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Everything posted by boxig

  1. Thanks to Guido who run quick check on this utility and if I may, some of his teaching remarks: Video Intro: It is necessary to pay attention to AVI file type. Unluckily this extension means (almost) all and nothing, because there are tens of different AVI codec, not all compatible. Also several DivX files have .avi extension! I checked with about 10 AVI types. 9 work well. Bob, as I understood you are using it backwards - use PTE to open Avi which will open a second PTE. A one slide PTE opens the movie through the utility and then you like your second (main ?) show to grow out from the movie. And for his you suggest bigger screen. As I wrote in other topic, the avi will show on top-left corner of the utility window. If the avi dimentions are small, the rest of the window will be tranparent so you will have the avi ob top-left. I can make any window size and suggest we see which size members need. Anyway, I can make your size and send you. Another possibility is to make it show the Avi in full screen, but as I checked, small dimentioned avi don't look so good. As for last frame stay on screen. I will have to check if I know how to do it. So I will make today a full screen show and send you on to anyone who wants by mail. Please give me email where to send (about 500 kb). If I miss something in your suggestion please exlplain again. Granot
  2. Rod, Good to learn new things. I never used mpeg movies. It will be interesting to see this utility you are talking about. Let me know when it's ready and where to take it. Granot
  3. Ken, I think I understand now what you mean. The warning will be in the slide and not on the show. you want something like a stamp which toy can put on every slide you like and on one click disable the stamps from all show and compile again. I think, as you said, it is very easy for Igor to do. I will also suggest to add a passwors which will release (cancel) the stamp so all you have to do is send the password and when user insert it, no more stamp. You should write Igor about this, after all, photographers are main customers of PTE and this will make the program more useful. First I understood wrong so I made the "Chastity Belt utility". This one and "Secret Agent" (soon to upload) can help a lot. I want also to hear your comments about this two (as for photographers needs).
  4. Hi to all members, I just uploaded Four new utilities to http://beechbrook.com/pte/ I apologize if they will not satisfy your need in 100% and promise to try and improve them according to your feedback and remarks. To make life easy (for me) I copy here the "ReadmeFirst" files of each of the utilities. The first is to add Avi movie as introduction to your show, the second to add a Flash introduction, and the third is a protective window. Here we go: Video Utility for PTE users =========================== By: Granot http://www.atarimnet.com/ Copyright © atarimnet.com boxig@zahav.net.il Free for personal use only. Can be customized. 22 January 2003 What ? ====== Add Avi movie introduction before your presentation. Maximum AVI size: 400x320 (can be smaller). Sound: Yes How ? ===== 1. ReName your presentation to "Presentation.exe". 2. Make your "autorun.inf" to open "video.exe". 3. ReName your AVI file to "video.avi". 4. Put "Presentation.exe", "video.exe" and "video.avi" in same folder. When inserting the CD the video will start and when video finish your presentation will start. You can try it in a folder on your computer. Important: The video will not loop and play only once. Don't make it too short. Flash Utility for PTE users =========================== By: Granot http://www.atarimnet.com/ Copyright © atarimnet.com boxig@zahav.net.il Free for personal use only. Can be customized. 22 January 2003 What ? ====== Add SWF Flash introduction before your presentation. Maximum SWF size: 660x380 (recommended). Can be smaller. Sound: Yes How ? ===== 1. ReName your presentation to "Presentation.exe". 2. Make your "autorun.inf" to open "flash.exe". 3. ReName your html file to "flash.html". 4. Put the flash in up middle of page. 5. Put "Presentation.exe", "flash.exe", "flash.html" and your SWF file in same folder. When inserting the CD the flash will start. At the bottom there is a start button. When click on it the flash will disappear and your presentation will start. You can try it in a folder on your computer. Chastity Belt Utility for PTE users ================================= By: Granot http://www.atarimnet.com/ Copyright © atarimnet.com boxig@zahav.net.il Free for personal use only. Can be customized. 