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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Font Installer ========== If you are using a font which is not to be found on the user's computer, the user will see other fonts and this may change the look of your presentation. One way is to make images for your texts but if you have a lot of text, it can make your show heavy, and demand from you extra work. To be sure user sees our font, we have to put this font on his computer. Here comes the "Font Installer" which can install one font file. (If there will be a demand, I can make it install more fonts in the future.) This utility will copy a Font file (.ttf) from your CD to the Font folder of the user. Your font file and this utility must be in the same folder. Do not run the exe if you didn't make the things below. Very easy to use: Open "Font.txt" and you'll see one first line: \FontName.TTF Leave the \ as it is and write the name of your font file. Example: if your font file is "mama.ttf", you write: \mama.ttf Remember to include a copy of your font file on the CD. (If you can not copy the font file, do this: drag the font file to your project folder. This will remove the file from your font folder to your destination folder. Now copy the file from your destination folder and paste back to your own fonts folder). In the root of your CD you put these files: 1. Your presentation. 2. "Font_Installer.exe" 3. "Font.txt" 4. "autorun.inf" 5. Your Font file. Since this utility was not created originally for PTE, here is how to do the rest. When Igor, as he promised, will add a new action called: "Run application and go to next page" , all you will have to do is use this action at the first page. Ok, since we have to improvise, we can do it only in this way: Link the "Font_Installer.exe" to a button with "Run application..." action. Call the button something like "Install Fonts" or "Use original Fonts" or whatever, so the user will understand the point. You can also tell user in your "Readme" the name of the font in case he want to remove it. (When Igor will add the desired action, I'll make an improved version). You can try it on your computer first: Instead of CD use a folder. Drag your font to your project folder. Do not copy it back to your font folder since you want to check that it will be put there by the utility (but make a copy somewhere, just in case). Now run your show and see if your text is ok. Go to your font folder and check if the font file was installed. Notice that font name and font file name are not the same. Download from my site (333 kb in zip) Let us know that it works or if there is a problem. Please check my other 70 (!) utilities and programs. Thanks
  2. Ha' ! Greate program PTE that we can do such things. terrorism is now in fashion (I hope I didn't kill anyone there). But why you tell the end of the story to our members ? and what about the Pyramid ? I destroyed it too. By the way, I made these two to practice animation. notice the explosion, it has about 50-60 slides.
  3. sshort Send me a Screen Shot (print screen button on your keyboard) of the sample you saw so I have better understanding what you want to do, and I'll tell you how to do it (I hope). Send to boxig@zahav.net.il.
  4. Ok, Ok... Now you made me happy. so I decide to upload my "Space" to my site. Open your loudspeakers. It is only one minute all the show. download here:"Space". And if you hav a sense of humor you can see my Pyramid. and don't take it seriously - it is only a joke.
  5. sshort you probably mean "Startup window". You will find it in "Project options" / "Main" tab, there is a button called "Customized Startup window". Don't forget to check the "Show startup window". If you want to further customize you window, go to "Project options" / "Messages" tab, and look for "Startup window". As for your text problem, if you put it there, any other user should see it, even if he don't have the font you choosed.
  6. Hi, I made a very cute Screen Ruler to help me work when putting images on PTE. It is free and you can download it from my site. It is called "Ruler". Notice that it is almost invisible, about 50 pixels when you open it. You have to press on red area and drag out the ruler. If you click on the Note icon you will get the full menu. Enjoy. Another small cute program is "Remind Me" which will play your favorite music like alarm clock. In this one right-click on Note icon for menu. Oh..forgot, ...one more very useful. Quick open your PTE related working programs: PTE, IfranView, Photoshop, Notepad, Media player, Sound Recorder, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Word and... Calculator. A smal window on your desktop, just right-click and choose. This works if all the above programs were installed it their default folders. The program is called: "Right Click Anywhere" - download from my site (free). Granot
  7. Stu, Thanks, It put me on the right way. I just finished it but still to make some improvements. It was a great tip. Granot
  8. Hi Stu, I'm using "Notepad Plus" (free program) which has no limitation. "All PTE" can be useful since it gives quick access to all your pte files and you can not edit them so no one can make mistake and corrupting files. Now I'm working on "All-Files" program. It is actually done but have to solve some Dos problem concerning spaces in folder names. User can choose any file type, saving to lists for qiuck access and view most of them by click on file name.
