Thanks for your suggestions. Student's create all their projects on their personal Network Drive (H Drive) . And the music files are linked from a seperate drive. Sometimes R Drive or they copy them to H drive and link them there. The strange thind is that Other Music Type's DO play, And Midi files Do play through Other Software players on those computers. I'll try these suggestions and let you know how I go.
Unfortunately, I can't upgrade to 5.0 at this point as students are half way through their semester's work, Yes next semester I will look at the upgrade to 5.0. but until then the smaller the changes the better. Thanks all for your assitance.
That is correct WE are MANY ! We have 30 odd licenses as teachers use this for class in a school. Some users have the problem whilst others don't. It is not computer dependant or user dependent as there is no pattern I can see eg. If User A's project works on computer 1(Midi files play fine) and User B whose project dosen't work on computer 2, then logs in to computer A User B's project will not work. If user A then logs back into computer 1 their project will no longer work. I will test the upgrage to 4.48 as the other user suggested.
HI THere, We are currently using version 4.46 and some people are expereincing issues playing MIDI files in the background. Other media types files play fine. And Windows Media player will play MIDI files on their computer. Any suggestions? Minstral