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Everything posted by boxig

  1. JP, Try this one: ShowVideoPTE_HideMouse Chane the name to fit the exe or change the name of the exe. Let me know. Den, Hummm... This is a bit complicated to do because each user has a different screen size. It may be possible to do for windowed mode show when you know exactely the display size of the show. Is this what you mean ?
  2. OK, I change the script to work in another way. Please check the new version just uploaded. Let me know. Granot
  3. It is centered with me. Anyway I added a command to emphasize center and uploaded. Does this happens on all videos ? I suppose you use AVI ?
  4. Fixed ! Granot
  5. Well, I think anyone who will use this utility will read the Readme file and put "Deletevidtmp.exe" on start but it wont hurt to run it again on Exit as you do. Yes, I saw the gray screen (black on my pc), probably depending on the movie) and I will try to look how to fix it. If I succeed I will post here. Marcovelo's tool is better then mine and smaller. In the coming days I will make a new Hide/Show utility to replace my old one. If you need anything else (and I can do it), you are welcome. Granot
  6. Igor, I hope you remember "yourslideshow.exeinfo" file. Will I be able to read current displayed slide while slide is working ? (that was the idea). Or simply write to a file only the number slide. Thank you Granot
  7. I uploaded new version. I think I fixed the problem.
  8. Do you mean in "ShowVideoPTE" or in "Hidetaskbar" ? And, there is also "Hidetaskbar" utility made by Marcovelo (member of this forum) so you can try it too. I think if runing "Hidetaskbar" then it must be run on "Run application on last slide" also to bring back the hidded task bar. And, if user close in the middle, then you must modify pte file before compiling (using my utility). Well I think if you run "Deletevidtmp.exe" of first slide of each show no need to run it any more. Granot
  9. That's good idea. I never thought of it . So the "ModifyPTE" utility is no longer needed if you put "Deletevidtmp.exe" on first slide. It is difficult to make a tool that fits all members since everyone has different structure of the show but I'm glad it helps you. I will be always glad to try and make a tool for any request of members. Granot
  10. Steve, You were right ! Sorry. I totally forgot that when I first did it I enabled only 9 videos. I was checking it for hours and couldn't find any bug till I recalled this limitation. So now all is ok, limited to 99 videos. I uploaded new version. You may name your videos as you want remembering only one thig: The program will arrange all video files (any kind) alphabetically: Beach_and_sea.exe Forest_show.exe National_park.exe or aNational_park.exe bBeach_and_sea.exe cForest_show.exe Let me know. Granot
  11. I don't see any reason for this behaviour in the new version. It works fine with me. I think I know what is the problem. You are not using modified pte show or you are not running it from a show. this results in not deleting "vidtmp.ini" (in C:\) and each time you run it it reads from that file the last number played. In other words, memory is not cleared. Try first with simple names: a.mpg, b.mpg ..... and use a show with "Deletevidtmp.exe" andt modifiying pte (before compiling). Granot
  12. Ok, I think I fixed it. I uploaded new version. Please try and let me know.
  13. Steve, Ok, try to number the files as: 001Name, 002Name... It seems it sorts the files 1, 10, ... I think this will solve the problem (let me know). As for modifying pte file, just click on "Find your PTE File" and browse for your pte file. You will get a message sayin "Done !" and you will find the new file in the same folder as the original. Granot
  14. Steve, I see I wrote it wrong in the Readme. "ModifyPTE.exe" in NOT needed for the utility to run, it is a tool to modify pte project file BEFORE compiling it to exe. So no need to include it (see more explanation below). No, "Deletevidtmp.exe" sould run on "Exit" and not on any other slide. Use "Project options > Advanced > Run application after last slide". The utility created a temporary file called "vidtmp.ini" where it counts the times you run it from the show. That way it knows which video to display on next run. "Deletevidtmp.exe" deletes this temporary file when show is closed. Runing it anytime before that will start a new count and videos will be misplaced. If you use "Run application after last slide" to run any exe without modifying your project with "ModifyPTE.exe" and user exit your show in the middle then the exe will not run (try it) but if you modify the pte file before compiling then "Run application after last slide" will actually mean ""Run application on exit show". BTW, "ModifyPTE.exe" is a standalone utility which can be used anytime you need to run any file when user exit show. Yes, it possible to put something descriptive behind the numbers of the video files, like 1_clipONE, 2_anotherCLIP, etc. The utility sorts the files by values (not by names) so as long as the names starts with a number it does not matter what comes after the name: 1_Flower.mpeg, 2_Big House.avi >>> the 1_Flower.mpeg will be displayed first. No, there is no limit on the number of video clip that can be in one show. What happens when you run your "12 video clips" show ? Can you specify "don't play" ? Does the utility run but no video (black small window) or it does not run at all ? BTW, if what you need is mostly video presentation without transition effects between slides maybe I can make a speciall tool for that. Thank you Granot
