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Everything posted by digicamhelp

  1. Does the full version let you to use avi and video files created with, say, a digital camera? Or does it only give you the ability to create an AVI video file, not use them from other sources like you can with jpegs?
  2. Okay, now I think I'm catching on. Sorry to be so slow. I'm actually using the Deluxe version. What I'm trying to do is not only burn a photo slideshow into a dvd, but use menus, chapters and sub-chapters. Pix2Exe doesn't recognize my digital camera avi files so, as far as I know, I can only accomplish my goal with a program such as My DVD. Now I'm catching on ever further. I'll read more about it and see if purchasing the new registration key will be worth it for me. I do really like the program.
  3. Forgive my ignorance but what is video builder? I did a search and only came up with this, which doesn't tell me much. http://www.videobuilder.com/vb/cnsm/cnsm_main.aspx I do appreciate everyones help but the fact is that I've made two dvds in the past three-four years. Going forward, if I make 1 or 2 a year, it will be a lot. My grandson enjoys watching videos I take of him and his baby sister. The videos are simple things I take in with the built-in video capabilities of my Canon digital cameras. But I do have hundreds of photos that I need to get into a slideshow that will play on a dvd. Get me a new camera and I'll play with it for hours each day for weeks before taking what I consider a photograph. I'll read the manual 3-4 times. But ask me to look up what codec means and I'm really not interested because I just don't have the time, particularly in light of how little I do this. I've been using Pix2Exe for years and I've seen it mature. How wonderful the improvements and sophistication for regular users. But if it no longer meets MY needs, then I will look for something much simpler. I have Roxio Basic DVD and Windows DVD maker on my new notebook and I think they will serve my needs. Again, I sincerely appreciate everyone's input. Thanks every so much. gail
  4. Unfortunately it still doesn't work. That's the program default setting and I've tried many times. I just found a few free programs that came with my new computer that make videos from stills; not as fancy or sophiticated as I used to be able to do when using Pix2Exe with XP. But then, the dvds I make are not fancy or sophisticated; the are simply a way to look at family photos and videos on the TV. To everyone else, thanks for the information.
  5. OK, I just tried again and discovered that Vista obviously doesn't like the Pix2Exe video codec. When that codec is used, the resulting file is only about 17KB. There is obviously nothing in the file. I next made an AVI file with Microsot Video 1 and it saves normally and in a normal file size. It runs, but it's still black. I then tried with Cinepak and it works. To be honest, I don't even know what a codec is so I obviously don't know which one I should use. All I do know is that I never changed a setting when using Pix2Exe on an XP machine and my AVI files were just fine. If you could suggest recommended settings, it would be greatly appreciated. I want to create a DVD for television viewing, one that will also play on PC and Mac computers. Don't want to use a lot of compression as I like top quality images. Thanks for sticking with me on this Fred. I very much appreciate the help. gail
  6. Thanks. I don't know much about this stuff, so I just leave everything at the default settings for creating an avi file, same as I did when using Windows XP. Since I first posted, I did a Vista update. Now the file saves, plays correctly, but the image is totally black. Any other suggestions. Thanks again.
  7. I used to be able to create an AVI file using an earlier version of Pix2Exe and Windows XP. I am now using the latest version of the program and Microsoft Vista. When I try to save an AVI nothing happens. Nothing is saved, even though the program indicates that it has been saved (the save process is much too fast). I have no problem previewing it. Please advise. Thank you.
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