility, it will show by default only .pte files located in 'C:\Program Files\PicturesToExe\Templates' but you can use "Other Search" button to search for .pte files in any other folder or in all your Hard Drive. You can display the results as file names only or as the full path to each file. You can sort the result list by alphabetic order, delete any file you don't want (only from the list), save the result list under any name you like (.lst extension) and call it back any time you want. You can open any .pte file you choose with "PicturesToExe" program by using "Open File" button. Download program No. 37 from My Webpage Thanks Granot
  18. "DropMe" A small utility which can be very usefull. Just run "DropMe.exe", drag and drop any file to the small blue window and click "Get me !". The full path of the file will be sent to your clipboard. No installation needed. Freeware. Download from my My Webpage Enjoy, Granot
  19. Mike Since I have win95 only I don't know where other operating systems hold the screen savers. Basically I can make an installer but only if I know where to install in each system, like in win95: C:\Windows\System. Stu, Thanks. I sent you email. Granot
  20. Hi to all, Since now we can run application while going to next slide, I made a small change to my "ScrollingText" utility. It is very simple to use and you can add a ScrollingText box on every customized slide. You can write your text and configure the scrolling speed. The box disappears when text finish to scroll. Thank you Igor for this great feature. Download this free utility from My Site.. Granot
  21. Hi Guido. You surely remember how many times I asked you if you are still alive. Let us know when your show is ready. I hope it will be Italy (Torino ?). Granot
  22. I uploaded a new version of "PTEprotect" with extra "Delete" button. This will delete all backup files when project is finished. Important: Since this program do not write nothing to your registry it will forget everything when you close it. If you use it again on same project and same folder, rename your backup files from last time or it will overwrite them. The Delete button will work only on same session. No install needed, just unzip the file which include the utility exe and a Readme file. Granot
  23. Hello to all members, Here is all information about two new free utilities which I uploaded to my site. Please write any feedback here for members to know advantages or disadvantages of these two. PTEprotect This is a small, simple, and very useful program for "PicturesToExe" users. It will make as many backups to your pte project file while you are working on a new slide, and prevent you from losing your work. When you finish with your project, you can delete all the backup files if you like. How === Put "PTEprotect.exe" in your working folder and run it. Then open PTE and start making your project. When you save first time your project, write your project file name in the TextBox of "PTEprotect" and click on the "Backup" button. The saved project will be saved also as "Backup1.pte". Next time when you save your project, just click again on "Backup" button and the new saved project will be saved as "Backup2.pte". You can continue saving as many backups as you like. Download: program No. 23 on my web site. ImageList This program works without any connection to your PTE presentation but it can be of some use if they come together while distributing presentation to a customer who is supposed to chose pictures from your work. It can be a handy tool for photographers who give their photo albums to customers for choosing pictures. Basically this program will show a drop menu of your pictures and display small thumbnails of 120x90 pixels. If you make thumbnails of your presentation pictures and a list of their names, then your customer can use this program to make an order list and send it to you by email using this program. When your customer chose a picture from the drop menu, the thumb of this picture will be displayed. Then your customer can write his remark in the textbox concerning the selected picture (like how many copies, what size), and click a button to add the picture name and the remark to his order list. No installation needed. Just unzip and run "ImageList.exe". The program has "Help" button. Features ======== 1. Drop menu will show full names of all pictures. 2. Chose picture name from drop menu and thumb will be displayed. 3. Add remark to selected picture in a textbox 4. Click "Add to order list" button and the selected picture with its remark will be added to order List. 5. List can be cleared by click on "Clear List". 6. List can be viewed by click on "View List". 7. Manual changes can be made to List by user when "View List". 8. Thumbnails can be displayed by using left/right arrows buttons on program. 9. Slideshow of thumbnails can be displayed by using "Slide show" button. 10. Slideshow can stop and continue from stop point. 11. Slideshow can be started from any image you select from the drop menu (stop slideshow before selecting). 12. Number of selected image is displayed. 13. When click on "Send email" button then "ImageList" utility window is closed and user's email program will open with your email and subject as you wrote them on "email.txt". The order List will be the content of the email. User can add or make changes before sending the email. 14. Unlimited number of images can be used. Files ===== ImageList.exe - main program. EmailMe.exe - send email program. email.html - nothing to do but necessary file. email.txt - write your email address and subject. ImageList.txt - write full names of all images. Sample images ============= 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg How === Make images 120x90 of all pictures. Rename all images from 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg ... On "ImageList.txt" write on each line a full name of a picture with picture its number. Example: If you have a picture named "My beautiful car" and the thumbnail is called "35.jpg" then you will write: 35. My beautiful car Your list will look like this: 1. Dog 2. Flower 3. Children 4. Mountains 5. Animals 6. At the sea . . 35. My beautiful car . . On "email.txt" write your email on first line and the subject on second line. Put all files in folder or the root of your CD. You can try it in a folder before making your CD. I hope it can be of some use. Download: program No. 14 on my web site. Thank you Granot
  24. Hello tinem, This was one of my first utilities and as far as I remember there is a button called "How to make a presentations CD". This will open the long help file which explain step by step how to do it. You can check also other similar utilities like "MultiCD". Check also this page for comparing features of some utilities for making CD: HERE. If you have any question please ask. All my utilities for PTE are HERE. Granot
  25. Gino, There is a small utility which may not be exactly what you need but you can check it. You activate it by using "Run application or open file" action under an object. On one of the next versions of PTE you will be able to use it on page change. The utility is called "Scrolling Text Utility" and you can write your text in one line, fix the speed of scrolling and the time for closing the scrolling window. The text scroll from right to left and it can repeat itself if you allow the time. Click on window will close it too. You can find in on my web site program number 18. A readme file is included in the zip (333 kb). Granot
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