  9. sshort, When using nobeefstu instructions you may sometimes not be able to open the pte file. This is because Notepad is limited to files up to about 50 kb or so. So if you have many slides or objects, you probably get a message that the file is too big to open with Notepad and it will ask you if you want to open it with other program (I think "Wordpad"). Also you can check my utility called "All PTE" which will show you a list of all your pte files and can open each to see its content and also run it (open with PicturesToExe). You can find all utilities here: http://beechbrook.com/pte/
  10. Hi sshort There is unclear issue with MP3. I read a while ago that the use of MP3 is not free, no matter if the file itself is free or not. This must be checked. I remember same thing about jif but not sure. You may find some Legal mp3 HERE. When you download mp3 file, check that it is really free, because many sites give mp3 for download but they have no right to do so. You can use free wav files and convert them to mp3 with one of many free programs on the net. As for your "Photoshop" problem, are you trying yo open the pte file with Photoshop ? Please give more details and I'm sure someone will help you with this.
  11. It seems to me that all the problem is due to missing fonts on user's computer, then a set of different fonts are displayed, and this cause the un-centered. Can "Font Installer" help ? Font_Installer ========== This utility will copy a Font file (.ttf) from your CD to the Font folder of the user. Very easy to use: Open "Font.txt" and you'll see one first line: \FontName.TTF Leave the \ as it is and write the name of your font file. Example: if your font file is "mama.ttf", you write: \mama.ttf Remember to include a copy of your font file on the CD. (If you can not copy the font file, do this: drag the font file to your project folder. This will remove the file from your font folder to your destination folder. Now copy the file from your destination folder and paste back to your own fonts folder). In the root of your CD you put these files: 1. Your presentation. 2. "Font_Installer.exe" 3. "Font.txt" 4. "autorun.inf" 5. Your Font file. Since this utility was not created originally for PTE, here is how to do the rest. When Igor, as he promised, will add a new action called: "Run application and go to next page" , all you will have to do is use this action at the first page. Ok, since we have to improvise, we can do it only in this way: Link the "Font_Installer.exe" to a button with "Run application..." action. Call the button something like "Install Fonts" or "Use original Fonts" or whatever, so the user will understand the point. You can also tell user in your "Readme" the name of the font in case he want to remove it. When Igor will add the desired action, I'll make an improved version. You can try it on your computer. Instead of CD use a folder. I did not uploaded this one anywhere, so whoever want it, write boxig@zahav.net.il me email and I'll send it (333 kb in zip) Granot
  12. TempCD Since different CDs do not give the same performances, and usually any presentation will run better from the HD then from the CD, by using this utility the user will see your presentation more similar to the way you see it on your HD. The utility will copy your presentation to the users Hard Drive to C:\Temp folder and run it from there and not from the CD. When user close your presentation, the utility will delete your presentation from the users Hard Drive. Very easy to use: Open "File.txt" and you'll see one first line: \YourFile.exe Leave the \ as it is and write the name of your presentation. Example: if your presentation is "Flowers.exe", you write: \Flower.exe Let "autorun.inf" to open "TempCD.exe" instead of your presentation. In the root of your CD you put these files: 1. Your presentation. 2. "TempCD.exe" 3. "File.txt" 4. "autorun.inf" You can try it on your computer like this: Follow all instructions and put all files instead on the CD, in any folder. Run "TempCD.exe". When on CD, the "autorun.inf" will run the "TempCD.exe". If you want to see it working by your eyes, make a temporary slideshow of a small size (let's say 100x100). When you make the above test, open C:\Temp and you will see your presentation there. Now exit presentation and your exe in C:\Temp will be deleted. Let us know how it works. Please check my other over 60 (!) utilities and programs.
