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Everything posted by boxig
You didn't give any details as to what you did with the pte project file or where are the images now. If you are lucky.... try to search in all your pte files (using: *.*pte).
The best is to make a template of every show you make, then zip it and keep for cases like this.
Sorry Harry, there was a problem on server. Please try to download now and let me know if it's ok. Granor
Volume Slider version 1.4 The zip include 2 folders, each include a different version of the utility. One for regular show and one for synchronized shows. The second have the ability to add a fade effect to music, at your configuration. We are still working on this utility (nobeefstu, ThinkBox and me) and we need your comments and suggestions. Download from my web site. enjoy it, Granot
Fade music at end ! OK ! In next version of "Volume Slider". You will be able to choose: After how long time from start show the FADE sound start. Time interval between steps. This will be added to the utility for the synchronized show but you can use it for not syncronized too. Granot
Many thanks to you Bill for your donation and help. Granot
MarkOC You can write in the "Help" message ("Customize help message") some basic informaton about using the volume control or just tell user to click on red small dot and read the full "Help" of the utility.
Cindy Another partial solution is to let your customer view your exe from his hard drive which will make it look much better than running from a CD. You can check some utilities made for this purpose HERE.
Thank you Bill for your comment. I uploaded "VolumeSlider 1.3" which include two utilities - one for regular shows and one for synchronized show. In the second you must include the "autorun.inf" (included) and the "Show.txt" (included) after writing your file name in "Show.txt". Also changed restore volume to 50 %. and the most important (at least for me, I hope) I accepted your advice and any member who like to donate can do it on my site (this can really help). And thanks again to Stu for his help. Granot
Version 1.2 was uploaded. It has some imrovements, like hiding window and restoring when mouse over. Granot
Hi all, With some good help from nobeefstu, I uploaded a temporary improved version of "Volume Slider". Window only 180 x 14 pixels (almost invisible) so user can keep it on screen corner. Volume of slideshow can be fully controled manualy by moving the slider. Three Hot Keys: M = mute sound R = restore last used volume (only if volume was changed) V = volume to 50% Full help inside (click the red button) Please your comments Granot
Thanks Stu, It is always good to learn new things. Can we open any other files in this way ? I mean, any files which are associated to windows media player ? Are there any other tips like this concerning opening files from CD ? Thank you Stu, Granot
AVI autorun "AVIautorun.exe" will run "file.avi" if found in same folder. Than means that if you want your CD to open AVI file when inserted, just name your AVI to be "file.avi" and put it in the root of your CD together with "AVIautorun.exe" and "autorun.inf" which is included in the zip. You can click now on "AVIautorun.exe" and the sample "file.avi" will open in your default program. Download from my web site, program No. 19. After reading Nobeefstu explanation here we probably don't need this utility any more. Thanks Granot
No, you can't do that. But you can Download my "Video Introduction Utility" from my site. It is free utility and it will do just what you want if you follow instructions. You can also try "MultiCD" which can run unlimited files from CD of all kinds, including AVI. I will make also a small utility which will open AVI file from CD in the users default program, in most cases, Windows Media Player. See topic in this forum.
ccmanz I think this is no problem. You can try it.
Bill, Got your email and sent you reply. I'm waiting to your email answer.
CC, Bill, I will reply step by step since my problem is that I forget what I read after few lines. So I will write few lines, go back to your long reply, and return here to edit. First, all members must know how important is your feedback. The restore to 70% was a good suggestion. screen position Can be done. No need for ini. But do you think such a small window on left top will be ok ? HOT KEY Ok, now I understand why CC requested the Hot Key ! CC, You win ! I will add a Hot Key that will mute the sound in case someone calls. Any preffered key ? I have a phone call !!!!! Didn't finished yet my unswer, I'll come back. So pity this forum don't have Hot Key for sudden phone calls.... This is what happens when you are looking for cheaper then free ! ....and now you want 2 hot key ????????!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it's possible. Ok, let me sit on it. End
ccmanz I am sitting now on your request but still have some problems. Maybe I will be able to make it at the end. Can you please tell me why keyboards control is better ? I know "soundControl" but I think it has too big window for our purpose, to use on presentations sounds. thanks
ccmanz Humm.., someone want to make my life more confused. Here is what I think: I guess something of this kind can be done but I really can't understand the benefit of it. The original idea was to let user have the ability to mute the sound, which I also can't understand why, unless your music is so bad that user can't survive hearing it. Anyway, I guess user will not spend his time playing with the sound while enjoying the presentation (again, unless the presentation is so boring). User probably will only adjust the volume to his liking and then minimize the very small window of "VolumeSlider" or move it to top corner (in case he fall in love with the small window and want to watch it with one eye, while the other follows the slideshow). If you can see your system tray while show is running, you probably see your taskbar too, so what is the difference ? As for keyboard control, why it is better then slider ? If I didn't understand exactly what you mean, please pardon me and give more details.
Hi to all, I opened a new forum which will deal only with autorun matters. You are welcome to visit and help me built it to a helpful place for all autorun problems and discussions. If you have some tips or can write a short article it will be great. Here is the address: Autorun Forum Thank you all Granot
think(box) Many thanks for your profound overview of "Volume Slider". I hope you will find the time to make such good work on some other utilities. I can make it return to 70% or any other number. I will check if I can make it remember the starting point. Do you think 70 % will be ok for now ? This is the special feature I asked Igor many times. He promised. Well, we are still waiting. This feature will help not only on this utility but on many of my other utilities. Igor, where are you ?! I uploaded the new version which will restore volume to 70 %. As for restoring to original settings, if I'll find how to do it, I'll make it. Thanks again for all your very interesting information on this forum. Granot
Volume Slider You can use "VolumeSlider.exe" with presentations to let user have control over the volume of the music, or even mute it if he likes. After adjusting the volume, user can minimize the window. When utility is exit, volume goes back to maximum. If presentation is not in full screen, user can restore the utility any time to adjust volume again. Since the window is very small (165 x 27), user can keep the Volume Slider on screen, if he likes. Use "Run application or open file" action. Feedback and suggestions are very welcomed. Only 360 kb. Look for program No. 20 on my web site. Thanks Granot
Al, It was my mistake not being clear. Anyway, since it is very small utility, only 360 kb, I decided to upload to my site, and will post a new topic. Look for program No. 20. Thanks Granot
AL I was not so clear. You can minimize the utility and it stay minimized but if you in full screen you cant see it. I can make it anyway you like: Mute sound and exit (which is not so good since user will have to bring back the sound by himself) or as it is now, with a slider, so you have full controll over sound and can mute it if you like. When you exit the utility it will bring back your volume to maximum so user will not find himself with no sound and wonder what happened. I hope some members like to try it so I can get back their feedback and make it according to needs. As I said about few of my utilities, when Igor will add the feature he promised, those utilities, including this one, will do a much better job after I'll make some changes.
Lee, I have a small utility which I made for myself and maybe it can help. It is a small window with volume slider which you move by mouse. I call it from PTE by using "Run application or open file" action. It stays over the show and you can control volume as you like. You can then minimize it (if your show is not full screen) or close it. When you close it it brings up the volume to maximum, so it must stay minimize till end of show. If you like to try it (or anyone else) I can send it to you. It was not published anywhere. Granot