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Everything posted by boxig
Photographers - check this web site ! If you are a professional photographer, now you can get your customer's order in hours by using this new web site. You can upload customer's photos and send him the link to his album. Your customer will select on-line the photos he want to print, paper type and size (which you define in your control panel) and send you the order through the web site in one click. Free registration for 60 days trial, 10 MB space, without any obligations !!!. Try it. Photo Order List - on-line Although you can upload your images through the web site, I made a small FTP utility which you can use to upload files and connect to your account. It is free "as is". Download here: GFTP - Upload utility (please notice that it is useless for any other purpose). Granot
And don't miss this new web site: Photo Order List - on-line Free 60 days, 10 MB, no obligations ! More details on this post. Granot
Check these two programs (I think both are free): Desktop Restore Restore Desktop
Ron, I have another idea good for your site and other members sites. Since you are selling tutorials try to find some question keywords which people may ask and your tutorials answers. Here are some examles: how to use Layers Palette with photoshop special effect using Layers Palette with photoshop using Photoshop and slideshows how to enhanch slideshows how to use Photoshop Actions Palette record actions with Photoshop save actions with Photoshop how to make jigsaw puzzle effect how to use Polygonal Lassoo tool with photoshop Now, when I made a search (in advanced search) for "Polygonal Lassoo" I got only 59 results, for "Photoshop Actions Palette" 189 results and for "Photoshop and slideshow" only 2 results !!! Next, write at least 100 sentences like the above taken from your tutorials and add them to all pages at the end of each page. Next, make one "Content" page with few hundreds "How to do" sentences and add this page to your site. Also you can add a "Read more" link to each CD and link to a page where you will write all things mentioned in the CD. Doing all my above suggestions will bring your pages in more search results, some of then even on first results page ! Granot
Ron, Don't waste your time because whatever you do in a conventional way you will always be somewhere on page 20 or 30 in search results if you are very very very lucky. The main reasom is that your keywords : "Photoshop tutorials video cd's videos tutorials digital image galleries training" probably appear millions of times so you may find yourself on page 100 or 500. Peaople usually check the few first pages, so being on 1-10 first pages is a very good luck with these keywords. For example, I looked for "Photoshop tutorials" using the advanced search, I found 5,140,000 results ! Searching "Slide shows" gave 8,260,000 results and "Digital images" only 11,500,000 ! Searching for "ronniewestdigital" will probably give only your web site (after you will be listed) but anyone who knows already your name, probably will know your web site, and if he don't, he will not look for your name. I know some clever guys can bring you to first five result pages, but they usually don't do it for free. My suggestion is, to publish your tutorials on various related forums. Sorry I can't help, you know I'm not a webmaster. Granot
I think you will have to disable mouse click too, and even then, if someone want to, and know how, he still can. This topic was discussed alot here, I suggest you read what members wrote about protecting images.
"ExeAutorun" version 2.0 There are three options for user: 1). Run all the shows on the CD. 2). Run only selected shows from the CD. 3). Run only one show from the CD. This works on HD too. To see how it works, create a sub-folder called "Shows" and put your shows (exe) inside, then run the utility. This is a Freeware. Customized version with your Logo can be obtained for small fee. Download from my site. Granot
photobytony See my new topic about "ExeAutorun version 2.0" Granot
Well, now we can say "Igor, Ken and Granot use 800x600". That's it ? Only three of us ? One thing we have to remember that it is logical that PTE users will have bigger screen but PTE users are not a criterion, unless your presentations are targeted to PTE users. I read a survey that indicated that most people do not use bigger that 800x600. Now, when you make a big presentation, are you sure everyone will see it the same way as you on your 1024x768 ? Granot
Harry Since it was caught early stages and you are healthy young man, keep your spirit and think positive. Relaxed mind has a lot to contribute for quick recovery. We are all with you. Granot
Thank you Ken. I will check them all. I think I was not very clear about what I need. The program I am working on is for bird-watchers to put their own birds pictures, sounds etc. What I want is to put some samples so users will understand how it works. Since I do not want to use stuff without permission I need these original files: 4-5 photos of birds. Short description about each bird. Sound of each bird. One short video of bird/s And of course a permission to use those files. Thank you Granot