23 January 2003 =============================== Read carefully all the page !!! =============================== What ? ====== A small window with your message with a "Start" button to run your show. This window will stay always on top of your presentation and print screen by user will result in an image carrying this window. The window can be drag to any place on screen. If "Esc" is pressed (to close the window and print screen your pictures) - your show will close and not the window. If "Alt"+"Shift"+"Delete" is pressed (to terminate the window) - nothing happens. If the X is pressed (to close the window) - a new message will pop up and ask user not to do that again. The X will close the window only if your show is closed first. Your presentation will be hidden under secret name. Notice: Smart user can find your presentation (which we are going to hide) and copy it to his HD. How ? ===== 1. Cursing: ========== Open "slide.ddf" with Notepad and write your text, something like: "You dishonored thief ! Why you try to steal my pics ?". Save the file in original name. 2. Hiding the treasure" ======================= Rename your show to "confg.grn" (don't tell anyone). 3. Preparing the bait: ====================== Rename "MessageBox.exe" to the name of your presentation. 4. Doing the hard job: ====================== Burn "confg.grn", "slide.ddf" and your presentation (which is not your real presentation but the original "MessageBox.exe" but only carry the name of your presentation) to same folder or root of CD. 4. Doing the light job: ====================== Tell "autorun.inf" to open your presentation (Remember ? the original "MessageBox.exe"). 5. Check yourself: ================= You can try it in a folder on your computer. "Secret Agent" Version 1.0 ========================== By: Granot http://www.atarimnet.com/ Copyright © atarimnet.com boxig@zahav.net.il Free for personal use only. For any other use contact me. 15 January 2003 =============================== Read carefully all the page !!! =============================== What ? ====== "Secret Agent" is a program which does secret mission. Like James bond, it has a license to kill, and it will kill the "Print Screen" function while runing your show, and thus, preventing the bad guys from stealing your precious pictures. It is not undefeated, but also James Bond is not. Anyway, it does most of what it is expected. How ? ===== There are two files: "YourShow.exe" and "Error Message.exe". As you see, "Error Message.exe is bigger than "YourShow.exe" Why ?, is that mean anything ? Hum...that a secret. Maybe you try and click on "Error Message.exe" ? Don't underestimate this file. As a matter of fact, he is doing most of the job. (and don't touch it again !) The second file, "YourShow.exe", needs a little explanation. First take your show.exe and change its name to: "confg.grn". You probably want to know why "confg", yes ? You also want to know what type of file is ".grn", yes ? And how the hell your show will work if you change the "exe" extention to be "grn". Well, a little respect please. Since my name is Granot, you can guess what is "grn". And how it's going to work....secret agent never reveals his secrets, that's way they call him "secret agent". Ok, let's be serious. What we have till now ? 1. Your show which is now called "confg.grn". 2. "YourShow.exe" which has now a new name, the name of your show. 3. "Error Message.exe" (remember ? don't touch it !) Now put all the three files in same folder and you are done. If you want to make a CD, burn the three files together and let the "autorun.inf" open your show.... I mean...the file that carries the name of your show...the original "YourShow.exe". Complicated ? Well, it's not easy to be a secret agent. You want to check it ? ====================== Ha, that means you don't believe me. Ok, put all three files in sane folder and run the file with the name of your show. A small cute window will open and tell you "Start Presentation". Click and your show will start. Now try to steal your pictures using "Print Screen" keyboard button. can you ? And now for the exciting thrilling part: Legal Information, Disclaimer and License ========================================= This program is a Freeware for personal use only. For any other use you should contact me. By using this application, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms of use, which may change at any time. Information, documents and any electronic material provided on this application are provided "as is" without any warranty. Your use of this application is at your own risk. I am not liable for any damages arising from use of this application and/or information and other material provided on this application. You can use this application for personal use only or distribute it any way you like, as long as you do not charge money directly or indirectly for this application or making profit using it. You do not need prior permission in writing to distribute this application. ====================================== This application is: Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Did you really read it all ?
  5. You are right, I usually do this but Bill was very quick this time. I will post the "Readme" files of all three new utilities in few minutes Thanks
  6. Rod, What's the use of this ? If someone have a 200x200 movie and you show it full screen how you think the movie will look like ? Tha't only my logic but maybe I miss something. I finished already the utilities and soon will upload.
