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Please don't be angry with me, I promise this is last version... at least for this year. Updated 21 December 2002 after some more requests. Working window now 640x480, gray windows style, bigger buttons, full screen background, minimize button and some other small improvements. If you made already your text files, keep them out of the folder while installing the new version since it overwrite all old files (then fut them back). As I realize the purpose of this program is not clear to some members, here is a simple explanation: If you want to give to a customer (or friend) a CD with many presentations inside, you can make the CD autoplay only one exe. This program allows you to include up to 60 presentations on the CD. The autorun will open the program exe and your customer will see the list of all the presentations on the CD. Near each name there are few buttons which do as follows: 1. open and view presentation from the CD. 2. Install a presentation automatically to customer's computer. 3. Browse and choose manually a presentation to install. 4. Uninstall a presentation from computer which was install. 5. An indication to let customer know which presentation was installed. 6. open and view presentation from the customer's computer (if was installed) Also other buttons: 1. Uninstall all presentation in one click. 2. Your written information about the CD and presentations. 3. A button to send a direct email to you. 4. Help page for your customer to explain how to use the CD. The program reads almost all the information from external files which are in the same folder. you can configure and edit these files. The information that you can edit is: 1. Title and name of CD on first page. 2. A list of your presentations names. 3. Your email address. 4. Your text information about the CD and presentations. So now no need to make many CDs. Just make one CD with up to 60 presentations and let user choose what he want to see. More to come (I hope): 1. Let your customer choose few presentatios and make an order list. Then send you the list by email. 2. Add a special button titled "See our work" (or whatever you like) which will open a Demo presentation you make to show customers your best capabilities in making projects. 3. Dialler. 4. A voice message with your recorded WAV file. 5. A button to open a JPG image which can be your office, your face, etc. 6. A button to "Take my card" which will install your business card to customer computer. 7. "Visit my (your) website" button to bring customer to your site. 8. Adding your image at the opening window 640x480. You can make your Logo or whatever opening image. 9. Any idea ???? Please write here your comments, suggestions, complains etc. Download: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Happy new year Granot
Great looks with varied forum categories. also PTE forum and computer/ software related forums. Let's click and go http://www.barcin.net/
Just a few days more and all your wishes (at least those concerning this utility) will be fulfilled.
WHY ???????? !!!!!!!! It looks great site. It's not nice to keep secrets like this. You must let anyone know, at least on this forum. But when tried to register on "Registration Rules and Policies Agreement" and click on "agree" - came back to same page. Check and let us know. Good (and hard) work Granot
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. There are two or three threads about this topic. So if nobody do nothing I have to come with an idea, at least to solve part of the problem. We can start our "subject" with a letter: Example: SM - topic subjet.. (Sound and music) Sy - topic subjet.. (Synchronizing topics) IMG - topic subjet.. (images) CD - topic subjet.. (CD problems) Com - topic subjet.. (computer...) Gen - topic subjet.. (General and other)
Much better name for your show will be "Photographs from me and my friends' trip in last July to the excellent San Francisco Zoo with Particular Focus on the sex life of the Polar Bears in summer" - Huuuum, that's very interesting show. Do you need clock with seconds or minutes only will do ? And what color you want the clock ? Ok, ok, I'm working on it. This is only version 1 (not even 1.01)
After some suggestions and requests from members, and a lot of help from nobeefstu, new interface and new features, the program for distributing your presentations on a CD. Version 1 of "PresentationsList" to download from: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ It comes in a setup program (with uninstall, in case you don't like it). Important new features: You can choose your original names of presentation. You can uninstall file you choose. A small red mark indicate if the presentation is installed. Full screen, new colors, autorun file included. Please your comments here.
Sure Michel, I have some very beautiful pictures from Thailand. Are you interested ? Size 640 x 480 not compressed but JPG from digital ( I have ready zips of 5-6 pictures each since I send to few websites who have this postcard tool).
