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Everything posted by boxig
Duke I think PTE is not intended to be a Screen Saver tool and this option is an extra one. PTE is very poor, concerning transitions and other things when talking about screen savers. Almost all screen savers makers are better than PTE but PTE is one of the best presentations maker. I'm sure when Igor will finish all his work on the slide-side, he will add more transitions to the saver-side. As for the "About" - you can use the "Help", just change the "Help" to be "About" in "Object options", "Messages".
mannybr2003 On the top left of the left window, under "Name", you will see a yellow icon of an open folder. Click on it to browse to your folder. When you'll see all images names, click right-click on any file and a menu will open. Choose "Add all pictures". You can also choose "Select all pictures" and then drag and drop them to the window on right side. I hope this was was question
Tomuk, If I may add, make a template of every slideshow you make so all the images and sounds will be kept in a separate folder for later use. to make a template: File, Templates, Make template. Also, did you delete the PTE file ? try to find it, maybe it's somewhere on your computer, so at least you will have the files names. To look for it use the "Find" and write = *.*pte Also, if you first copied images from CD to a folder and after making the slideshow you deleted the folder, and if you didn't emptied the recycle bin, maybe all images are still there. Good luck Granot
"Run application or open file..." - on page change. (with no need object to click on) Thanks Granot
"Sounds Keeper" Full details and Screen Shot: SoundsKeeper In short (there is extensive Help file attached): You can keep all your sound files organized with very quick access to open and play, copy files, get each file full path and more. Very easy to use - just drag and drop any file or folder to the window and save a list under any name. You can call any list any time. There are 3 main lists for WAV, MP3 and MIDI files with super-turbo access. You can play any file even if its not on list, play from CD etc. Need to choose a WAV sound for your slideshow ? - click on "Open WAV List" and your list pops-up. Now you can play each file by selecting. Want to copy the file to the project folder ? - just click. Want to copy the file path and past it to PTE ? - just click. You can make as many Lists as you want, sorted by subject or whatever. You can even use this program to make lists of any other files like your images or even your slideshows. Drag and drop all your presentations, save a List, and here you go. When you call your list, choose the show you want (arranged by alphabetic order) and open to run. Also includes WAV, MP3 convereter. See also my reply to this topic for extra useful uses. I said "Short", so the rest you'll have to find by yourself. I must also indicate that this one is a shareware, and if you find it usefull, you can register. The unregistered version is fully functional and you don't have to register if you don't feel like. Hope you like it Granot
Greg You can check my free "Video Utility" at beechbrook. If it's not exactly what you need, just tell me and I'll make one for you. I can make your AVI to open by click on button on your slide and it will look as it belongs to the slide. When video finish it will disappear. All I need is width and height of your AVI and your email to send it to you. Granot
Robert and Guido, While you both joking about my age, I was working to improve "AutoCD" as requested (or at least as I thought). I uploaded a new version to my Site and also to beechbrook.com. I added a "Run from HD" button which first will check if your presentation was installed. If yes, it will open the Browse on "C:\Presentation" folder (the default) and user will choose the exe he likes and run it, and if no, it will tell user that he have to install first. He can browse also to other folders to open any exe. Also I added a second "Help" button which will show all instructions and changed the Help accordingly. I hope those changes is close to what you want. So I had to leave my new "Sound Keeper" program which I think you will like it too. Hope to finish it today. Have all a nice weekend and thank you Robert for your suggestion. Granot
Robert, In Italy old people are considered clever, so maybe Guido want to give a compliment ? Or maybe because when he was my age (many years ago) he was already old so he thinks I'm too. Now let's see if I fully understand your suggestion (after all, Guido said I'm old). You suggest a button which will install the exe and then run it from the folder it was installed, yes ? Or a button which will run and install at same time ? In both cases I can't see the advantage (Guido is probably rigth). If you insert the CD any way, you can run it from the CD..... Ok, just joking. I think it is a good suggestion from another point of view. Big show will run better from HD then from CD (only my assumption) so your idea is very good. The only problem is how the CD will remember where the user installed the show. Since we can't write to the CD, one way is to force the user to install in a certain known foder. But I'll try to find how to make the CD having a memory of it's own. Ok, let you know here in few hours. Thanks for your idea Granot
