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Pictures Index Viewer (Version 2) Much improved, very easy to configure. just make thumbnails of your pictures, write a list of pictures names and one page that tells all about the pictures (use Notepad). The program will show your pictures names and a click on a name will show the thumb, while description will be below. You can add a folder to the CD with your thumbs inside and 2 text files (and the program) and in your presentation you make a button link to the program. This way you don't have to force the presentation with more stuff. More details in the Readme file. Happy New Year
Yes Guido, I agree, it is made for first show but... sometimes people click twice and depend also on mouse settings. Did you see the very beautiful (and useful) autolink of Stu ?
Guido, I have better idea - sell the TV, take a new young wife and let her take the dogs out. As for the second use: When one presentation is running and some other applications, and you have a button that opens another presentation, it may take some time, so the user may click twice if he is unpatient, or even by mistake. So if you use the utility for the second show, it will not open twice.
Dear Guido, My wife looks stupid T.V. series till 24.00 and my two dogs force me out at 05.00. If I don't take my dogs, they will bite me, and if I will not let my wife see T.V., she will bite me. So since they don't let me sleep, I'm 20 hours with my best friend, the PC. I uploaded the utility so we wait for bill to upload to his site. By the way, I finished version 5 of PresentationList and added editor for all the files that should be edit. This includ HTML editor. (Promissed not to make new version this year so I'll upload next year).
Here is the "Readme" file that tells all: "DontRunTwice.exe" Utility ========================== By: Granot Free Important: ========= If you use "Windowed mode" without border this utility will not work. What ======== Sometimes big files take long time to open. When you give a CD with no autorun, user click on show file and waits long time. If he thinks something is wrong, he click again. That makes the presentation to open twice. If he don't notice, there will be two applications runnig and consuming PC power. This can result in poor performance of your show. Or, You put a button to run another show or EXE and user click on it twice. The program will open twice. "DontRunTwice.exe" Utility will prevent this. How ======== First use - one Presentation. ============================ 1. When making presentation in PTE go to "Project options", "Screen" tab, "Caption of window" and write any name you like but add a _ sign to the Name. It will look like this: "My Trip" will be: "My Trip_" , or " _My Trip" , or "My_Trip" "Wedding" will be: "Wedding_" , or "_Wedding" 2. Save your presentation as: Presentation.exe 3. Now change the name of "DontRunTwice.exe" to the original name of your presentation. Example: "DontRunTwice.exe" will be: "My Trip.exe" or "Wedding.exe". 4. You have now two files: "Wedding.exe" and "Presentation.exe" when: "Wedding.exe" is the utility with its new name. "Presentation.exe" is your original show. 5. Include both in same folder. Second use - Two presentations ============================= If you make a presentation = "A" with a link button to another presentation = "B", do the same like above, but this time with the second presentation. At the button give order to run "DontRunTwice.exe" and not your second presentation. Where it is ? I can't see it ! =================== Yes, I know. The utility window is only 10 x 10 and it terminates itself less than a second after start running. Please some comments, better good, or my wife will kill me (who want to take her from me ? ) Enjoy (with the utility I mean)
Hi JSlugman, You can use "My HTML Uitility" for this purpose. Check it at: http://beechbrook.com/pte/
Rudi, Are other shows make same problem or only one ? If only one, so probably you did someting wrong. Try to "uncheck " the loading screen and see how the show works. Try to save as template and make exe from the new PTE file. and last, take out the music if there is and try. if all this don't work, you'll have to wait for an expert. which I am not. good Luck
First thanks to Stu and Guido for their support. I just uploaded Version 4 of my "PresentationList" utility which include many improvements (up to 105 presentations, 730 x 500 window and more). One of the great uses is (Guido's idea) that you can include your giant presentation and add sections of it below, so user can choose to see all or only certain parts. Especially good if you make 20 -40 MB shows, or if there are different topics inside. You can fill your CD with over 600 MB presentations and use the utility as Multi Autorun which can show all, and as a Multi installer. I will be very happy to get suggestions for new features for next version which will be ready only next year (!). Thank you
Hi Rudi, Try to cut out the first slide and try again. Sometimes the problem is in a bad first slide.
