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Everything posted by boxig
Hi to all, I made a small utility which will disable the "Print Screen" button on the keyboard when a user is running your show. The difference between using the "Disable print screen" in PTE project and this utility is that PTE will pop up a message and the utility is a "secret agent undercover". Now you jump and say: "..we don't need it..we can use PTE option which make the same.." Ha Ha, really ??? Ok, try this: make a demo show and check the "Don't allow <print Screen> to copy pictures" in "Advanced" tab in "project options". Run your show and print screen. The PTE message will pop up saying something about the selfish author who don't like other people to copy his pictures. Now click on the blue title bar of the message and drag it outside your sdreen (if you can't do that, just drag it out and leave 2-3 milimeters seen at the corner). Now "Print Screen". You have a copy. Igor !? people are stealing my precious pictures ! Ok, my utility is not perfect either. What I mean is, it really disable the "print screen" but if user will be smart enought, he will go to the CD, open the show then, if he knows what I have just told you, will copy your images. In short, this utility gives you extra protection ( this is like using two condoms with holes). Another advantage is that you can use it with any presentation made with any other program. You put the utility in the CD in same place as your show and tell the "autorun.inf" to open the utility and not the show. You give the ustility the name of your show and you call your show "Presentation.exe". When inserting the CD, a small nice window will open telling "Start Presentation". When the user click on it, your show will start and "Print Screen" is disabled. When exit the show, there will be a small button saying "Exit" and "Thank You". click on it and it disappeare (and "Print Screen" is enable again. I sill need to improve it, but I'm lazy, so I didn't upload it yet. But if you are interested and cant wait, let me know here and if enough people I will upload. If only few, I will send it by mail. Wait...wait... I just found a way how user can not find your presentation on the CD. Let me work on it a few hours more and make some tests. Thank you all Granot
Igor, can you make it possible to execute two actions in one object ? Run app + next page will be enough. No need all object, one is enough. This will give many avantages. Thanks Granot
Guido, Hurry up with your stuff !!! Millions of people are waiting (in China) for the finall version. Also if someone knows personally a famous virus and can send me his picture and biography it will contribute alot to to final version. As you know this is only a Beta and as soon as I have more stuff I will announce the finall version. I'm waiting guys (and girls) Granot
I am very very serious. Any additional text you send me will be appreciated. http://www.phoneticthaidictionary.com/zip/Suicider.zip 350 kb only Granot
Thanks Sam. Now the two autorun utilities are in order after the mess I made (thanks bill) and you can download all at: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Autorun Utility - Open window with access to 7 shows. You can put on this window shows' names, your email and a readme file. Autorun.inf File Maker- Will generate you an "autorun.inf" file. Pictures Index Viewer - Will create a Photo album with your pictures, title, Logo, email, web site etc. The point: you can write the whole story of your show with ability to follow the story by viewing the pictures or thumbs. Include RTF editor for writing your long text (colors etc). Presentation List- For multi presentations CD. Will enable you to fill your CD with dozens of shoes and user can view each or save to HD. Comes with editor to configure your names, read me, email etc. You can put your Logo on first page. Don't Run Twice- Will prevent your presentation to open twice. Mini Window Utility- A mini window will be over toyr presentation (if user click button) and inside you write long text of information about pictures. PTE Organizer- I forgot what is for (?) I have just finished my editor version 1.0 if you like to try it. Some of the Features: Write and Save TXT Read big TXT (Notepad can not) Write formated text, save and read RTF Write or edit HTML - ready buttons will insert meta tags. This first version no setup, just unzip and run the EXE file. You can take it here: http://www.phoneticthaidictionary.com/zip/.../SopaEditor.zip Please your comments and suggestions. Thanks Granot
Stu, You'r right but "Loader60" can be used not only for PTE show so it's still useful utility for everyone to keep. I wonder why Igor spend most of his time concentrating on sound section. There are so many things can be added to PTE and I have a feeling that one day he will be sorry not dedicating more time on other functions. One very useful need is a scroll text. People who use PTE professinally need to add long text, which can't be done with object, and it looks ugly with "Run Html or Notepad". I just uploaded my new "autorun.inf" maker which must be a part from PTE. Another must is a multi autorun which allow including many show in a CD and viewing them (but now we have many utilities that do this). And what about animation ? when finally we can add animated gif ? Granot
Sam, The problem was that a socket recieved a 0-byte stream just before the stream that contained the jpg-image" - and don't ask me what it means in English. I would have tried few things on the image (since we cant try on the program) 1. Make a new image from the original. 2. Uncheck the "Read-only" in properties if it's checked. 3. Clean the image from extra text (there is a free program called "JPG cleaner 95"). 4. Save project after evey change. I do it now because many times I loose my work. It sounds stupid but it saves me a lot of work.
Hi to all, "Autorun.inf File Maker" utility. There is a little confusion on the upload site. So if you see my new utility with an image of one of my old utilities, So this is the new one. This new utility will make your "autorun.inf" file in half a second. Just click on one of the two buttons you choose (presentation in a folder or no folder), write your presentation name and Save. The dog is my 12 years darling and if you click on her she will bark. I would like also to know if there are enough members who need a TXT, RTF, HTML editor. It opens big TXT files (not like notepad which is limited) and writes the basic tags for making a web page. Thanks Granot
Hi Stu, "Loader60" is a very useful utility but some people (like me) sometimes have "Sciptophobia". So what about making a small tool where user write the exe name and the ini is generated ? I'm thinking of further uses of a tool like this which can be very useful. It may combine autorun generator too. I though of doing such one, but in that case I'll need to bother you a bit. What do you think ? Granot
Hi Dennis, To read bewtween the lines, what you are trying to do is creating exe show straight to your CD. You have first to create it on your Hard Drive and then burn to the CD. As Truelight said, use autorun.inf to start the show automatic when inserting the CD.