Hummm...do you like it ? Ok, write your comments (good and bad) here and tell me where to send your unlock key for free. Granot
Dana, This will be somehow difficult but I'll try. The best is to download it, only few minutes, and when you run the exe you'll see it. Ok, it is a nice window with your Logo (any image you like) and your text (any text you like) with these buttons: Run show Install show (user can choose where to install) email me (to your email) Web site (yours) Browse CD. All you have to do is write your presentation name, email and url in one page and your readme in another, add your image and that's all. You have a nice and compact autorun window. Hope this help. Granot
Hi to all members Only 450 kb. Here is the "Readme" file (included in the zip): AutoCD ====== Your Logo ======= Make an image called "Logo.jpg" 540x136 pixels and put it instead of my image. Data.txt ====== You will see three lines in this file: <SrcDir>\YourShow.exe boxig@zahav.net.il http://programs.atarimnet.info a.) Instead of "YourShow.exe" write the name of your presentation. Do not touch the "<SrcDir>\" B.) Instead of my email, write yours. c.) Instead of my web site, write yours. Readme.txt ======== Write whatever you want. Put these files in the root of your CD: "Logo.jpg" "Data.txt" "Readme.txt" Your presentation "autorun.inf" - make this file to open "AutoCD.exe" and not your presentation. (you can make "autorun.inf" file with my free "Autorun Maker"). Download: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Finish ! Please you comments and feedback Granot
Hi Mark, I think we have this on windows. Right click on scr file and choose "Install".
Tripstrilles and other members Ha Ha ! That's why I made my program..(forgot the name) which save lists of your files with no need to arrange them or look for them. Just keep your images the way you like and keep lists of images you want. The lists keep the full path of each image. You can upload any list and selected paths are copied to clipboard. I think it was "Thumbi" (my head is too busy now, sorry). Granot
LumemLux Can you please explain in more details step by step what you want to do. I can check if I can do any utility to make it, but not promise I succeed. But first check my "Thumbi" program, maybe It has some of the functions so I can try and use them. Granot
Linda I found this software which looks as it can help (maybe ?) didn't try it so here it is if you want to check it; Called :" Cdmage" probably for damaged image on CD. http://www.onlythebestfreeware.com/program...?program_id=120
Mark I uploaded a new file of the utility and also added your time = 12000. Please check that it works OK and let me know. I will try to see if I can make the time unlimited for next update so you can choose the time you want. (By the way, the problem was a small * which was not in the right place). since I don't know when it will be updated on bill's site, go to my site for download of the new file: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com This is few hours later: I made a new version where you can write the time you want, any time, in a text file and you are not limited to my times. I checked it on my computer and it works fine. I must say I break my head how to do it since I had to find a way how to input your time from the text file to the script inside the program. I am very thankful to you since till now everyone told me it's not possible. So go to my site for download and please let me know how it works. Thank you Granot
Hi all Just fixed a bug in "Thumbi" and uploaded a new file to my site. It is a free program and can be of use to members. Here is the "readme": Browse and choose folder. All JPG, BMP and wmf files in the folder will be uploaded to a list which you can see in the drop menu box. If you "Save List" it will be saved automatically to a file called "PhotoNames.txt" located in the program folder. This is the main list from where images are displayed. It is recommended to use the "Save New" which allow you to save as many lists as you like under any names. You can upload any list you want. You can copy selected image full path to clipboard if the slideshow is not running (click "Pause" before copy path). You can open any selected image file in your default graphic program associated to file extension. In order to display images of any list, you have to "Save List" after you "Upload List" or "Browse" for a new list. This will copy your chosen list to the main list ("PhotoNames.txt"). You can "Start" a slideshow of all images in the list, "Pause" and "Continue". When you Browse for new folder files will be displayed in the drop menu but images will be displayed from the main list. Click "Save List" to display images from new folder. Important: Use "Clear" if you want completely new List otherwise filed will be added to current List. (I hope you understood, even me I'm not sure I got it. But if you get the point, it can be very useful). The program has its help file. Also I uploaded a new utility "Intaller Board" It has two versions with help file and samples. You will have to do the graphic by yourself. Other new utilities are "TxtViewer" , "PhotoAlbumSlide" and ..."DicMaker". Since the last one is not clear, here is the "readme": This program was originally written for making an alphabetic records keeping, to use for making a dictionary, but since I realized it can be used for other uses too, from which some can be of use to PTE members, I will explain all functions. I included 26 text files, each for one of the alphabetic letters, where you can write your data belonging to the specific letter. For example, you can make photos data collections, presentations data collections, technical dictionary, medical dictionary, language dictionary, customers archives, articles dictionary etc. For example, you can use instead of the 26 text files, other files with customers names, book names, date names, spare parts names, flowers names etc. You can use this program for work or for hobby. Here is what I'm using it for: Help - keeping important help for my computer arranged by alphabet order. Friends - Each friend have a file with all data about him. Trips - Files by places names and each keeps the info about the place. CD collection - All my CDs with full description what's inside each. Language - The original idea of this program. Home expenses - Each topic have a file. and (of course) photos and presentations collections. The program has three windows, left window for writing, right window for choosing files, and lower window for displaying files text content. The left window is for you to write and save the text in two ways. You can save your text temporarily by using 5 sets of 2 buttons on left side of the window for future use while working (memory will be erase when program is closed). Use the right icon to save the text and left icon to call your text back. You can use 5 different texts. You can use right-click options (Copy, cut, paste, select all) on this window. The second use of this window is to write or paste any text inside and save it to a new text file by using the "Save File" button, located below the left window. Before saving your file you have to write the name of the file instead the line: "ChooseName". When you write your file name, write only the name without extension or its path. Do Not use spaces in your file name. If you use spaces the file will be created but if you want later to use the "Cut" button to delete the file, it will not be deleted. The file will be saved in "C:\DicMaker\YourFile.txt". In this example you wrote "YourFile" only. After saving your file the list of files on right window will not be automatically updated and you will see your new file name only next time you open the program. When you open the program the lower window will display any text currently on clipboard. Any text you copy to clipboard while working will also appear automatically in this window. The right window displaying the names of all text files in "C:\DicMaker" folder existing when the program is opened. The files will be displayed in alphabetic order, with no extension (.txt) and will include also all new files you saved in previous use of the program. By choosing any file from the list on the right window, the content of this file will be displayed in the lower window. The full path of the file you chose will be copied to clipboard and you can paste it wherever you want. Below the right window is the "Open File" button. This button will open the selected file on the list with Notepad for any editing you like to do. To delete any text file you don't need any more, click on "Cut" button (scissors icon). The two small arrows, one up and one down, are for hiding the lower display window (arrow up) and for showing it again (arrow down). "Atl+Space" to minimize program. The zip include a setup. It will be installed in: "C:\DicMaker" and you will find shortcuts on your "Start" menu and on your desktop. Uninstaller is provided. Although this program is a Shareware, it has no limitations of any kind and it is fully functional. You can download from my web site. Thank you Granot
Hi Markoc Can you please tell me exactly what is the error message ? Also can you try other numbers like 30000.txt and see if you still get the error message. I checked it and didn't find bugs but my eyes are old and maybe I missed something. Also, I hope you wrote 10000.txt and not 10,000.txt. Thanks boxig (Granot)
MidKnight Ok, here is the final solution: Whatever you do, some will like 2 and some will like 1. Just put the one you feel is better, after all, you are the creator and not the people who look at the picture. If I like a picture, I vote for it even if no one like it. As for the size, it should be 40-50 kb. If you have 50 pictures on the show and can cut 20 kb from each it will be better for downloads but if you distribute by CD it will not matter too much. I prefer smaller size (kb) to prevent slowing down on different machines, but I guess no one notice anyway. Maybe I'm just kb-paranoid.
Linda It will be interesting to read how this story will end. Anyway, even it may sound unnecessary - did you try the CD on another computer ?
MidKnight I voted for 2. I think it's too heavy 78 kb for this size. you are right, in my opinion, about the branch.
you are right Ken, I prefer hot Thailand. can't stand the cold. going there soon for 2 months.