  7. Totally agree with you. Swish and MMB are good tools but PTE is still only a Slideshow maker. Nevertheless, if Igor will really want PTE to interact better with these two, he should add: "Run application" + "Go to page number...". Another very useful function will be: "Show Help" + "Go to page number...". As for very long shows, this is a problem and you can see it if you check how many downloads were to big shows. Since I can't download big ones, and I'm sure there are other like me all over the world, we miss all these shows which often are very recommended here (I think I go out of topic, sorry). As said above, this is sometimes due to big MP3 files or many extra pictures added just to fill the show to go with the long music. Many shows can be divided to 2-3 shows and when first one ends it close and opens the second. but you can't do this if you want to "slideshow" music and not "slidshow" pictures. As for the above, Igor must add "Exit when show finish and run application", as today we have the opposite, "Run application and exit". This should be automatic with no need to click. Since more and more members are using the above two programs, this must teach us something. If PTE will stay as it is and will be developed on same way (music oriented), it will soon loose its attraction to people who what a slideshow maker to make pure slideshows. But if there will be more possibilities to interact with other programs, like Swish and MMB, it will be totally different. I fully understand what was behind the word "boring". And the way I understand it I agree with it. Slide show MUST BE boring. Why ? because all those who say they are not boring, are not talking about slideshows. Dont Jump ! Try to understand what I mean. So first we have to know what is PTE. It is a Multimedia program or a slideshow program. I think it is suffering from schyzophrenia. That's why the doctor (Igor) must cure it. This slideshow born is trying to be a multimedia program. So make it one. Add the neccessary funcions.
  8. Bob, The AVI utility has a window which calles your avi file from the folder and shows it. I had to determind the window size. If I make a big window and your avi has big dimentions there is no problem. But if the utility window is 800x600 and your avi is 200x200 then it will be shown on the up-left corner of the screen. Since, i guess, most avi files are much smaller,if the utility window is 400x320, every smaller avi you use will be shown more or less in center of screen. If there is a demand for bigger window for bigger avi I can make. Same explanation is for the Flash utility.
  9. Ken, I don't remember this but do you mean that we can choose to show a small message box over our show which will say something like "unregistered" or "copyright" and will prevent also print screen since this box will appear too ? If this what you mean I think I can make utility that will generate this window. Great Idea.
  10. Yes. I made this two utilities for myself and just finished modify them so you can use them with different AVI or SWF files for different shows. Maximum SWF file: 660x380 Maximum Avi file: 400x320 Very easy to use. I just need to see it works OK before uploading to http://beechbrook.com/pte/ I hope one day more. Granot
  11. alrobin, Yes. Can make. Flah intro before slide. Soon.
  12. "File access denied" ! That's what I get when "Preview". Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Sterling, I can make a small utility which will make this: Add Avi movie as a welcome before your presentation. Maximum AVI size: 400x320. Sound: Yes When inserting the CD the video will start and when video finish your presentation will start. Are you or anyone interested ? Granot
  14. Hi Rod, I agree with your thought but we have to make things clear. PTE is a very simple to use program and you don't need any knowledg in order to make a beautiful presentations. As I see things, PTE is intended for two kinds of users: The professional, people like photographers, home designers, architects and so on, and the simple family man. The first kind need a quick and easy tool to create a presentation for their work, and the second kind want just to make a family album. These two kinds have same characteristic: They are not interested in the show but in the content of the show. On the other hand, if a photographer or a designer will order a presentation from webmaster, then the webmaster is not interested in the content of the show but in the show. This big difference have to be clear before going on and using other programs. Why ? Because using Swish or MMB is time consuming. If you are a wedding photographer or an architect, you spend your time on preparing the content of your show and then you make a presentation in few minutes. Your customer, is interested in the content and not in art. Yes, it can be very helpful if your presentation will look more professional, but you can't sit all day on making the presentation, or sometimes a week. So people from these groups can use services of webmasters who can make their presentation look better for a price. The other group of people who use PTE is people who do not use it for their profession and have plenty of time to play with. Members should know that in order to make a professional nice looking project using these two programs they will have to spend a lot of time. I agree with all your sayings about TPE and I think the best solution is if Igor will add some extra features in "advanced" section. This can include animation, abitily to show HTML page inside the program window (then we can add Java Script, Java, and Flash). I will end with some words about those two programs for members who are interested: Swish is the easier one to use, and if you are not looking for hard work or don't want to be frustrated, use Swish. You can make small professional welcomes in few hours to show them befor the PTE show. As for MMB, well... their web page promise you can make many things with no programing knowledge in few minutes. You can believe it if you like, but don't be disappointed when you discover you can't write scripts, you don't know to use plugins and so on. Both programs are very good and can bring excellent results, but you will have to spend a lot of time, especially with MMB. What I recommend ? Take Swish version 1.5 and not version 2. The old version is easy to use and costs half price. As for MMB, only if you are ready to learn scripting and have a lot of spare time. And here is my advice: If you want to know what is in front of you, go to the forums of these programs and read members questions and answers. This way you will see what are the problems you may have and decide if you want to deal with it. I hope this will help PTE members to make up their mind before they spend money and time.