Ya, it happens to me too all the time but it seems to work although the message. I think you don't have IE 6. If you will not see it in few days write to Bill. Or maybe he will see this topic and write you.
Hi Stef, Yes, it's great program, everyone here agrees. To upload Go here: http://www.beechbrook.com/upload/ Don't forget to ZIP your file and upload it as ZIP.
Guido, I never thought of this but it's very interesting point. To follow your tought, in case of big project we can, for example, put the whole show as No. 1 in the list, and then make small "chapters" from that show and put them as No. 2, 3, 4... here is example: Suppose you make an advertisement show for your "Guido Resort". It is a long one, showing all facilities of the big resort. You put this show as No. 1. Now you cut it to small shows, one for each facility (tennis courts, swimming pools, conventions halls, restaurants, rooms etc.) Thank you guido, keep thinking.
Hi Joy, As a rule to all programs, when you make a link or give order to "Run" another file, you must include the file. so that means, in most cases, the size will be combination of two files. But there is another way, to use tool that make it easier. Go to http://beechbrook.com/pte/ and you'll find what you need. If you want to link all your shows use "AutoLinkPlus" Utility. If you'll have many shows, you can use "Presentation List" utility. Another Autorun for seven shows is "Autorun Window Utility".
Guido, This may need some explanation. Yes, we can use this program for our 40 MB presentations but the main use is for real "presentations" more than "Photo Albums". I can think of many uses like a collection of tutorials, a library of ebooks, collection of business projects (like architecture plans), series of maps etc. ...and if anyone think of any other use, please let me know.
Soon will upload new version, new interface, window 730 x 500, autorun up to 105 (!) presentations, print options, Pop-up helps for buttons and less files to configure. Your Logo on first window (did I said that already ?)
Hi Edwin, Example: your presentation is called: xxx.exe. 1. Open Notepad. 2. Write: [autorun] open=xxx.exe 3. Save file as: autorun.txt 4. Change file name to: autorun.inf 5. autorun.inf and xxx.exe must be in the root of the CD. If you put your presentation in a folder and burn the folder then: if folder name "Presentation" [autorun] open=Presentation\xxx.exe in this case and always the autorun.inf must be in the root of the CD (not in the folder). If you want Explorer to show your icon you write: [autorun] open=xxx.exe icon=xxx.exe,0 (that is zero) if you add your icon to the root of the CD you can write: [autorun] open=xxx.exe icon=zzz.ico when zzz.ico is your icon name. Read the full story here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....toplay_cmds.asp and some more examples here: http://www.moonvalley.com/products/romwith.../autoruninf.htm That's all I know, hope it works for you.
Yes can do. Just give me the path (Car:\.....) and a few hours to sit on it.
Super Autorun window for making CD with 60 presentations. "PresentationList" Version 3. Put your imag/logo on front window ! Add a voice message ! Link to your web site ! Send email to you. Install/Uninstall presentations of choice. Window size 640x480 + background color. Your text information. Add business card. New detailed Help file. ...and much more After install, go to "Start/Programs/PresentationList" and open "How to make CD". Download: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Although it's not the last version Have fun.
Done -! Now the program opens with your image all over the working window (not including the title bar) so you can write whatever you like on it. For those who don't want image, the text option is still available. notice: did not upload yet
Yes. By default.
Good idea Guido. Frogram can be "Free Programs" . I suppose this creative idea came because you have, cats, mouses and frogs.
Now you all know - THIS is a real Virus. If you get one - you can die.
Tommy, This use "Dynamic-FX" , not so recommended in programs, but works good on web sites. You can see this site: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for examples. That's way you cant see many programs with Dynamic-FX which can slow the program on slow computers. On slow computers they can take so much CPU so some commands will have no time to execute.
Done ! Need some volunteers to try last version (I know I lied) befor upload. Thanks
Done ! - will be in next version.