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Everything posted by BootZilla

  1. Maureen - Great presentation. Love the saturated colors, sharpness and contrast. Good exposures as well. Well done. Greg Gordon
  2. Paul - You should be very proud and pleased with your first show, It's great. I'm guessing you took the time to watch numerous sequences of others and learned from them. Your show was very well thought out as to the choice of image sequence and transitions. For me. the text was unnecessary or could've been shortened. The show told it's own story. I thought the first part of the music was spot-on. The last bit kind of changed the mood slightly for me but only slightly. The verticals didn't bother me at all. The only real negative for me, and I see it a lot, is the curling page without a solid back side. I don't like seeing the image thru the back of the page as it curls into view. It's a distraction. Pat yourself on the back - you did a great job. Greg Gordon
  3. Shows like this would make great screen savers. Greg
  4. Well done Lin. John Denver is one of my favorite singers too. Greg
  5. Barry - My web machine is @ 1200 x 1600 - my work station is @ 1920 x 1200. Greg
  6. Or' you can simply add 6 seconds of silence to your audio file via your music editor. Then, no offset is required. Greg
  7. Barry - Right on the money. Greg
  8. Igor - For this program "PTE" to grow in popularity, I caution in a complete overhaul of the software. Is it possible to have some new tabs in the "project options" that could cover some of the "pro users" desires rather than a big interface change. The last thing you want to hear is a new user of PTE telling his friends "stay away from that PTE program , it's way too complicated". It's great that we have experienced users who are always trying to push the envelope but I would suggest that most users just want to produce good quality slideshows that can tell a story or can display great images or stir the emotion of the viewer with a sequence of imagery and music without having to worry about a high level of sophistication. Greg
  9. Igor - Does "keyframe grouping" in O&A qualify as adding simplicity? Greg Gordon
  10. Oh dopey me! I was using "fast reply" which doesn't give you the needed option. I feel like a little foolish - that comes with age I guess - that's my excuse. Anyway, thanks for the reminders & and assistance. The attached image shows only one object with 4 keyframes. Lots of times I may have several objects all containing 4 or more frames. If you aan only move one keyframe at a time, it takes for ever. Also, moving the keyframes one at a time, its hard to keep the animation timing correct. Greg
  11. Peter - I'm happy to see someone else beside myself and the DOM get on this topic. However, your suggestion of having multiple pop-ups seems to me to be a little confusing. I was looking for something a lot more simpler. I am hoping Igor will allow for the moving of a group of keyframe points in the same way we can move only 1 now. That could be accomplished by simply selecting the object you want to work with, then high light all it's keyframes by mouse click on the first frame and then "shift" click on the last frame and then drag the group to the left or right. For the way I work, it seems quite simple. I have an image that identifies clearly what I mean BUT I'll be dammed if I can figure out how to insert an image that is sitting on my desktop. Greg
  12. Igor - I'm still trying to get you to bite on this one. What about "keyframe grouping" in the O&A; this has been brought up a few times over the past 2 years. Ether very few members understand what is meant by "keyframe grouping" and how simple it would make the repositioning of the fading in and out of an object during the animation time of the main slide - to be able to click on the first keyframe and then shift click on the last keyframe and move them all together would be great. I know this has nothing to do with VIDEO which is what a lot of members are excited about but it would sure help the members who still believe that slideshows are created using still images. That's why I got into PTE. Greg Gordon
  13. I see no reason to change the existing terminology. It was probably confusing to most of us at the beginning but it soon made sense. It will be the same for new users. All this talk about "fit to screen", "fit to slide" etc, are we still going to have the option in the "screen" tab in the project options to simply select the slide show aspect ratio ie; 16x9, 16x10, 5x4, custom etc and also be able to enter the size (in pixels). will the option for "fixed size of slide in pixels" still be there? What about "keyframe grouping"; this has been brought up a few times over the past 2 years. Ether very few members understand what is meant by "keyframe grouping" and how simple it would make the repositioning of the fading in and out of an object during the animation time of the main slide - to be able to click on the first keyframe and then shift click on the last keyframe and move them all together would be great. I know this has nothing to do with VIDEO which is what a lot of members are excited about but it would sure help the members who still believe that slideshows are created using still images. That's why I got into PTE. Greg Gordon
  14. Peter - Very impressive. The cube reminded me of the obelisk in 2001/2010 and it was very distinct - great sync work as well. Well done Greg
  15. Maureen - Great image clarity, contrast & color. However, for me, the music didn't work at all. Greg Gordon
  16. Charlie - I'm not a big fan of video inserted into slide-shows but in the case of your "Jazz" sequence, I must say it worked extremely well. Great presentation. Greg
  17. Jose - You got the gist of my message all wrong. I wasn't complaining about the length, just acknowledging Ken's comment. If it wasn't for the perfect music selection, I may have been concerned about the length but, as I said, the Vangelis piece carried the show well. Please, don't regret uploading the show, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Greg
  18. Jose - I liked it, the animation was smooth. Yes, as Ken said, it was a bit long however, the music kept my interest and suited the sequence perfectly. I also found the premise interesting. Greg
  19. Dave - You're right - I'm on it! G
  20. Do you have a license to distribute these images? Greg
  21. I believe you'll need version 7.0 which will be released soon. Greg
  22. Barry - Great visual journey, though short. Excellent choice of music which created an anxious felling of where the images were going to take me. PTE use at its best. Well done. Re, the Yachtsman, I believe he's just stubborn. The rest of us realize that he's the one losing out. Greg
  23. Jill writes; I couldn't agree more!!! I don't think Peter & Dave understand fully what is being talked about here. The DOM brought this up a few years back and I did the same a few months back. In both cases, members commented how useful keypoint grouping would be but everybody is so wrapped up with the inclusion of video in PTE software that we're forgetting just what's so great about slideshows. What are we going to call this new media mix? PTE to me, is all about what can be done with still images. Anyway, back to the main topic, I'm surprised that Peter, Dave and many others have not run into a situation where in a single slide, lasting 30 or more seconds, which contains other elements that will come and go during the time allotment. Each one of those elements have their own keyframes. Depending on the element and what is to be done with it, may involve several keyframes. I find on a regular basis that I need to adjust the position of one or more of the elements after their initial placement. You can't plan for this. Presently, you select the element you need to move and then adjust its position one keyframe at a time. If you have 4, 5 or more keyframes, it's a little time consuming. If you could group all the keyframes for a particular element, you could reposition the element in one move. And you wouldn't change the spacing between each keyframe as always happens when you move a set of keyframes one at a time. I hope this offers a clearer explanation as to why this would be so helpful. Greg Gordon
  24. Jill - You're not the first one to ask for this over the past few years. It appears the creators of the software (Igor) just won't bite. Greg
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