Thanks Ken I was uploading update on the exact time. will be glad to get any comments. Granot
Due to some requests I've made one ebook which contains screen shots of my programs and utilities with all "Readme" files to each. You can Download it (1556 kb) from my web site. You will find it at the bottom of the page. No instalation needed, just unzip and run the exe inside. To remove, just delet the file. Granot
Robert.... and all other members, Here is a very very "short" overview: Purpose and Benefit of "Path77" for PTE users: When we do a presentation we can choose our images and sounds in two ways. Either we use the left window to move between folders to find and add our files, or we collect them all in one folder for later use. Both ways we have to travel a lot in our explorer. Then we make a template which results is losing big space, unless we delete the images from their original folders. Doing a template is a good way to keep trace of your images used in presentations. But there is one disadvantage: If you want to keep your original images in their original locations, you loose a lot of space each time you make a template. Here is example: I came back from a trip to Thailand with 2500 pictures of total of 250 MB. Then I made several presentations with different topics, using some of those images in each presentation. I keep my 2500 images in different folders, sorted by towns. But my presentations uses images from different folders. If one presentation is "Flowers from Thailand", I need to select those flower images from each town. When making the presentation is finished, I make a template, which copies all flowers images to a new folder. Now I have two duplicates of my flowers pictures, one in the template folder, and one scattered between all towns folders. I lose 30 MB. In my second presentation, "Temples in Thailand", I run the same process and lose another 30 MB. Here comes "Path77". You can pre arrange "Lists" of files scattered all over your computer. I made one list of flowers images, one list of temples images, one of children images etc. When I want to make a presentation of "Children of Thailand", I open new project in PTE and choose any available picture and "add" it many times. Now I load to "Path77" the List called "Children.txt", select an image, click on "copy to clipboard" and paste over an existing image path in PTE (one of the many slides I made before with "any available picture"). I can use a previously made "pte" file, make a copy of it, and past paths of images from List over existing paths. By the way, this works also in reverse. You can copy images paths from PTE, one by one, and past them to a text file, creating a List, which you can always call with "Path77". It sounds like actually we have done nothing special since we can browse with PTE to each image between our folders. I agree, if you don't have many images on your computer in many folders. But if you are a professional photographer, you probably have dozens or hundreds of folders, sorted by this or other way. You can make lists of each folder, which take a second with "Path77", or make any list you think will be useful in the future. To continue my example, here are some of the other lists I made: Lists by towns, Lists by landscapes, Lists of faces, Lists of festivals etc. Instead of making folders for each topic and thus keeping duplicated images, I keep Lists of topics. When you finish you photographing, you sort your images the way you like them to be. First you make a list for each folder. Then you make different lists by different topics. Since each list is few kb only, you can make dozens of lists. For example: Cars, Trees, Sunsets, Old people,Babies etc. When you need a picture of Sunset, just upload "Sunset.txt" and you can see all sunset images in all your computes, regardless of file name, you can open to see the image, and you can copy the path straight to PTE slide or even as "Image Object". Image Object: to copy the path straight to Image Object, just click on "Image Object" when "Object Editor" is open and past the full path from "Path77". To do the reversed way, stand on the Image object, open properties, copy full path and past to List in a new line. Other uses are pretty obvious: Make a list of all pte files in template folder or from all your computes. You can open each pte file in two ways: One is open in PTE, that means you open the project itself, and the other is to open the pte file as a text file just to look or make changes (for more advanced users). Another use is for comments, messages and all other text inserted to your project. For this you use "Edit Memory" and "Load Memory". The program keeps a "Memory.txt" which is a list of all texts you need and often use, like URL, email, copyright message, your name etc. You keep all those texts in the memory and load the memory list, chose the text and past to PTE. As for HTM, this version creates a simple HTM from a list, but in next version all paths will be linked to the source. And last: there are two search options which are very useful. You can use "Path77" not only for PTE uses but all around in your other works. For example: you can keep in Memory List all kinds of stuff like passwords, important urls, birthday dates, text to past etc. Notice that you can write a long text for each line, and unless you add "Enter", all text will be copied. Purpose and Benefit of "GetPath" for PTE users: And not only for PTE users - Extracts full paths of single or multi files (if you drag and drop a folder or few files) and copy full selected path to clipboard. I find this feature very useful, don't you ? For any question please ask me. ...and before I say goodbye, I just uploaded to my site a new free program (No. 40) which can be of some use. You chose a folder and you can see in a slide show all JPG and BMP images and have some other features too. It is called "PhotoAlbumSlide". Thanks Granot