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Everything posted by boxig

  1. "Path77" + "GetPath" This program was made for PTE users. "Path77" Features: 1. Drag and drop any File to the box window. 2. Drag and drop all files in a folder by dragging the Folder. 3. Show all dragged files with all their full paths. 4. Show all dragged files with names and extension only. 5. Delete any dropped file. 6. Save a list of all files with paths to a TXT file: "PathList.txt". 7. Save a list of all files with paths to HTM file: "list.htm". 8. Open any List you previously saved. 9. Sort files by alphabetic order and save list of sorted files. 10. Choose any file and copy full path to clipboard. 11. Choose any file and open it (including exe and pte). 12. Create a special editable Memory page and load it when needed. 13. Choose Memory items and copy to clipboard for further pasting. 14. Search all drives for ".PTE" files and create a List. 15. Copy path of any ".PTE" file to clipboard. 16. Open any ".PTE" file with PicturesToExe (by click on "Open"). 17. Open any ".PTE" file as a text file (Notepad or Wordpad). 18. Search for ".PTE" files only in "Template" folder and create a List. 19. Use list to open, run or copy path of files. 20. Search all files with same extension in any folder you choose. 21. Search any partial file name in any folder you choose. 22. Create a backup file to current list as "PathList2.txt". 23. Minimize program by click on arrow down on your keyboard. 24. You can use all features not only for "pte" and "exe" files. "GetPath" Features: 1. Drag and drop any File to the box window. 2. Drag and drop all files in a folder by dragging the Folder. 3. Show all dragged files with names and extension only. 4. Choose any file and copy full path to clipboard. 5. Save a list of all files with paths to a TXT file: "PathList.txt". 6. Create a backup file to current list as "PathList2.txt". 7. Minimize program by click on arrow down on your keyboard. 8. You can use all features not only for "pte" and "exe" files. Notice: These two programs are Shareware and come in one setup including uninstall function. The programs have no limitations of any kind and are fully functional. You can download the zip file (1516 kb) from my web site (program No. 39). See long overview below Thank you Granot
  2. PTE Organizer Utility Version 2.0 I made a new small program to keep names and url of presentations, but you can keep any other information. Easy copy and paste by click and three direct links to this forum, PTE web site and "beechbrook" download site. You can download it from http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Also some new small programs on my web site: "KeepPass" "MiniNote" "Keepit" Hope you find them useful. Granot
  3. kidrep PTE file is a text file that keeps the information about the slideshow project. It records all information you put when you made your project like, name of pictures and where they are located on your computer (along with all other information). In other words, you can't do nothing with pte file unless you have all the pictures and sound files too. Sorry.
  4. Leif So everything works ? No need for me to look for bugs ? Please let me know (you and others). Granot
  5. Leif What machine you have ? Did you tried again ? If more members have this problem so it may not work on all platforms. Or maybe there is a bug. Other members who download "Keepit" from my web site, please let me know how it works. Guido, you see what happen when I don't give you to check my work. Can you check it too (better late than never) ? Thanks
  6. Fujiboy Could not find your email so I write you here. For "myhtml_2.exe" to work you need only to click on it and you see the htm (not html) page which is in the folder. Put yours instead. As for "myhtml.exe" (the new version) it will not work if you click. you have to follow all instructions, step by step (make a button etc) and it will work. If you still can't do it, write me and add your email. Good luck. Granot
  7. This program is password protected. First time you run it you will choose a password and click "Enter". From now on, every time you open the program it will ask for password. Try to remember your password or you will not be able to use the program. If you like it, send me email and I'll tell you how to find your password in case you forget it. Have a look, it's free. I made it to keep my secret dates with my lovers, but I think you can find more useful uses. you can download from my web site, program No. 34 Granot (.............and I was joking about my lovers)
  8. Ed, Which one ? Let me know how it works and if any problem. Thanks Granot