Jim I see you are a real bird-watcher. Yes, you have the things I need. The program will allow keeping text, photos, sounds and videos of birds (and other animals). What I need is to put few samples, three birds images with a text about each, a sound of each and one video showing one bird (up to 1 MB but the smaller the better). If you want to see before what is all about I can send you what I did till now. Daniel Nath's web site looks very good and professionally done. It is really recommended to all birds lovers. Michel Thanks for the info. There are a lot of animals photos. Did you say there are photos from China ? I could not find the link and I would love to see it. Thank you all Granot
Hi all, I will appreciate some advice and few original photos of birds for a bird-watchers program. Thank you Granot
tapeka There is an old utility called "CombinePTE". You can find it under "Utilities for "PicturesToExe" section here. Please let us know how this utilility work. Granot
Guido, I agree with you. I have a small utility which I made for this purpose: PTEprotect With it you can save many backups in one click while working, so you can always go back to any of them, then delete those you don't need. Granot
I agree with Roger. Keep it clean and minimized. Granot
Try this: WS_FTP Granot
How do I relocate the images attached to .exe file
boxig replied to Tim Z's topic in General Discussion
Tim Z Well, I was a bit slow. I made a small utility for relocate folder, but as it seems now it is not needed any more. Anyway, if anyone is interested you can download it here: RelocatePTE.zip The "Readme": If all your original files where in the same folder when you created your show and you relocated or renamed this folder, this small program will create a new PTE file for you and change all paths. 1). Select the new folder where images and sounds are now. 2). Select old PTE file. 3). Create new PTE file (will be opened in "PicturesToExe" program). Granot -
There is "Readme.txt" inside the zip and each button has a description on mouseover.
Look for "RestorePTE" utility on this URL.. It is a freeware but donations are welcomed.
I surely agree with all of you. Yes Mark, it would be nice to have some of "Photo Order List" features, or any new peatures for that matter, in PTE, but that actually means combining two completely different programs into one. Since not all PTE users are professional photographers, and PTE is a "SlideShow" program, I also agree with Ron that those features are probably very low on the wishlist. But, as Ken said, any new idea should be posted in the forum and members should post their thoughts. As you know, many of new features added along the years are results of ideas posted by members. While PTE creates a "Ready Made" presentation where user has not much to do, "Photo Order List" is a tool with which user can do things, like selecting print paper and size for his photos, and it is not interded only for PTE users, but can be also used with simple JPG images and without any presentation to come along. As Ron said, presentations are mostly done for pleasure, but some photographers use them for their work. On the other hand, there is nothing of the pleasure in "Photo Order List" which is a pure working tool only for photographers, which are not the majority of PTE users. As Fred said: Both PTE and "PhotoOrderList" work beautifully together and both my clients & I benefit.... and I think those two program should be seperated, if only for the reason that it will be very difficult to use a PTE show with its music and transitions for making a print order. The only way to do it will be to make a second presentation without any page transition. I am not a photographer and I made "PhotoOrderList" following few members' requests who could not find any similar program. I am glad to get good feedback from photographers (PTE and not PTE users) and I am sure the day will come when all SlideShow programs will have their OrderList features. Granot
Uploaded new version of 'PTEprotect' to My Webpage. This is a small, simple, and very useful program for "PicturesToExe" users. It will make as many backups to your pte project file while you are working on a new slide, and prevent you from losing your work. When you finish with your project, you can delete all the backup files if you like. Granot
I uploaded new version of "RestorePTE". Now screen shots are saved as BMP. This is a freeware but I promise not to be angry if you make a small donation on my web site after recovering your lost photos Also you are welcomed to volunteer in testing my updated "PhotoOrderList" and "PhotoPrints" HERE. Granot
Thanks Jim. Yes, it is a bit old utility called "RestorePTE" and it can be found on My Webpage Granot (boxig)
I uploaded updated version of: PhotoOrderList and a new Crop/zoom tool: PhotoPrints Your comments are welcomed. Granot