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31 February 1904 ????? Yes, I'm sure most members are too young to remember, but on that specipic year there were 31 days on February due to adjustment they make to the calendar. There was a big comet passing by our planet and its gravity slowed the earth motion for over two month. After calculations they had to add 3 days to get back to normal time. The name of the comet, by the way, was Guru.
Guido, After more experienced than me tried to find the problem, I will not even try. But I can give you a suggestion how to avoid the problem: 1. Make windowed shows. 2. Put your backgroung as image (big or 1 pixel tiled). "Don't ask him why he hits you, just run away." Granot
HClarke, You can use "Brevis" free program which will compile almost every file including HTML but it has some disadvantages. You can use "EbookCreator" which I use for my full satisfection ($ 20) and it makes whole ebooks and you can compile many linked pages with java script, flash and more. And finally, you can use my HTML utility if it will meet your needs.
Me too want one of this feature: "Close show after last slide" should have a second option: "Close show after last slide and run application" similar to "Run application and exit" so actually it's the same action but without clicking on object. I think Igor can add this in the next Beta. What you say Igor ? Rod, as for the other feature, I think can be done. Something like: "Run application before slide" - similar to "run application and open file" but this command have to come with "Hold PTE show" or something like this. If the "Run application or open file" will have option to show a blank slide, then you have to calculate the time the application needs to run and then customize the blank slide. The only difference is that this have to run automatically on start show without need to click on object. As a matter of fact, if Igor can let us activate actions by time in addition to activate by click, it will open great possibilities to PTE. (I mean, choose action and tell PTE to run this action after xx msc. or seconds.)
That's odd. I am trying to get to http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and guess what ? I am asked for password ! What password ? Hu..mmm. is this the Mad Cow visiting the web ? HHHH.....EEEEE.......LLLLLL.....PPPPPP ......!!!!!!!!!
Panorama Autorun Utility ================== or AutorunPics Utility = "AutorunPics.exe" ========================== To save me work, here is some part of the "ReadmeFirst" file. You will have to work a little making some images but I think the resulting autorun window you'll get will look really something else. The user can see moving (with mouse) preview thumbnails from each of the shows on the autorun window befor run the show. Notice: Before you run the exe to see what it is, put 7 images as described below. ==================================================== Don't run the exe before you put 7 images in the folder (see below). ==================================================== The purpose of this utility is to allow up to seven Applications be opened manually by the user, in case you want to put few Applications on one CD. You can add panoramas like images which will show previews of your shows. This is very easy to use utility but the explanation will be a long one. Here we go: =========================== The zip contains 8 files: AutorunPics.exe autorun.inf names.txt title.txt readme.txt email.txt Show1.jpg ReadmeFirst.txt (this file) ============================ How it works ? =============== Open "Show1.jpg" and you will see a very long image in the size of 1250x150 pixels. This is a panorama like image which you will need make like it and put in the folder. In order to see how the utility works, make now 6 more copies of "Show1.jpg" and name them "Show2.jpg", "Show3.jpg"... ...."Show7.jpg". Later on you will make your own 7 images. Each image is a preview of one of your slide shows. Make a copy of about 6 of the best images of your first show and resize them to height of 150 pixels. Create a new 1250x150 blank image and past the 6 thumbnails side by side to fill the long image. You can add text if you like. Look how I did the image. Name the long image "Show1.jpg". Make the same to your second show and name the long image "Show2.jpg". Make the same to all your shows. Remark: You can try and make any size images and check how the look. Bigger images are OK but smaller are not so good. 1. Title Bar ============ On the title you will see: Axxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Name of your project or whatever xxxxx xxxxxA To write your own title open the file "title.txt" and there you will see the same text. Write instead your own line. Important: Do not write more then one line and don't make it too long. Save the file in its original name in the same folder. 2. Shows names ====================== Open "names.txt". You will see seven lines: Name of Show No. 1 Name of Show No. 2 Name of Show No. 3 Name of Show No. 4 Name of Show No. 5 Name of Show No. 6 Name of Show No. 7 Write the names of your shows. You names will appear in the right places. Save the file in its original name in the same folder. 3. Readme ========= Click on this "Readme" and a text will appear. To put your own text open the file "readme.txt" and write whatever you want. You can write only a few hundreds lines (but I think it's enough). Save the file in its original name in the same folder. 4. Search CD ============ Yes, I know it's not very important, but people like to search, so why not make their life easy ? You don't have to do nothing here. 5. email me ============ When you click on this the email program will open with my email address. Since you want to put your email instead, go to "email.txt" and change my email to your email. Save the file in its original name in the same folder. 6. autorun.inf ============== You will need this for your CD to start automatically. Making the CD ============= This 6 files must be in the root of the CD together with your shows: AutorunPics.exe autorun.inf names.txt title.txt readme.txt email.txt Also you will have to add the 7 images: Show1.jpg Show2.jpg Show3.jpg Show4.jpg Show5.jpg Show6.jpg Show7.jpg And now for the most important thing: You will have to change the names of your shows EXEs. You will name them like this: Show1.exe Show2.exe Show3.exe Show4.exe Show5.exe Show6.exe Show7.exe So just to make it clear, your CD will contain 20 files. Test your project before distributing. To do this, put all the 20 files in one folder and run the "AutorunPics.exe". Check that everthing works fine. How to move the autorun window on your desktop ============================================== Hold press your right mouse on the green area and drag. Please your comments here. Granot
Remember "autorun Utility" which opens a window through which user can choose from seven shows to run from a CD ? I added "Install" option which will let user choose a path to install the seven shows on his computer. If user want to remove them, he have to insert the cd and choose "uninstall" This feature is useful for small presentations for members who use the utility in their business. It works with all sizes but in very big shows I think the user will prefer to leave them on the CD. Please your comments and suggestions for other improvements (if I can). Granot
Sterling, You can send to boxig@zahav.net.il and please repeat all features you want and I'll try to do my best + 2 avi's
Ok. I hope 1-2 days I'll send you. If it's too big I'll send you a link to download. Forgot: Send me the AVI files (zip) or a link to download.
