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  1. Thank you davegee and others, done
  2. In the main screen: In the slide list: At the moment I have a list of the title of the slides listed vertically. I want the list of pictorial slide going vertically (which is seen in all examples). I cannot find how to change this. Can anyone advise please?
  3. It has been a long time since I replied to everyone's suggestions. The reason is it took a long time to resolve the problem! In the end it seems to have been a computer problem and we have been refunded our money and bought a new one. I cannot tell you what was wrong with it, but both hardware and software specialist at Dell eventually agreed that it could not be repaired. Thank you for your help.
  4. As promised I am reporting back. We considered everyone's advice. We have spent many, many hours, in fact days, trying to resolve the problem. We have also spent £200 on 'professional advice' (including Dell and Virgin Digital) none of which has helped. We are left with a choice now: buy a new computer or use ProShow AV software. We will remember the day we downloaded PTE7 for a long time!
  5. Many thanks for all your ideas. We are working on them! Will let you know when successful
  6. After loading PTE7 onto our computer (Dell XPS, Windows7) the following happened: 1. As with others, contention with AVG where AVG stated there was a Trojan virus. To rectify this we removed AVG and put the computer back to its factory condition. 2. This did not remove two further problems: a) When playing the .exe files the music or narration sometimes repeats itself for a few seconds so making the sound and pictures out of sequence. When going into the pte 6.5 and pte7 programme, as opposed to playing the .exe file, and playing the sequence the sound again repeats itself, often several times in different places. This is worse when one plays the programme immediately after booting up the computer. On repeat playing the repeats of music or narration sometimes the problem become less frequent or even disappears completely. This problem occurred with many different sequences made in 6.5 or 7. 3. Playing .exe files and pte sequences within the programme on another old computer(XP) seems to be trouble free so far. Playing the .exe files on a new Windows 7 computer is trouble free. Playing the music in Windows Media Player is trouble free. How can we return the computer to its original state?
  7. Thank you it has been successful
  8. Thank you, but when you actually click on website version 7 comes up. Any other ideas? Hilary
  9. I would like to download pte 6.5. Which website do I go to? (I have had a virus and would like a new 'clean' version)
  10. Thank you Lin and Igor, we will try out your suggestion. We normally make our soundtrack in WAV and do any editing required in WAV and then when we have finished editing change it to MP3 to put into PXE. Then we do the final editing in PXE to make sure the soundtrack fits exactly to the pictures. So for our next AV we think we will use WAV for editing, put that into PXE, do final editing of pictures and then substitute the WAV with an MP3. Have you any other suggestions? Hilary
  11. Nobeefstu I understand your point. But whichever way one plays a sequence back shouldn't the sound always be the same in relation to a picture one is watching? Hilary
  12. Peter Thank you for your advice anyway. I will try and do what Lin suggests now! Hilary
  13. One single file in Music tab Hilary
  14. Peter Thank you for your suggestions. All sound is added via Project Options....Music tab At bottom of the Project Options.....Music tab all boxes are empty Yes I have'Synchronise musc and slides' ticked in Project Options....Main tab I have not added sound to individual slides Is that correct? Hilary
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