  9. You can find my two new utilities here: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ 1. PicturesToExe Installer and Viewer 2. Slidy - Photo Album slideshow The second utility have 3 sizes window from which user can choose according to images size. All you have to do is create "PhotoNames.txt" and write inside the names of all images files, each on a line, and write the word "Last" on last line after the name of the last image. Put "PhotoNames.txt" file and all images in the folder where you keep the program. If you keep a "PhotoNames.txt" in each folder with images, all you have to do is move the exe of the program to a folder and run it. This slideshow will work only with JPG images. Click Arrow Up to keep slideshow always on top. Click Arrow Down to cancel always on top. Recommended images size: Small window: maximum 140 x 120 Medium window: maximum 400 x 240 Big window: maximum 670 x 540 The second utility was made for "PicturesToExe" users but it also can be used for any other applications (exe) made with other programs. This utility includes also "MyHtml" utility inside. What ==== This is autorun window which allows you to include up to 20 presentations in their original names. The window enables user to run (view) or install any presentation to folder he choose. First window is a 320x200 size enough for up to 7 presentations. Click on "More" will enlarge the window and will show up to 20 presentations. Click on "Less" will reduce the window back. Click on "Enter" will open MyHtml" utility with full information about all presentations included on the CD. How === Make HTML page with all your information about the CD. You can include any file you want (Java, Java script, image, Flash, animation etc.) but don't forget to put all files in same folder. "names.txt" =========== On this page you write all presentations names one under the other. If you have less than 20 write only what you have. Do not leave empty lines. Do not write longer names then my sample or it will look very very bad. Try it ! Overwrite my sample names. "File.txt" ========== On this page you write all presentations FILE names one under the other. See my sample and overwrite it. Make your autorun to open "PTEinstaller.exe" Don't forget to include all your exe's. Do not use folders - put all in the root of the CD. I hope someone will find some use of these two utilities. Thanks Granot
  10. Great pictures !!!! Please some words: where ? Granot
  11. This is what I get when try to unzip some presentations. I missed many recommended works untill today. Last time happened with "Dreaming of Spring". Here is what happens: The file is extracted but I get error message. When I click "OK" on the error message the extracted file disappeared, no more, vanished, turned to ghost, invisible, can not be found, got lost.... But whoever is inside the error message can't fool me. So I left the error message and copied the file to another folder. then click "OK" and the extracted file disappeared. But, Ha' Ha' !!! I got it in another folder. So thanks to your recommendation of "Dreaming of Spring" I decided this time not to let this error message prevent my pleasure, so I cheat the bastard. Does someone knows what is going on ? By the way, great pictures !!!! Thanks Granot
  12. Don't make dirty and you won't be 2tired2clean. www.conware.org = IconArt - Free Also you can use the very good IrfanView which converts to icons and other useful things. It is free too. http://www.irfanview.com/
  13. Hi to all members, I made a small tool which make it easy for me to generate passwords and Remember them. I upload it to my web site if someone want to try it (look for program No. 27) Here is the full "Readme" from the file: Password Generator This small program will generate and keep passwords. For any code of 4 numbers a password will be created. Password is automatically copied to clipboard from where you can paste to the small RTF editor included in the program, and keep a list of your passwords. How to use the Text Editor: Click on "Paste" to paste password or text from clipboard. To copy, highlight your text and click "Copy". To color your text, highlight the text and click "Text Color" to choose color. To save the page, click on "Save". You can write here all passwords you want to remember. You can write other things too. Don't forget to save page. Hope it will be useful to someone. Download: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com Granot
  14. Stu, Yes, you are 100% right ! I especially waiting for "Go to page No. and run application". When we are going to see a new utility from you ? I know you put a lot of work on graphics and design (not like me) and it takes a lot of time. I'm still very thankful to you for your support and help in my first steps. Thanks Granot
  15. Truelight - but especially Igor ! I have asked this feature a long time ago and many times: Two actions on one click: "Go to slide No. and open application". I don't remember the name of the topics but I gave some examples what we can do with this new feature. I never thought about music so here is another reason why we need this. While open the second show the first one goes to next slide which has no music. This next slide will have something like "back to Menu" which will bring us back to previous slide to open another show. This brings to my mind some other improvements but I'm ashamed to ask, so just let you think about: 1. Open second show on slide No..... 2. Go to slide No. .... of running show (to move from one show to another when both are running). But I guess my imagination is too wild. Granot
  16. Thanks Bart Yes, I know this tag but I didn't use it to prevent people waiting long time for page to download everytime they visit my site. It is good for text page. Since I think most people clean their cache once in a while, I'll leave it without. This is useful tag but all members who have over 30-40 kb pages have to know their is a loss beside the gain. Granot
  17. Hello Mark, There are two ways to put multiple shows on a CD. The first one is to make a one slide show with buttons or links with "Run application or open file" action. The second is to use one of some utilities which you can find at Bill's downloads page at: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ At the above url you can find also the utility you asked me: "Unregistered Reminder" Granot
  18. Thanks Clive, I just checked and everthing is OK. Try to download again. If you get same results, try to "Refresh" or "Reload". If you have been to my site before, you probably see your cache. This is problem many people don't know about, but this happens a lot. Also, some servers are keeping cache (?!) of web sites and people many times see old pages of web sites they visit. This is why is good to empty the cache once a week and make "Reload" if you want to be sure. Thanks Granot
  19. Hi to all members, I think this is very useful utility - it must be because I made it on my birthday ! My old dog died two days ago and my young dog is very sad (like me). I promised him I'll take him today for a long trip to forget his older sister. So I'm taking a free day from my computer and let you test my last utility, dedicated to my beloved dog, which name was Boxig, same as my forum name. You can download it from my web site (program number 28 ) at: http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com A "ReadmeFirst" file inside. Hope to find some comments when I'll come back. Thanks Granot
  20. LumenLux of course you can't remember, I never published this utility. I made it for myself and offered it when saw this topic. I will make a quick Help file and send you now (to see what's all about) and later on send you the utility (have to check it first and make some adjustmets). Granot
  21. LarryB I made once a similar thing with the help of small utility. It has a window with 5 hot spots that do as follow: 1. Run show sync show. 2. Run only images show (no music). 3. Install 1 4. Install 2 5. Install the show as a screen saver. (user can choose where to install) The window has a backgroung picture which can be changed (by you). If it sounds interesting to you or just like to see it, tell me where to send you. Granot
  22. Thank you Maureen and Michel for your greetings. Michel, that was very beautiful picture (I have it on one of your show). Maureen, I can try the first half (live to 100) but then, if I want to get the queens card, I'll have to marry a 95 years old English lady and go to live in England. That sounds not bad at all !
  23. Version 2 of Autorun.inf Maker Just write your Presentation name, Icon name and click. New features include: 1. Add drive label - name of cd to appear in explorer. 2. Add "Readme" for user right click on cd icon to open your Readme file. This second feature is very imporant since when you make autorun show you think all users have enabled autorun, but some don't. Letting user the option to read some information before runing your cd can be very useful. I also included a long explanation about autorun in the help file which can be useful to beginners. Other features: 3. Can view file for checking. 4. Can open other text files. 5. Can backup your inf file. Download at: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Thanks Granot
  24. Guido, Thanks. I'm still waiting for your final evaluation om my V2 of inf maker. I just added a new feature for Readme file and some popup helps. Sending you now.
  25. PTE allow us to add a password protection but what if we want to give a show or ebook which we want user to be able to use but we want him to register by reminding him nonstop to do so ? This small utility will add a mini banner (100x20) on the top-left corner of the screen which says "Unregistered" and a nugging pop-up message will appear about every one minute. You can modify this message as you like. If you want user to be able to see the show with no nugging box, tell him to copy all files to any folder he likes and add the 1 kb release file which you will send him by email. If you include this release file in the folder, the message will not appear. The zip include 4 files: Unregistered.exe ================ The utility. message.txt =========== You messge text for the pop-up nugging box. Reg.gxn ========= Unlock file. ReadmeFirst.txt ============== This Readme file. How to do it: ============= 1. Rename your application (show) to be "confg.grn". This way it will be hard for unexpert user to find your show on the CD. 2. Rename the utility file (Unregistered.exe) to be the name of your application. For example: if your show name is "MyPictures.exe", rename "Unregistered.exe" to be "MyPictures.exe". 3. Open "message.txt" and write your message for the message box. 4. If making a CD let "autorun.inf" to open "MyPictures.exe" which is actually the utility. If making a Zip for sending, put first all files in a folder and zip the folder. Don't forget to put all files in same place not including this readme file. 5. Send "Reg.gxn" file to the user after registration and tell him to add it to the folder to where he copied all files from the CD or the original folder if he got it zipped. Testing ======= Put as described above in a folder and run "MyPictures.exe". You will see the nugging box appearing every minute. Don't forget not to include "Reg.gxn" in the folder. Now add "Reg.gxn" file to the folder, and run "MyPictures.exe". There sould be no nugging box. All the above text is included in the "ReadmeFirst" file. Hope you like it. Please your comments. Granot
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