Ok, Ok, Ok... Uploaded 3rd version with full screen and some other improvements to make Ernst happy too. Now that Guido and Ernst and my wife are all happy, who's next ? You have to know that Nobeefstu is also trying to make you hapy by helping me so probably there will be more new versions (I just have to sit today on some scripts he sent me). I really think this can be great utility so please all, send your feedback and suggestions, but be patient with me, my mind is rusty and it takes me long time to understand some scripts (my doctor say it's the age, and we can't do nothing about it).
Well, if I'll get some help from Stu I think it's possible to do whatever you want, Guru. And Since I don't spend my time on making my wife happy, I have already made a better version (not upload yet). For example, I want to make the Uninstall for each file and not for all the folder.
Guru, Here you get it ! I changed the colors so you don't blame me for eye ache. But I also made a new version with many improvements. (How is the size ? Need any changes ?)
Guru, Just tell me what color you like and I'll send you. But wait !!!! Today I will upload a new version with small extra button near each presentaion. If on CD, the user can first see the list, then choose which one he want to see, and then which one he want to install to his computer.
Presentations List Program for PTE users ========================================= Here is the ReadmeFirst file which is included in the ZIP file. I uploaded a new version where the user of the CD can install any presentation he likes to his computer, and uninstall. Download here: http://beechbrook.com/pte/ =============================== Read carefully all the page !!! =============================== What is this ? ============= This program does two things: It opens applications (exe), and/or install them. The useful feature is that when you make a CD with many presentations inside (up to 60), the user can see the list of presentation, see those he want to see, and install to his computer those he want to install. The presentations will be installed in C:\Presentations. There is also an "uninstall" button which will remove all the folder with all the presentations inside. There are two practical uses for TPE users: 1. While distributing a CD. Now you can fill the CD with your presentations, tell the "autorun" to open "PresentationsList.exe" and the user will choose the one he want to see (instead of pointing the "autorun" to one presentation only). The "autorun included in the zip). 2. Keeping organized collection with easy reach to each. The ZIP which you download contains 10 files: 1. ReadmeFirst.txt (this page) 2. PresentationsList.exe (the program) 3. Information.txt 4. youremail.txt 5. yourname.txt 6. title.txt 7. Text.txt 8. Text2.txt 9. Text3.txt 10. Text4.txt Extra "autorun.inf" file is included for CD distribution. How to configure ================ The files 3-10 are the text files where I wrote the text you see and where you will put your own text as follows: "Text.txt" - Names of presentations. Do not touch the numbers ! Here you write the names of presentations you want to appear on the top of the list, from 1 to 15. "Text2.txt" - Names of presentations. Do not touch the numbers ! Same as up but for presentations 16-30 which will appear on the second page of the list. "Text3.txt" - Names of presentations 31-45. Do not touch the numbers ! "Text4.txt" - Names of presentations 46-60. Do not touch the numbers ! Notice: ====== If you have less than 60 presentations, you can either leave the numbers or cut the numbers. Remember, you can't skip numbers ! "yourname.txt" - Or your company name as will appear on first page. "title.txt" - As name of project, client, topic etc. Appears on first page. "youremail.txt" - Where you want the user to send you mail. When the user click on the envelop on last page, his email program will open with your email as the recipient. "Information.txt" - Any long or short information you like to give. This will appear on last page. What else to do: =============== After you completed all the instruction given above, open the program and follow the list. Now you will see the names of your presentation as you wrote them. Make a copy of all the presentations (EXEs) you want to include to a new folder. See the name of the presentation which appears as No. 1 on first page of the list. Go to the EXE of this presentation and change its name to be - "1.exe". Change the presentation which is No. 2 to be - "2.exe". Do the same to all presentations, - "3.exe", "4.exe"... ..."60.exe". If you have less than 60, well, change only those you have. What to include while distributing: =================================== Add 9 files from the 10 files (do not include "ReadmeFirst.txt" file which is this page !!!) to the new folder where you put all your presentation, now called "1.exe", "2.exe"...etc. , and rename the folder as you like. Important - all files must be in the same folder. If you make a CD, you will have to make the "autorun" to open "PresentationsList.exe" file. I included a "autorun.inf" file if you like to use it. And, there is "Help" page for users, just in case. And last thing - check that all your text appears rigth and that the buttons do open the right presentations. Any questions can be sent to me. Granot: boxig@zahav.net.il