  15. Igor, Now everything works fine. I remember the problem was with transparent GIF. I tried now with same image but no problem. If it happen again I'll keep the file and send. Did you get my "Disable print screen" utility ? Thank you for #1 program, it improves very fast, although I would rather prefer to see more graphic functions. Once you mentioned a library you have (50 kb ?) but you forgot about it. And where is the animation ? I wonder how PTE will look like in 2-3 years from now. Granot
  16. I am using Version 4 beta 1 and the problem is still there.
  17. Whe I add image object which is same height size as window (in my case 400x600) and try to drag it, program crush. But when I change position using the position window and then drag - no problem. Did someone experienced this phenomenon ?
  18. Hi Don, Welcome to the forum. You are probably using my "autorun utility" (I conclude this from your mention of green/blue page and 6 files). 1. Did you renamed your shows ? 2. Did you put all files in the root of the CD together with your presentations ? 3. When green/blue page appear, did you click on show name ? If the autorun window appears and you click on presentation name and nothing happens that means the file can not be found. Either its name is wrong or it is located in wrong place. Try to put all in a new folder instead of CD and see if it works. If it works, it should work on the cd.
  19. Guru, I always astonished anew when reading your replies. From where you have all this knowledge ? It's good to have a Guru like you in this forum. Granot
  20. I always like good humor. As a matter of fact this is the natural way to fly and airplane builders should check this show seriously. Kurt, you must register this as a patent or the airplane industry will steal this from you.
  21. Yes Rudi, I once made a long show with 1pixel.jpg in all slides and then realized I can't find which picture is where and spent a lot of time, so had to make it this way next time. As for Igor, my suggestion is to add a narrow column on the right side which will show small thumbs of all slides. This is great idea, but will Igor will read this ?
  22. Here is my little tip: Make not one but many one pixel jpg. If you have 50 slides, make 50 images. This will not make your show heavier since it's only 50 kb together. Why ? because while working or making changes you may not tell from one slide to the other since they will have same name (as the name is of the image in the right-bottom window). Change the name of each "one pixel jpg" to the name of the main image on that slide or a name that will let you know what is in the slide. This way you can tell each slide from the other. I hope it's clear what I'm trying to explain.
  23. Utility finished. (Igor, I sent you email). User Can't copy show from CD (he will not find your show, unless he is very expert). Also you Can't stop utility from Task Bar in case of not full screen show. These were my two last problems - solved. I will put a notice when ready to download. Granot
  24. Example: If I want user to go to page 9 if he click on link on page 8 or continue to page 35 if he don't (he can't know there are other pages unless he run the show again and don't click). This can make navigation simple for professional presentations with many sections instead of having a menu. Menu usually show all posibilities but if we want to use only small part of a big show we can hide the unrelevant pages from the user by navigating him acording to what he needs. (I hope I'm clear)
  25. Ed, Use the search to find some topics where a full explanation is given. One of them is about my "autorun maker" program here: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ct=ST&f=2&t=187 You can download it at: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Good Luck
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