I will make one for you. Please send the color you like for background (in numbers), name of presentation and name of Avi. It will be Full screen. Do you want same video to run after presentation ? Will it close by itself or loop ? Write your mail too where to send it. Granot
Clive For exe to run automatically when inserting CD you need a file named "autorun.inf". The computer checks every few seconds if a CD was inserted and if there is "autorun.inf" file inside the CD. This file is a simple text file but not with TXT extention. The file can be very long with many comands inside, but we usually use the simple one which include only two comands: 1. Which exe to open and run 2. which icon to show on the explorer. We can use only one comand if we don't care about the icon. Autorun file looks like this: [autorun] open=YourFile.exe icon=YourIcon.ico You should put "YourFile.exe" and "YourIcon.ico" and "autorun.inf" in the root of the CD, that means, no folder used. If you want to use folders, for example, you want your CD to have a folder named "YourFolder" and inside it to put "YourFile.exe" and "YourIcon.ico" you should remember that you have to make a change in the "autorun.inf". In this case it will look like this: [autorun] open=YourFolder\YourFile.exe icon=YourFolder\YourIcon.ico Remember that "autorun.inf" should always be in the root of the CD and not in a folder. There are few utilities at http://beechbrook.com/pte/ "Autorun Maker" will generate "autorun.inf" for you. "Autorun Utility" will let you include up to 7 shows in the CD. They both have help. I hope this will help you. Granot
Sharon, "AutoLinkPlus" by nobeefstu is what you need. Take it here: http://beechbrook.com/pte/
1. set the color of the background. What's wrong with black ? PTE not shown yet and there is no need to math the two. 2. run the AVI in full screen or window mode. Done. 3. set the duration of the AVI after it is done or wait for the PTE to load. Done. 4. set what PTE to run after the introduction. The tool runs "Presentation.exe" so just rename your show and finished. And if you are thinking of using more than one on a CD, just put them in separate folders. So this mission is not needed. 5. run an AVI at the end of slideshow as an exit Can be done. It's same tool but without the order to run PTE. So this should be a second exe.
Rod, On the contrary, I'm waiting someone to join and make together a better tool. I am relatively new too MMB and just trying to share with members simple tools I make for myself. I think we have to check first what users prefer - MPG or AVI. Also to check for which one of the two we can make more effective tool. Since Avi can be run on any windows and Guido already confirmed the 9 types out of 10 worked fine, it seems to me the AVI tool is better. But MPG tool can be a welcomed addition, and maybe in the future we can combine them. You should send your tool to Guido and ask his professional opinion, since he is the super authority on these matters. We can cooperate also on other projects and help each other. My email: mail@thailandphotoalbum.com Granot
Ok, basically I thought the same. But I will try to make a few sizes in same program otherwise you will have 3-4 files of 500 kb each. I only need the most common AVI sizes used and I'll make it tomorrow.
alrobin, jrb, Give me you email and I'll send you this utility for comments and feedback. Al, there is no Fla file, it uses your flash file. It gives Show 2 seconds to start automatic. Granot
Sterling, I posted my reply on "Adding and Intro and Outro" topic. Granot
Sterling, I posted my reply on "Adding and Intro and Outro" topic. Granot
I'm a little confused now. It seems we are discussing same subject on three topics. As I tolds somewhere, I don't understand much in MPG and AVI files so here is what I can do to fit the utility to your needs, and you tell me what are your preferences. Can make full black screen under movie. Can make AVI show full screen. Can make few defined options for AVI size which you can choose. Can keep the movie 1-2 seconds on screen after giving "Run" order to the show. Granot
pushu, I like your sense of humor (by the way, is it Pu Shu or Push U ?) I noticed one thing in working with programs: They are all very very easy. so why we have difficulties (talking in general and nor about specipic program) ? - because when there is no synchronization between our way of thinking and the "Help" file, we can't get how to do what, even we read it hundred times. People who write "Help" files are usually very familiar with the program and have above avarage knowledge about this and other connecting things. They sometimes explain as if you are in their mind and know what they mean. I noticed that in some cases, it needs only a short clear explanation to make the whole story clear. I think it will be good idea if some expert members will write a chapter or two with screen shots on simple HTML pages and then we can assemble all to one ebook (I volunteer to do this easy task). Anyway, one year is nothing. I am trying for 50 years to understand the program of life and still don't get it.
I can make a Full screen Flash introduction where you can put your HTML file with the SWF file, choose the time for your flash to run, and when this time is over, your PTE show will start automatic and the Flash will disappear. The time intervalls which I am thinking of are: 5000, 10,000, 20.000... ...100,000 ms. If you like it, it will be ready today. If you need more other time durations, write here. Granot
Rod, I read your answer to Bob. What you are actually sayin is that the video utility should stay as it is with medium size AVI. I never used ant AVI or MPG so my knowledge is zero on these.
Bob, I got your email. I will make full screen and MPG instead of avi. So I will send you probably 2 files soon. Granot
Frank, Please try my utility and If it works for you post your remarks and request for size at the topic named "boxig's video utility". If more members ask for bigger size I'll change the file at http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and if not, I'll make one for you. Granot
It seems this utility, which was built on win98, has a problem on win2000. Here is the results of Guido's check on win2000: