Forgive my ignorance but what is video builder? I did a search and only came up with this, which doesn't tell me much. I do appreciate everyones help but the fact is that I've made two dvds in the past three-four years. Going forward, if I make 1 or 2 a year, it will be a lot. My grandson enjoys watching videos I take of him and his baby sister. The videos are simple things I take in with the built-in video capabilities of my Canon digital cameras. But I do have hundreds of photos that I need to get into a slideshow that will play on a dvd. Get me a new camera and I'll play with it for hours each day for weeks before taking what I consider a photograph. I'll read the manual 3-4 times. But ask me to look up what codec means and I'm really not interested because I just don't have the time, particularly in light of how little I do this. I've been using Pix2Exe for years and I've seen it mature. How wonderful the improvements and sophistication for regular users. But if it no longer meets MY needs, then I will look for something much simpler. I have Roxio Basic DVD and Windows DVD maker on my new notebook and I think they will serve my needs. Again, I sincerely appreciate everyone's input. Thanks every so much. gail