Hi all! First of all, KUDOS to the developers of this incredible piece of software. 10 minutes after downloading, I was creating impressive slideshows...that's a feat for a software moron like myself. If you get this baby to work with a Mac you'll have all of the bases covered (especially since Mac users seem to be more of the creative kind than PC users.) My question: Let's say slide # 1 is narrated with a 1 minute sound file however my visitor wants to move on to slide # 2 because slide 1 doesn't interest them. Right now, the sound file from slide # 1 continues to play when I move forward to slide 2. How do I "kill" the sound (and start another narration perhaps) when another slide is viewed? This is a basic question I'm sure but I couldn't find any reference to this situation in the FAQ area. Thanks for your help! John - from PA in the USA