I agree with you all. Beautiful pictures, although I felt a little cold. I must thank Michel for cutting the show to small pieces. I can not download big files and maybe some othe members too, I'm sure. Those who make big shows must take the free "Gsplit" from here: http://www.gdgsoft.com/ The user need not have Gsplit in order to unite the pieces. Thank you Michel for wonderful show. Granot
Presentations list -------- Version 5.0 Last version. Pictures Index Viewer --- Version 5.0 Last Version. Both have now built-in editor. Both can carry your image logo on welcome page. Both can be fully customized the way you like it. Both have uninstaller. Both Free for personal use. To install "Pictures Index Viewer" - uninstall first any previous vesion. Save your old text files in another folder for backup before installing new versions. Members who speak other languages than English and want to participate in my new multi language dictionary, please contact me. If you have any comments, suggestions or remarks - please reply here. Thank you all and good night Granot
Just finish to add a great RTF editor to Pictures Index Viewer. Now you can choose colors, font size, background color, Bold, Italic, underline etc. I added the editor to Version 5. But I'm not sure if there are enough members who want this new version, so I keep it in my drawer for a while.
"PicturesIndexViewer" Version 4 uploaded. If you install on previous version don't forget to copy all your text files somewhere else, otherwise the setup will change them to new files and your data will be lost (it's good idea to keep a copy somewhere just in case). Thanks to Guido for checking it up, Granot
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry !!!!! Truly apologize for my uploading the wrong file to "Beechbrook". I uploaded a new version 4 : http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Thanks to Lin who let me know about my mistake. Truly sorry for any inconvenience. Among the new features in Version 4: window interface 770 x 570 Maximum pictures size 570 x 390 Up to 300 pictures Customize Logo (your big welcome picture) 10 text pages Pictures pop up inside the program window. Show / Hide buttons for pictures. On version 5 there is editor with which you can configure your text as to colors, fonts etc. Coming soon. Granot
All members Truly apologize for my uploading the wrong file to "Beechbrook". If you don't see your text page (MyText.txt) on each page of the "PicturesIndexViewer", please download again. I've just uploaded the right file. Thanks to Lin who let me know about my mistake. Truly sorry for any inconvenience. Granot
All presentations and utilities can be downloaded at: http://beechbrook.com/pte/
Stu, Thank you for this great utility. It was educating to read your explanaion to Rick.
Nancy, 1. In "Pictures To EXE" Go to Project Options/Comments Tab - and configure how you want your file name to appear. Another way is just to add a Text object to each slide. 2. In "Pictures Index Viewer" The text you see under the pictures is same text for all pictures. It is a simple TXT file called "MyText.txt" which you'll find in the "Pictures Index Viewer" program. Open this page with Notepad and clear all. Now write your introduction and then details for each picture by same order as your 1.kpg 2.jpg etc. Write the number of each picture. When the user opens picture 58, he will scroll to picture 58 text. Be sure you have last version 3
PeteC and all others with same problem, Go to your pte file and open it with Notepad or similar. (notepad don't open big files so try any text editor) Scroll down and you'll see details of each slide, including the full path. You can change the path here and save. Then put the picture in your new path.
baidinc Why not just zip the exe and send it ?
Hi Guru and all, Version 3 already uploaded. Now you can put thumbs up to 430x352 pixels ! Now you can include 250 pictures ! Now only one TXT file for names and one for details ! Now interface 640 x 480. And still to come.... And.... "PresentationList" Version 5 - Last version - uploaded
Greenhorn Needs HELP with Thumbnail Contact Sheet.
boxig replied to Vid's topic in General Discussion
pushu, You are right, 64 pictures is not enough. Guido also made his comment about this. So it's good to hear your feedback. So I made a new version which can show 144 pictures and I will upload on 1.1.2003. Next version will be 200 pictures. If your shows are so big, check my "PresentationList" where you can include the main show and "chapters" so user can choose to see all or only certain parts. That means you'll have to make those "chapters". Happy New Year to all -
Greenhorn Needs HELP with Thumbnail Contact Sheet.
boxig replied to Vid's topic in General Discussion
JSlugman, There is an old saying: "If not Me for Me - who's for Me ?" But seriously, I'm a little disapointed. Not only that I don't get money but I also get very little comments about my 5-6 utilities. It will be nice if I'll get feedback so I can know what to change. So since I've finished the last version (5 and no more) of my "PresentationList", I start working now on a configurable dictionary. To make it short - whatever language you speak, just make a simple TXT file with all the words in your language and people can learn your language. Cool Ha ??? -
Greenhorn Needs HELP with Thumbnail Contact Sheet.
boxig replied to Vid's topic in General Discussion
Hi, Vid, Check my small program "Pictures Index Viewer" which will let you add a folder to the CD with your tumbs inside and 2 text files (and the program) and in your presentation you make a button link to the program. This way you don't have to force the presentation with more stuff. You can find it here: http://beechbrook.com/pte/