  13. Try "TempCD" utility. Just made it now after reading this. I will post all about it in a new topic. Granot
  14. Where are you guys ? Is everyone sleeping ? I uploaded the tutorial to my site but as for now it has no additions pages or tips, although it's easy to use, the stuff is still similar to the official help file. Please send your stuff so we can expand this tutorial. Granot
  15. Just made for myself a new tool to use for PTE. you can download from my web site (it's free). Name: "All PTE" No installation needed, just extract the zip. It will extract a folder with two files, run the exe, don't touch the other. This program have a "search" button and it will find and remember all your pte files in the current drive. When you open it, you can choose any pte file and can see it's content or open in PTE. When you make the search for first time, wait about 15-20 seconds for the search to finish and all files to be written, and click "Refresh" to refresh the program window. Hope you find some use. (By the way, the sister program is "All TXT" for text files). Granot
  16. Linda, If you didn't try my suggestions in your other topic try this: In order to find where starts your problem make a new project and proceed step by step. First make one slide with a button. If it works, add a second slide. Then add image, and so on. Try all without effects or music. This way you will find where your problem appears. Granot
  17. Fujiboy, I'm not sure if I sent it to the right address. Anyway, I added a new exe to the utility and uploaded to beechbrook and to my site too. The new file will let you open a 750 pixels wide page from your show. Please let me know it works. Granot
  18. Hi Linda, Not exactely an answer but here are some general things you can do in similar cases: Cut the sound files and try again. Change to full screen and try again. Uncustomize any customized slide. Save pte, restart computer and try again. Try with older version of pte. Cut slide with too many objects. (you can do all this on a copy of the pte file so you don't have to reconstruct the original. If nothing helps, Print Screen the error message and send the pte file and the screen shot to support. Granot
  19. Hi all, I have converted the PTE help file to a one page ebook with links and possibility to increase the fonts (for a friend who must have big fonts). Since the ebook is based on HTML pages, I thought, why not add more pages with tips and other explanations or topics not found on the original. If you want to contribute a page or two, with or without screen shots, you can send me the stuff. If you want to see first how it looks, I can send you the ebook (350 kb in zip). I think if few experienced members will contribute their knowledge they acquired during time, we can make a very profound tutorial. Of course every participant will get the full credit and link to his home page and presentations. Thanks Granot boxig@zahav.net.il
  20. Hi Arymis313 PTE is great program. I'm sure more expert members will give you exact answers as to your needs, but what I suggest is: 1. Download the trial version and see for yourself. 2. Check this forum using "Search" for the topics you need. 3. Download some presentations done by members from Here. 4. Read the Help file in the program. Hope your specific questions will be answered soon. Good Luck
  21. I added a WAV to MP3 and MP3 to WAV converter. Here are some extra useful uses: 1. You can use it just to keep lists of favorite songs. 2. If you have some self made button images or any other images you frequently use, make a list. 3. You can also make a list of all your shortcuts, clean your desktop, send the "sounds keeper" to TRAY, and you can work with empty desktop. 4. You can make a list called "Web.txt" and write all your favorite URLs. When open this list you can go to any url or copy the address. 5. You can call all your frequently uses sentences or words just by a click. Make a list with all of them (even long ones if they are writen in one line) and call it "sentences.txt" (or whatever). When you open this list, choose the sentence you like and click on "Copy path to clipboard". If you find any other use, please let us know. Thanks Granot
  22. Great ! We will be able to make or adjust some utilities. One of the most simple things will be to open a text file on page change. One request Igor - make it so that it will not give en error message if the file is not found in the folder. In that way, for example, we can make a show with text page on each slide, user can read about the picture in the slide, and then he can delete or change name of the text files so he will have a pure show with no text files. Another example is to open second show if it is found. Important point if can be added but not a must: Let PTE check if the external file if running or not. If it is running, pause the slideshow till external file is exit. Thanks Granot
  23. phlipside You can go to the "Show image" and uncheck the box. This is located under the list of slides (under image window). My way is to make an image on any graphic editor, in the size of 1X1 pixel and use it as main image. Then all your other images you choose using "image object". You can make the 1x1 image in the color of your background or use any letter to hide it, using the background color for the letter. Granot
  24. phlipside Ok, I have a small tip for you. First go to the PTE folder and find the file called "apr.exe". Change its name to "_apr.exe". Now extraxt the zip file of the new version. It will probably give you a exe setup file. Run the setup and install in the default folder. I assume you did not changed folders on the 3.75 installation, so it will install in the same folder. that's all. Now, in case you have problems with the new version (you should not have) go to PTE folder and you will see a new "apr.exe" file. This is the new version while your "_apr.exe" is your old version, which you can use in case of problems. After working few weeks with no problem, you can delete the old version. I keep all old versions. I am a bit paranoid. Granot
  25. Hi all, I need few volunteers to check my two newest programs, originally writen for myself as tools to go with PTE and make my work easier. How to make a professional AutoCD window =============================== With "SearchCD" the users of your CD can view the list of unlimited presentations (actually any file and not only presentations), click on the one they choose and then read about it, run it or install it to their computer HD in any folder they like. It is very easy to use, just editing some text lines in few places, and you have your own custom AutoCD professional window. Sounds Keeper =========== A great program for users who want to keep their sound files in order. Just click and you find your WAV, MP3 or MIDI files, play, copy file, retrieve path and much more. Also include a converter. Although these two programs are Shareware, they are fully funcional without registration. If you want to help me by checking and find my mistakes or suggest improvement, you can find them on my web site. And to remind you, there are almost 50 (!) Free programs and Utilities on my page to help you with PTE. Thank you all Granot
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