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About gedo

  • Birthday 11/28/1958

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  • Location
    Le Mans

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  1. It was definitely a problem of driver. I had changed for a new version. I came back and everything is now ok. Thanks.
  2. No improvement, I do not understand what happen. What surprises me, it is as as the discount of time is not linear. The clock seems to jam by instant. It would be interesting to know if other users of Vista have the same problem. Thank you for your help
  3. The PC is inspiron Dell 9400 Dual Core 1,66 ghz with 2 Go of RAM Windows Vista. The diagnosis of performances of Vista points out to to me that everything is at the top. And even when I deactivate all processes in kickoff problem does not improve ! Moreover with a heavy scritpt of photoshop, the performances of the PC with Vista are wholly correct, and distinctly better than with Pentim IV 3 ghz Windows XP, what makes me think that the shape of the PC is not at issue.
  4. I use Video Builder since lately on a new PC equipped with Vista. I determine an immoderate time for the realization of my DVD: On the PC equipped with XP, about 3 hours are needed. On that equipped with Vista, for the same assemblage, the estimated time is more than 20 hours. The time of realization parried me abnormally long. What can happen?
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