Jan, You can't make animation effect if your slides have fade effect since whatever you make the time duration, it will never be shorter than the effect. To solve this, if you want to have a fade effect on all slides, change the time to 1 msc for the project and customize each slide as you like it to be. I really still didn't understand what you want to do. What you mean by: "in the mean time a tell the audience something about a slide" ? - I understand your slide has a Fade effect, some slides have a Text Object. On the slide you have Text Object you want to stop the Auto and put a Button to go to next slide, yes ? You also want to put ,here and there, a bird flying, let's say evry 10 slides, yes ? If this is what you want to do, all the slides with buttons and Bird must be customized. At the slide with Button just change the time to 500 and up. As for the bird, you will have to disable all effects and check the "Quick Transition" at the bottom of the Customizing Window of each slide. I hope this helps
The last 2500 pics I took with Olympus (smart media Fuji) were all between 100-220 kb at 1280x960. When resized to 800x600 they became all between 30-100 kb only. For example, a slide of 69 resized pics results in a 5400 kb presentation (not including the MP3).
Well Guru, I know because I have 2 dogs but have no mouses. How many mouses you have ? (just joking). Do you think "Audacity" is better than "ACM Station" ? and since I know you'r expert in sounds, is there any way to convert WAV to MID ? I know there is a Dos program only. And, why AU is not popular ? Thanks (I realy think this forum have to be divided to sections if it's going to be big as the former, and better to start when the baby is young).
Why you have buttons on your many slides ? Unless you put them there. Can you give more details ?
Hi Gerry, I'm surprised no one answer your question till now. In order to make a blank slide you have to make a very small image 1x1 pixel in the color your background will be and add it as usual. Then write your text. As for "Flying" - see the topic runing here how to do it. see: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...act=ST&f=2&t=48
Hi Nujja, As Ken said, 640x480 is the best for your screen, even for bigger. Your images should be about 50 kb each. If they are still much over, make new ones with "Photoshop" or similar where you can save them in small size. If you are not going to print from the show, you can compress them much more cause the eye don't see the differnce.
Hi Fotoman, You can use the Free "ACM Station" which convert WAV to MP3 in seconds and gives good results. You have to know that the quality of MP3 is not like WAV but don't worry, only dogs can hear the difference, most people don't.
Hi Sharon, I don't know. But try this, - make the first 3 slides very small (small images like 5 kb) and try. If it works, try only one slide with small image. and if this work, just add a new first slide. You can try also one small as the last slide, who knows. Another option, try your presentation witout music. Let us know the results.
Hi Jan, Recalling Stu's answer I suspect your question was about "Navigation Bar". In that case, as Stu said, you can't. But if you didn't talk about "Navigation Bar", here is how to do it: On "Project Options" , "Main" - check the "display each slide for" and choose the time you want for each slide. Choose the slide you want to control the time and to use a button and press the "P" button on the left side of "Customize slide". Click on "Customize slide" and a new window will open. On the "Main" tab window write 5000 on the "display slide for seconds". Close. Open the "Object Editor" of the slide and add button with "Next slide" action.
Hi Jan, Did you tried to customize some slides ? Do this first and come back, I'm here.
Hi Richard, I asked this question a long time ago and got the same answer. I know what you mean. Igor must add this function to save slide which is not the same.
Hi Stu, I think Jan did not syncronized his show. But let him tell us first. If not, just customize the slides you want. (am I missing something here ?)