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  1. Hello Lin, Using an image that was even grainer/noisier, I disabled the sharpening features in the camera settings, and did not add any sharpening in the digital processing phase. The image in PTE is now very good in terms of noise, albeit not quite as sharp. I'll need to keep adjusting so that I strike the right balance between the two attributes, but it certainly seems that you have found the root cause of the problem. It's interesting that in both Capture NX and Picture Project, the image appears fine. One other question: in terms of burning a PTE slide show to a DVD, do you have any recommendations for conversion software -- something not too complicated without too many bells and whistles? Thanks very much for the help, Paul
  2. Ken/LumenLux, Thanks -- it's nice to know I wasn't hallucinating. I tried resizing in Capture NX to a much smaller image size, but it only improved the quality about 10% using PTE. The comment about PTE being too good may be valid, because I have just the opposite problem using other slide programs, such as Nero and ProShow -- images were noticeably less sharp than PTE. I'll try downloading Irfanview and using the settings indicated and then moving it to PTE. I appreciate all the assistance -- this is truly a helpful forum. Paul
  3. Ken, Here's the complete link: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?qui...90d&thumb=4 -- sorry for the confusion. Yes, I did convert the RAW image to a JPEG, using the "Excellent Quality" selection in the Save Options Dialog in Nikon Capture NX. Thanks, Paul
  4. Ken/Mario/Lin, I have uploaded the image at the mediafire URL above; it is filed as "Fengdu.Flowers.jpg." In case the EXIF data did not attach, here's the information: - image quality: RAW (12 bit) - image size: 3451 x 2535 - taken with Nikon D200 - ISO 100 - Color mode III (sRGB) Thanks to all for the assistance, Paul
  5. Lin, Thank you very much for the fast response. The only place I can think of posting the image is on the Nikonians Site, but the limit per photo is 250 kb, which I'm not sure would enable you to replicate the problem. The actual image I want to post is 6.4mb; it was shot at ISO 100 and in the Nikon programs it is virtually noise free. Do you have any other suggestions as to how to provide you with the image? Thanks in advance, Paul
  6. When I load JPEG images into the PicturesToEXE program, some of the images appear with excessive noise (similar to very large grain on a wet-film image). When the images are viewed on other programs (Nikon Picture Project, Nikon Capture NX, PowerPoint), all the images are silky smooth. Each image file is large (about 5mb), but reducing the size of the image does not make an appreciable difference in quality. Also, there does not seem to be any consistency in which images display the noise (e.g., original ISO, etc). I'm new to this program, and was wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks, Paul Lebras
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