  15. ShowVideoPTE This utility was made for "PicturesToExe" users to display videos over show. You can display a different video on each slide. These files should work but I didn't try them all: AVI, WMV, QT, MPG, MPEG, MOV, M1V, ASX, ASF. Put all your video files in the same folder as your show and change the file names to numbers, in the order you want them to run. Example: 1.mpg 2.avi 3.mpg 4.wmv The zip include 3 files and you should include all in the same folder as your show: 1). ShowVideoPTE.exe 2). Deletevidtmp.exe 3). ModifyPTE.exe "ShowVideoPTE.exe" file is the main utility. Use "Run external application" command on the slide you want to run a video. In Project options > Advanced > Run application after last slide - write: "Deletevidtmp.exe". This application will delete a temporary file created by the utility in order to follow video numbers. This temporary file is created in C:\vidtmp.ini. This temporary file must be deleted on exit show to allow a new count of videos when the show will run again. The third file "ModifyPTE.exe" will modify your pte project file. It will not make any changes to your original file but create a new pte file. This is needed in case that user will exit show before it ends and it will run "Deletevidtmp.exe". If you don't modify your pte file "Deletevidtmp.exe" will not run. Known Limitations: Task bar may appear while video is displayed. You can not use the utility if you allow user to go back or jump to other slide where a video is called but you can use "Next" button to go to next slide and "Previous" only if the previous slide does not call a video. This program is a Donationware. You can use it for any noncomercial use. If you use this utility for your business or any other commercial use you should register. By using this application, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms of use. This program is provided "as is" without any warranty. Your use of this application is at your own risk. I am not liable for any damages arising from use of this application. To download go to My Webpage and look for "ShowVideoPTE". Granot
  16. SteveF See my new post : ShowVideoPTE Granot
  17. Harry, I was not quite sure who is going to hospital, you or your old 98 win98 386 MLX PII, but anyway good luck to you both. I just was for one week at the hospital for an operation and it didn't hurt at all ...well ... my wife was the one to be operated. Hummm... I was thinking of putting my "Advanced Member" title to auction. Anyone interested can bide a price Granot
  18. There is an old utility I made called "PTESplit" which is good for email sending. You can find it on My Webpage I got no comments so far so I don't know how it works. Granot
  19. Hi all, In 10 days I will be "cleaning" my web site and remove many of the programs (simply need the place). I will try to leave as many PTE related utilities as I can, but probably the "heavy" ones will have to go. So please visit My Webpage and download whatever you think can be useful to you. Thank you Granot
  20. This great Demo by Marco was done with "FlashMe" utility but I can't remember if it was #3 or #4. You can find the utility on my web page here: Utilities for PTE and other free programs. Granot
  21. stonemasonm, Thanks a lot. That is what I'm looking for. I am so senile... .. I have this program on my HD !!! Hummm.... getting old I guess. Thank again Granot
  22. Thanks Ken but I have a very slow and bad internet connection to check all those links. I just hope someone knows of a specific program. Thank you Granot
  23. Hi, I am looking for a free program which can batch increase volume of few hundreds WAV files. Audacity can handle (as far as I know) only one file at a time. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you Granot
  24. Here it is for personal use: Marquee SlideSaver.zip Marquee Slide Saver This screen saver has two options: 1). Display a screen size image on your screen, play music and scroll a text line. 2). Run a slideshow of your images in full screen, display a different scrolling text for each image, and play backgroung music. Should read the "Readme" for instructions before using it. If someone will try it, please give your comments. Granot
  25. BBorges I once made a utility to do this, maybe you can still find it here: ScrollingText I am working now on a Slide+Text screen saver utility but it is not finished yet. It will have options to scroll text over your backround image or slide show (no effects) and play backround sound. It is almost done but I want to add the option to change text for each slide so it will take few days. Granot
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